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Oregon Occupational Therapy Continuing Education |
How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?
OTs licensed in Oregon must complete thirty (30) CE points every two (2) years.
New Licensees: All applicants for licensure will either be current on their NBCOT certification (National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy) or will need thirty (30) points of Board approved continuing education two years prior to becoming licensed in Oregon.
OTAs licensed in Oregon must complete thirty (30) CE points every two (2) years.
Maintenance of current NBCOT Certification (National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy) may be used to satisfy the requirements for CE but may not be used to satisfy the cultural competency CE requirements or the pain management CE requirements.
How is credit hour defined?
One (1) point equals one contact hour.
How long is the reporting period?
May 1st of each even numbered year.
Are there any specific requirements for continuing education?
Pain Management
Beginning in 2022, all applicants for license renewal must complete the Oregon Pain Management Commission’s pain management course during each license cycle.
Beginning in 2024, as part of the renewal process, all applicants for renewal must demonstrate completion of the Oregon Pain Management Commission’s pain management course in a format prescribed by the Board during every license renewal.
Cultural Competency
Effective July 1, 2020, all currently licensed occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants must complete at least one (1) hour on Cultural Competency during each license renewal cycle.
Beginning in 2022, demonstration of completion of required Cultural Competency CE must be provided in a format prescribed by the Board during every license renewal.
What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?
Sixteen (16) to thirty (30) required CE points must come from categories 1-10.
A limit of fourteen (14) of the required CE points may be accrued from categories 11-18.
Categories 1-10
(1) Attendance at university, college or vocational technical adult education courses at or above practice level: Four (4) points per credit hour. Documentation of successful completion required.
(2) Attendance at seminars, workshops, or institutes: One (1) point per direct hour of content.
(3) Completion of online educational courses: Points as awarded by certificate or per credit. Certificate of successful completion required.
(4) Satisfactory completion of educational activities relating to occupational therapy approved by the AOTA Approved Provider Program, sponsored by OTAO, AOTA and NBCOT or professional academic institutions relating to occupational therapy: One (1) point per hour of attendance. Certificate of attendance required.
(5) Publication -- Copy of publications required.
(6) Professional presentation (person presenting): Presentation must be at practice level for credit, e.g. CNA training would not be acceptable: Two (2) points per hour with no additional points for subsequent presentation of same content. Course outline must be provided.
(7) Development of alternative media (computer software, video or app): Three (3) points/hr of finished product. Outline required.
(8) Completing requirements for occupational therapy specialty certification (initial or recertification one time only for each specialty): Twelve (12) points. Copy of certificate required.
(9) Research, provided an abstract of the research is retained to prove participation: Principal -- Eight (8) points. Associate -- Six (6) points.
(10) Development and implementation of a school approved Level II student program (one time only and completed within a year): Four (4) points. Copy of program must be provided.
Categories 11-18: Limited to fourteen (14) points per renewal period
(11) In-service training: One (1) point per hour of attendance.
(12) Attendance at videotaped presentations of educational courses, seminars, workshops or institutes (group viewing with discussion): One-half (1/2) point per direct hour of viewing with additional points for discussion, not to exceed seven (7) points.
(13) Student supervision, Level I: One (1) point per student. (Up to 4 points).
(14) Level II Fieldwork and Doctorate student supervision, OT Experiential level work: One (1) point for eight (8) hours of supervision. (Up to 14 points).
(15) Mentoring; as defined in OAR-339-010-0005(5): One (1) point for every eight (8) hours contract mentoring with documentation. Points may be obtained for both the mentor and the mentee.
(16) Professional leadership on a Board or Commission relating to OT -- Volunteer services to organizations, populations, and individuals that advance the reliance on and use of one's occupational therapy skills and experiences to the volunteer setting or experience: Ten (10) hours equal two points. Up to four (4) points a year with documentation.
(17) Re-Entry Supervisors: Therapists providing supervision under OAR 339-010-0016: One (1) point for eight (8) hours.
(18) Personal Development/Self Care: Up to four (4) points.
What are the reporting requirements?
Persons seeking to renew their license or to restore a lapsed license shall submit with their application a signed statement certifying that they have completed CE requirements.
How long must continuing education records be retained?
Licensees must maintain a record of continuing education for a minimum of four (4) years and provide these records to the Board upon request.
The Board may, in individual cases involving physical disability or illness, or undue hardship, grant waivers of the minimum continuing education requirements or extensions of time within which to fulfill the same or make the required reports. Applications for waiver shall be made to the Board in writing at least two months prior to license expiration.
O.A.R. 339-020, et al.
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About Us Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply. Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices. | Join Us Join today as a yearly or monthly member and enjoy full access to the site and a significant discount to our live and recorded webinars. Members also have access to compliance and billing support. |