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South Dakota Physical Therapy Definitions 

Active Duty Military - Full-time duty status in the active uniformed service of the United States, including members of the National Guard and Reserve on active duty orders pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Section 1209 and 1211.

Adverse Action - Disciplinary action taken by a physical therapy licensing board based upon misconduct, unacceptable performance, or a combination of both.

Alternative Program - A non-disciplinary monitoring or practice remediation process approved by a physical therapy licensing board. This includes, but is not limited to, substance abuse issues.

Compact Privilege - The authorization granted by a remote state to allow a licensee from another member state to practice as a physical therapist or work as a physical therapist assistant in the remote state under its laws and rules. The practice of physical therapy occurs in the member state where the patient/client is located at the time of the patient/client encounter.

Continuing Competence - A requirement, as a condition of license renewal, to provide evidence of participation in, and/or completion of, educational and professional activities relevant to practice or area of work.

Data System - A repository of information about licensees, including examination, licensure, investigative, compact privilege, and adverse action.

Dry Needling - A skilled technique performed by a licensed PT who has completed an approved course of training using filiform needles to penetrate the skin and underlying tissues to affect change in body structures and physical function capability for the evaluation and management of neuromusculoskeletal conditions, pain, movement impairments, and disability.

Encumbered License - A license that a physical therapy licensing board has limited in any way.

Executive Board - A group of directors elected or appointed to act on behalf of, and within the powers granted to them by, the Commission.

Home State - The member state that is the licensee's primary state of residence.

Investigative Information - Information, records, and documents received or generated by a physical therapy licensing board pursuant to an investigation.

Jurisprudence Requirement - The assessment of an individual's knowledge of the laws and rules governing the practice of physical therapy in a state.

Licensee - An individual who currently holds an authorization from the state to practice as a PT or to work as a PTA.

Member State - A state that has enacted the Compact.

Party State - Any member state in which a licensee holds a current license or compact privilege or is applying for a license or compact privilege.

Physical Therapist - An individual who is licensed in South Dakota to practice physical therapy.

Physical Therapist Assistant - An individual who is licensed/certified in South Dakota and who assists the PT in selected components of physical therapy.

Physical Therapy - The care and services provided by or under the direction and supervision of a licensed physical therapist.

Physical Therapy Compact Commission - The national administrative body whose membership consists of all states that have enacted the Compact.

Physical Therapy Licensing Board - The agency of a state that is responsible for the licensing and regulation of physical therapists and physical therapist assistants.

Remote State - A member state other than the home state, where a licensee is exercising or seeking to exercise the compact privilege.

Rule - A regulation, principle, or directive promulgated by the Commission that has the force of law.

State - Any state, commonwealth, district, or territory of the United States of America that regulates the practice of physical therapy.

Supervision - The responsibility of a PT to observe, direct, and review the work, records, and practice of a PTA to ensure that the PTA renders good and safe treatment to the patient.


S.D. Codified Laws § 36-10-18

S.D. Admin. R. 20:66:04:01

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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