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Wisconsin Physical Therapy Continuing Education Requirements

Updated 8/21/2024

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Physical therapists licensed in Wisconsin must complete thirty (30) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.

Physical therapy assistants licensed in Wisconsin must complete twenty (20) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.

New Licensees

During the time between initial licensure and commencement of a full two (2) year licensure period new licensees shall not be required to meet continuing education requirements.

How long is the reporting period?

Two (2) years.

Due Date

March 1st.

How is contact hour defined?

“Contact hour” means not less than 50 minutes a licensee spends in actual attendance at or completion of acceptable continuing education.

Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?

No. Continuing education hours may apply only to the registration period in which the hours are acquired.

Are there any specific courses that must be taken?

Four (4) hours must be in ethics, jurisprudence, or both.

What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?


Hour Limits

Academic Coursework

Successful completion of relevant academic coursework.

No limit. One (1) semester credit equals ten (10) contact hours, and one quarter credit equals 6.6 contact hours.

Approved Courses

Attendance at seminars, workshops, lectures, symposia, and professional conferences which are sponsored or approved by acceptable health−related or other organizations including the American Physical Therapy Association and the Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association.

No limit.

Self-Study Courses

Successful completion of a self−study course or courses offered via electronic or other means which are sponsored or approved by acceptable health−related or other organizations including the American Physical Therapy Association and the Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association.

No limit.

Clinical Specialization

Earning a clinical specialization from the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties or other recognized clinical specialization certifying organizations.

Up to twelve (12) contact hours for initial certification or for recertification.

Authorship - Book

Authorship of a book about physical therapy or a related professional area.

Up to twelve (12) contact hours for each book.

Authorship – Book Chapter

Authorship of one or more chapters of a book about physical therapy or a related professional area.

Up to six (6) contact hours for each chapter.

Authorship – Scientific Article

Authorship of a presented scientific poster, scientific platform presentation, or published article.

Up to six (6) contact hours for each poster, platform presentation, or refereed article.

Authorship – Article

Authoring an article in a non−refereed publication.

Up to five (5) contact hours.

Presenting Courses

Presenting seminars, continuing education courses, workshops, lectures, or symposia which have been approved by recognized health− related organizations including the American Physical Therapy Association and the Wisconsin Physical Therapy


No limit for the initial presentation. No additional hours are given for subsequent presentations of the same content. Substantive course revisions may be counted, but are limited to the extent of the revision.

Teaching as Guest Lecturer

Teaching in an academic course in physical therapy as a guest lecturer.

One (1) semester credit equals ten (10) contact hours, and one quarter credit equals 6.6 contact hours. No additional hours are given for subsequent presentations of the same content. Substantive course revisions may be counted, but are limited to the extent of the revision.

Teaching Academic Course

Teaching in an academic course in physical therapy.

One (1) semester credit equals ten (10) contact hours, and one quarter credit equals 6.6 contact hours. No additional hours are given for subsequent presentations of the same content. Substantive course revisions may be counted, but are limited to the extent of the revision.

Clinical Residency

Successful completion in a clinical residency program credentialed by the American Physical Therapy Association or other recognized credentialing organization

No limit.

Employer Courses

Employer−provided continuing education.

Up to fifteen (15) contact hours for PTs. Up to ten (10) contact hours for PTAs.

Developing Alternative Instructional Material

Developing alternative media materials, including computer software, programs, and video instructional material.

One (1) contact hour per product. Up to five (5) contact hours.

Clinical Instructor

Serving as a clinical instructor for internships with an accredited physical therapist or physical therapist assistant educational program.

Up to fifteen (15) contact hours for physical therapists. Up to ten (10) contact hours for physical therapist assistants.

Student Supervision

Serving as a supervisor for students fulfilling clinical observation requirements.

One (1) contact hour per contact hour with students, up to five (5) contact hours.

Study Group

Participating in a physical therapy study group of 2 or more physical therapists or physical therapist assistants or in an interdisciplinary study group of members of at least 2 disciplines meeting on a topic relevant to the participants’ work.

Up to two (2) contact hours per study group.

Resident or Mentor

Participating as a resident or as a mentor in a formal nonacademic mentorship.

One contact hour per each eight (8) contact hours for both the resident and mentor, up to five (5) contact hours.

Scientific Poster Session

Attending a scientific poster session, lecture panel, or a symposium.

Up to two (20 contact hours.

Professional Membership

Serving as a delegate to the American Physical Therapy Association House of Delegates or a member of a professional committee, board, or task force.

Up to five (5) contact hours.

Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?


What type of courses or activities are not allowed?

None of the following activities qualify for continuing education hours:

    • Meetings for the purpose of policy decisions.
    • Non−educational meetings at annual association, chapter or organization meetings.
    • Entertainment or recreational meetings or activities.
    • Visiting exhibits.

What type of approval is needed for the courses?

To be approved for credit, a continuing education program shall meet all of the following criteria:

    • The program constitutes an organized program of learning that contributes directly to the licensee’s knowledge, skill, behavior, and abilities related to the practice of physical therapy.
    • The program pertains to subject matters which integrally relate to the practice of the profession.
    • The program is conducted by individuals who have specialized education, training or experience by reason of which the individuals should be considered qualified concerning the subject matter of the activity or program.
    • The program fulfills pre−established goals and objectives.
    • The program provides proof of attendance by licensees.

What are the reporting requirements?

Applicants for renewal shall certify completion of required continuing education hours.

How long must continuing education records be retained?



A licensee may apply to the board for a postponement or waiver of the requirements of this section on grounds of prolonged illness or disability, or on other grounds constituting extreme hardship. The board shall consider each application individually on its merits, and the board may grant a postponement, partial waiver or total waiver as deemed appropriate.


The board shall audit any licensee who is under investigation by the board for alleged misconduct.


Wis. Admin. PT 9

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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