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Alabama Compliance News and Updates

Latest updates for physical, occupational, and speech therapists in Alabama. 

  • 1 Jun 2024 3:19 PM | Zachary Edgar (Administrator)

    The Alabama Board of Physical Therapy is excited to announce the new Direct Access Law in Alabama! Effective June 1, 2024, this law expands the ability of licensed physical therapists to provide care without the need for a referral under certain conditions. 

    Educational Requirements: Physical therapists must possess a Doctorate in Physical Therapy OR a Master’s in Physical Therapy degree with 10 years of clinical practice to treat patients without a referral.

    Patient Visits: Without a referral, a physical therapist can treat a patient for up to 30 days or 11 visits. If the patient does not show a beneficial response, a referral to another healthcare provider is required.

    Continuing Education: Physical therapists seeing patients without a referral must complete an additional two hours of continuing education annually, focusing on the professional standard of care. NOTE: If you plan to see patients without a referral between June 1, 2024, and September 30, 2024, you MUST have the additional 2 hours completed and reported during this year’s renewal cycle (total of 12 hours of CEU Credit)

    Cash-Paying Patients: Individuals seeking treatment who are paying cash have direct access to physical therapy services without any restrictions.


  • 1 May 2024 12:03 PM | Zachary Edgar (Administrator)

    OTCC Proposed Rule - OPEN for Public Comment Period
    May 1, 2024 - The OTCC is notifying the public that a comment period is open for a proposed Rule on Federal Bureau of Investigations Criminal Background Checks (FBI CBC).

  • 21 Sep 2022 10:00 AM | Zachary Edgar (Administrator)

    Sep 16, 2022 - The Physical Therapy Compact Commission is requesting public comment on the proposed amendments to its Rules. Pursuant to Section 9 of the Physical Therapy Compact, the Commission is required to post this Notice at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting at which the Rules will be considered and voted upon by the Commission.

    Physical Therapy Compact Commission Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

  • 12 Feb 2021 12:31 PM | Zachary Edgar (Administrator)

    Proposed Amended Rules:

    870-X-1-.01 Definition of Terms. Under the proposed change, the terms Patient Site, Provider, Provider Site, and Telepractice will be defined in the definitions section. See the full proposed rule changes on the ABESPA website below this bulletin.

    870-X-2-.02 – (7) Application for Licensure. Under the proposed rule change, ABESPA will provide an expedited path to licensure for spouses of active military members. See the full proposed rule changes on the ABESPA website below this bulletin.

    870-X-4-.08 (1)(C) Mandatory Continuing Education. Under the proposed rule change, the proportion of licensees that will be subject to a mandatory Continuing Education audit will be reduced from 25% to 10%. See the full proposed rule changes on the ABESPA website below this bulletin.

    Proposed New Rule:

    870-X-7-.05 Regulation of Telepractice. A new section has been created to address the provision of telepractice services in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. See the full proposed rule changes on the ABESPA website below this bulletin.

  • 3 Nov 2020 12:51 PM | Zachary Edgar (Administrator)

    TO: All Providers

    RE: COVID-19 Emergency Expiration Date Extended to December 31, 2020

    All previously published expiration dates related to the COVID-19 emergency are once again extended by the Alabama Medicaid Agency (Medicaid). The new expiration date is the earlier of December 31, 2020, the conclusion of the COVID-19 national emergency, or any expiration date noticed by the Alabama Medicaid Agency through a subsequent ALERT. A listing of previous Provider ALERTs and notices related to the health emergency is available by selecting the Agency’s COVID-19 page in the bottom section: https://medicaid.alabama.gov/news_detail.aspx?ID=13729.

    During the COVID-19 emergency, it is important to file claims as quickly as possible to ensure payment from Medicaid is made to Medicaid providers close to the date of service. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has increased the federal matching percentage for the emergency time frame, but states can only receive the increased match on claims that are paid during the emergency. Providers should include appropriate COVID-19 diagnosis code(s) on claims submitted to help with tracking of COVID-19.

  • 27 Mar 2020 12:45 PM | Zachary Edgar (Administrator)

    To: Speech and Occupational Therapy Providers

    Re: Temporarily Allowing Speech and Occupational Therapy Services Through Telemedicine during COVID-19 Emergency

    This notice serves as a replacement for the March 24, 2020 Alert titled Alabama Medicaid Extends Temporary Telemedicine Coverage for Speech and Occupational Therapy Providers. In response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, for dates of service on or after March 16, 2020, Medicaid is temporarily allowing covered speech and occupational services to be performed via telemedicine. This allowance should only be used for medically necessary services that can be appropriately delivered in a secure, confidential location. The therapy provider and recipient/caregiver must use an interactive audio/video telecommunications system. These actions will be effective for one month, expiring on dates of service April 16, 2020. Alabama Medicaid will reevaluate for continuance as needed. Medicaid will update claims processing systems by March 30, 2020. For a listing of covered procedure codes, please visit

    https://medicaid.alabama.gov/content/Gated/7.6.1G_Provider_Manuals/ n20_37.pdf for the Provider Billing Manual.

    Please note, this list could be revised as needed. During the COVID-19 emergency, it is important to file claims as quickly as possible to ensure payment from Medicaid is made to Medicaid providers close to the date of service. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has increased the federal matching percentage for the emergency timeframe, but states can only receive the increased match on claims that are paid during the emergency. 

About Us

Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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