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Arkansas SLP Continuing Education

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Speech-Language Pathologists: SLPs in Arkansas must complete at least ten (10) clock hours for each license period.

Duel Licensees: Persons licensed as both SLPs and Audiologists in Arkansas must complete at least fifteen (15) clock hours for each license period.

New Licensees: Provisional and full licensees are not required to complete a report of continuing professional education and will not be audited during the initial licensing year; however, a licensee in a clinical fellowship that lasts longer than one (1) year shall submit a continuing professional education report that documents a minimum of ten (10) hours for the licensing period that follows that first year.

SLP Assistants: SLP assistants in Arkansas must complete ten (10) hours per year.

How long is the reporting period?

One (1) year.

Due Date

Normally June 30th.  Extended to September 30th due to Covid-19.

How is clock hour defined?


Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?


Are there any specific courses that must be taken?

At least five (5) of these hours must be in Content Area I.  Required for SLPs, Dual licenses, and SLP assistants.

Content Area I

  1. Anatomic and physiologic bases for the normal development and use of speech, language, communication, swallowing, hearing and balance/vestibular systems;
  2. Physical bases and processes of the production and perception of speech, language, communication, swallowing, hearing and balance/vestibular systems;
  3. Linguistic and psycho-linguistic variables related to normal development and use of speech, language and hearing;
  4. Technological, biomedical, engineering and instrumentation information related to basic communication processes, swallowing, balance/vestibular disorders and cerumen management; Various types of communication disorders, swallowing disorders, balance/vestibular disorders, and their manifestations, classifications, and causes;
  5. Evaluation skills, including procedures, techniques, and instrumentation for assessment; and
  6. Principles and procedures in habilitation and rehabilitation of communication disorders swallowing and balance/vestibular disorders.

Content Area II

  1. Regulations and implementation of federal and/or state regulated programs;
  2. Service delivery such as telepractice, group versus individual services, use of support staff;
  3. Ethical practices;
  4. Supervision related to speech-language pathology and audiology students, clinical fellows, assistants, and aides;
  5. Related disciplines which interface with delivery of speech-language pathology and audiology services;
  6. Reimbursement issues; and
  7. Behavior management.

What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?

Continuing education can be obtained through:

    • Live presentations;
    • College courses (one credit hour = 15 clock hours);
    • Online activities with written documentation of completion; or
    • Self study. Self-study is defined as any activity completed by the licensee alone such as a book or video. Any re-play of a live conference is also considered self-study. The ABESPA self-study report (available online) must be completed for these activities. The Board retains final authority for acceptance of any educational activity submitted by the licensee to meet requirements.

Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?


What type of courses or activities are not allowed?


What type of approval is needed for the courses?

The Board may pre-approve continuing education programs. It is the licensee’s responsibility to obtain continuing education which meets the guidelines specified in this rule.

What are the reporting requirements?

Each licensee will file a report of Continuing Professional Education each year with the renewal fee.

How long must continuing education records be retained?





Annually, the Board will select licensees for audit. During an audit, the Board may request verification of CPEs submitted, including information regarding date, content, attendance, and number of hours. It is the responsibility of the licensee to maintain records to substantiate compliance. The Board shall be the final authority on acceptance of any educational activity submitted by the licensee to meet requirements. Failure to substantiate Continuing Professional Education hours, when audited, may result in disciplinary action. Documentation may include, but is not limited to the following:

    • Program notes, outlines, or hand-outs
    • Independent study notes on the self-study report
    • Transcripts from college/university courses
    • Certificates of attendance, including registry transcripts or CE tally sheets


Ark. Admin. Code  §9

About Us

Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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