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Oklahoma Occupational Therapy Definitions

Alternate Supervisor - An Oklahoma licensed OT who has signed a Form #5, Verification of Supervision, agreeing to provide supervision to the OTA or applicant for licensure in the absence of the supervising OT. The alternate supervisor assumes all duties and responsibilities of the primary supervisor during that absence.

Board - The Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision.

Committee - The Oklahoma Occupational Therapy Advisory Committee.

Consultation - Periodic meetings to review and to provide recommendations and resource information regarding methods of implementation of the occupational therapy programs.

Direct Supervision - Personal supervision and specific delineation of tasks and responsibilities by an Oklahoma licensed OT who has signed a Form #5, Verification of Supervision, agreeing to supervise the OTA or applicant for licensure. Direct supervision shall include the responsibility for personally reviewing and interpreting the results of any habilitative or rehabilitative procedures conducted by the supervisee. It is the responsibility of the supervising occupational therapist to be onsite during treatment to ensure that the supervisee does not perform duties for which he is not trained.

Distant Site - The location of the OT via telecommunications systems.

General Supervision - Responsible supervision and control by an Oklahoma licensed OT who has signed a Form #5, Verification of Supervision, agreeing to supervise the OTA or applicant for licensure. The supervising OT provides both initial direction in developing a plan of treatment and periodic inspection of the actual implementation of the plan. Such plan of treatment shall not be altered by the supervised individual without prior consultation with and approval of the supervising OT. The supervising OT need not always be physically present or on the premises when the assistant is performing services; however, except in cases of emergency, supervision shall require the availability of the supervising OT for consultation with and direction of the supervised individual. Supervision is an interactive process, more than a paper review or a co-signature, and requires direct in-person contact.

In Association With - A formal working relationship in which there is regular consultation.

Occupational Therapy - A health profession for which practitioners provide assessment, treatment, and consultation through the use of purposeful activity with individuals who are limited by or at risk of physical illness or injury, psycho-social dysfunction, developmental or learning disabilities, poverty and cultural differences or the aging process, in order to maximize independence, prevent disability, and maintain health.

Occupational Therapist - A person licensed to practice occupational therapy pursuant to the provisions of the Occupational Therapy Practice Act.

Occupational Therapy Assistant - A person licensed to provide occupational therapy treatment under the general supervision of a licensed OT.

Occupational Therapy Aide - A person who assists in the practice of occupational therapy and whose activities require an understanding of occupational therapy, but do not require the technical or professional training of an OT or OTA.

Occupational Therapist of Record - The OT who assumes responsibility for the provision and /or supervision of occupational therapy services for a client, and is held accountable for the coordination, continuation and progression of the plan of care.

Originating Site - The location of the patient at the time the service being furnished via a telecommunications system occurs.

Person - Any individual, partnership, unincorporated organization or corporate body, except only an individual may be licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Occupational Therapy Practice Act.

Poses a Reasonable Threat - The nature of criminal conduct for which the person was convicted involved an act or threat of harm against another and has a bearing on the fitness or ability to serve the public or work with others in the occupation.

Primary Supervisor - The Oklahoma licensed OT who has signed a Form #5, Verification of Supervision, agreeing to provide supervision to the OTA or applicant for licensure. The Primary Supervisor must have access to the client's plan of care.

Substantially Relates - The nature of criminal conduct for which the person was convicted has a direct bearing on the fitness or ability to perform one or more of the duties or responsibilities necessarily related to the occupation.

Telehealth - The use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support and promote access to clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health and health administration.

Telerehabilitation” or “Teletherapy - The delivery of rehabilitation and habilitation services via information and communication technologies (ICT), also commonly referred to as "telehealth" technologies.

Telemedicine - The practice of healthcare delivery, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, including but not limited to, the treatment and prevention of conditions appropriate to treatment by telehealth management, transfer of medical data, or exchange of medical education information by means of audio, video, or data communications. Telemedicine is not a consultation provided by telephone or facsimile machine.


Okla. Stat. tit. 59 § 888.3

Okla. Admin. Code 435:30-1-2

About Us

Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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