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New York Speech Therapy Continuing Education |
Updated 10/25/2024
How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?
Speech-language pathologists licensed in New York must complete thirty (30) hours of continuing education every three (3) years.
Do new licensees need to obtain CE?
Exempt: Licensees for the triennial registration period during which they are first licensed to practice speech-language pathology in New York State, except for licensees who have been previously licensed in speech-language pathology and/or audiology in another state or jurisdiction.
During each registration period of less than three (3) years duration, an applicant for registration shall complete acceptable learning activities on a pro-rated basis at a rate of one (1) hour per month up to thirty (30) continuing competency hours in the registration period, provided that at least two-thirds of such hours of acceptable learning activities shall have as their primary focus one or more professional subjects, and the remaining hours of acceptable learning activities shall have as their primary focus one or more related subjects.
Licensees who seek registration in both speech-language pathology and audiology in a registration period of less than three (3) years duration shall complete the regular competency requirement prescribed for each registration, except that up to one-third of such continuing competency hours earned in a related subject for the same learning activity may be credited for both registrations.
How is contact hour defined?
A minimum of fifty (50) minutes of formal continuing education courses or workshops shall equal one (1) continuing competency hour of credit.
For credit bearing university or college courses, each semester-hour of credit shall equal fifteen (15) continuing competency hours of credit, and each quarter hour of credit shall equal ten (10) continuing competency hours of credit.
For activities that carry continuing education units (CEUs), one-tenth of a CEU shall equal one continuing competency hour.
Can credits be carried over into the next reporting period?
Are there any specific courses that must be taken?
At least twenty (20) continuing competency hours of such acceptable learning activities shall have as their primary focus one or more professional subjects.
What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?
Coursework or Training Offered by an Approved Sponsor
Acceptable learning activities shall be coursework or training offered by a sponsor which may include but need not be limited to the following types of offerings by such approved sponsors:
No more than two-thirds (20 hours) of the mandatory continuing competency requirement may be completed through self-study.
In-Service Training
Acceptable learning activities may also include in-service training to teachers of students with speech and hearing disabilities specifically designed to improve methods of teaching students with such disabilities which is provided to employees of a New York State school district or Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) pursuant to its professional development plan, required by the department; and up to one-third of the mandatory continuing competency requirement may also be completed by such teachers through in-service training, pursuant to such professional development plans, in general issues of supervision and administration, and in general teaching methods.
Independent Study
Acceptable learning activities may be independent study. A licensee who completes independent study to meet the mandatory continuing competency requirement shall prepare a narrative account of what was learned and an overall written evaluation of the learning activity.
Such licensee shall maintain a copy of the narrative account and written evaluation for six (6) years after completion of this learning activity.
Three (3) clock hours of independent study shall equal one (1) continuing competency hour. No more than one-sixth (5 hours) of the mandatory continuing competency requirement may be completed through independent study.
Mentoring or Receiving Mentoring as a Learner
Acceptable learning activities may be mentoring or receiving mentoring as a learner in accordance with the requirements of this clause.
The mentoring shall be a one-to-one relationship between a mentor and a learner. The mentorship shall provide a minimum of fifteen (15) clock hours of direct contact between the mentor and the learner.
The mentor shall be licensed in speech-language pathology and/or audiology or in another profession licensed pursuant to Title VIII of the Education Law and have at least five (5) years of post-licensure experience in the subject of the mentoring. The learner shall be licensed as a speech-language pathologist or as an audiologist.
The mentor and the learner shall develop written learner goals that shall be met during the mentorship by the learner.
The mentor shall develop a written teaching plan that shall guide the mentorship and shall formally evaluate the learner in writing.
The learner shall prepare a narrative account of what was learned in the mentorship and an overall evaluation of the mentorship.
A licensee who is either a mentor or learner who completes a mentorship that meets the requirements of this clause shall receive up to ten (10) continuing competency hours of credit, except that no more than one-third (10 hours) of the mandatory continuing competency requirement may be completed through either mentoring or receiving mentoring as a learner.
Each licensee who meets a portion of his or her continuing competency requirement through participation in a mentorship either as a mentor or as a learner shall maintain the following records for a period of six (6) years from the date of the completion of this activity:
A licensee can receive up to ten (10) continuing competency hours of credit for editing a textbook published during the registration period, or for each written work published as an article in a professional journal that is peer reviewed, or as a chapter within an edited textbook during the registration period, except that no more than two-thirds (20 hours) of the mandatory continuing competency requirement may be completed through such publication.
A licensee can receive up to fifteen (15) continuing competency hours of credit for each written work published as a textbook during the registration period, except that no more than two-thirds (20 hours) of the mandatory continuing competency requirement may be completed through such publication.
A licensee can receive up to five (5) continuing competency hours of credit for a written work whose subject shall be a professional subject, published during the registration period as an article in a journal that is not peer reviewed, except that no more than one-sixth (5 hours) of the mandatory continuing competency requirement may be completed through such publication.
Presentation at a Professional Conference
Acceptable learning activities may be a presentation by the licensee at a professional conference sponsored by a bona-fide organization that has an established record of sponsoring conferences for a profession licensed pursuant to Title VIII of the Education Law.
A licensee who makes one or more such presentations during the registration period shall receive up to five (5) continuing competency hours in total for this learning activity, except that no more than one-sixth (5 hours) of the mandatory continuing competency requirement may be completed through such a presentation.
Chairing a Professional Practice Committee
Acceptable learning activities may be chairing a professional practice committee of an international, national, state or local professional association that has an established record of providing support and guidance for the practice of the professions of speech-language pathology and/or audiology.
A licensee who serves as such chair for at least one (1) year during the registration period shall receive up to five (5) continuing competency hours in total for this learning activity, except that no more than one-sixth (5 hours) of the mandatory continuing competency requirement may be completed through such activity. Such activity shall be considered a learning activity in a related subject and may only be credited as such in meeting the mandatory continuing competency requirement.
Participation in a Professional Study Group
The professional study group shall be composed of three (3) or more licensed speech-language pathologists and/or audiologists.
The study group shall have written goals for what it expects to accomplish and a written study plan to meet these goals. The study group shall evaluate the learning activity in writing when the group has met its study goals.
The study group shall maintain attendance records and meeting notes for what transpired at each meeting of the study group.
Each licensee who meets a portion of the continuing competency requirement through participation in a study group shall maintain the following records for a period of six years from the date of the completion of this activity: list of participants, an attendance record, goals of the group, study plan, notes of meetings, and the evaluation of the learning activity.
Two (2) clock hours of participation in a study group pursuant to this clause shall equal one (1) continuing competency hour. No more than one-half (15 hours) of the mandatory continuing competency requirement may be completed through participation in a study group.
Which type of courses or activities are not allowed?
Is board approval necessary for continuing education?
The department shall deem approved as a sponsor of coursework or training offered to licensed speech-language pathologists and/or audiologists to meet the continuing competency requirement:
What are the reporting requirements?
Each licensee shall maintain, and ensure access by the department to the following records:
How long must continuing education records be retained?
Such records shall be retained for at least six (6) years from the date of completion of the activity and shall be available for review by the department in the administration of the requirements of this section.
Can the continuing education requirements be waived?
Adjustments to the requirement. An adjustment to the continuing competency requirement, shall be made by the department, provided that the licensee documents good cause that prevents compliance, which shall include, but not be limited to, any of the following reasons:
N.Y. Commissioner’s Regulations §75.8
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