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Florida Telehealth Out-of-State Practitioners

Out-of-State Telehealth Provider Registration

A health care professional not licensed in this state may provide health care services to a patient located in this state using telehealth if the health care professional registers with the applicable board, or the department if there is no board, and provides health care services within the applicable scope of practice established by Florida law or rule.

The board, or the department if there is no board, shall register a health care professional not licensed in this state as a telehealth provider if the health care professional:

  • Completes an application in the format prescribed by the department;
  • Is licensed with an active, unencumbered license that is issued by another state, the District of Columbia, or a possession or territory of the United States and that is substantially similar to a license issued to a Florida-licensed provider;
  • Has not been the subject of disciplinary action relating to his or her license during the 5-year period immediately prior to the submission of the application;
  • Designates a duly appointed registered agent for service of process in this state on a form prescribed by the department; and
  • Demonstrates to the board, or the department if there is no board, that he or she is in compliance with paragraph (e). The department shall use the National Practitioner Data Bank to verify the information submitted under this paragraph, as applicable.

The website of a telehealth provider registered must prominently display a hyperlink to the department’s website containing information required below.

A health care professional may not register if his or her license to provide health care services is subject to a pending disciplinary investigation or action, or has been revoked in any state or jurisdiction. A health care professional registered under this subsection must notify the appropriate board, or the department if there is no board, of restrictions placed on his or her license to practice, or any disciplinary action taken or pending against him or her, in any state or jurisdiction. The notification must be provided within 5 business days after the restriction is placed or disciplinary action is initiated or taken.

A registered shall maintain professional liability coverage or financial responsibility, that includes coverage or financial responsibility for telehealth services provided to patients not located in the provider’s home state, in an amount equal to or greater than the requirements for a licensed practitioner.

A registered health care professional may not open an office in this state and may not provide in-person health care services to patients located in this state.


A health care professional who is not licensed to provide health care services in this state but who holds an active license to provide health care services in another state or jurisdiction, and who provides health care services using telehealth to a patient located in this state, is not subject to the registration requirement if the services are provided:

  • In response to an emergency medical condition as defined in s. 395.002; or
  • In consultation with a health care professional licensed in this state who has ultimate authority over the diagnosis and care of the patient.


Fla. Stat. 456.47

About Us

Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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