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Michigan Early Intervention Definitions 

Assessment - In addition to the federal definition, includes the Michigan requirement for an observational assessment of parent(s)/caregiver and child interactions.

Day - Calendar day, unless otherwise specified.

Developmental Delay means:

    • A delay:
      • Of any magnitude (i.e., any delay) for a child up to two months old (adjusted age).
      • Of 20 percent (or one Standard Deviation below the mean) for a child two months to 36 months old.
    • In one or more areas of development (cognitive; physical, including gross and fine motor; communication; social/emotional; adaptive).
    • As measured by an acceptable developmental evaluation method or tool applying informed clinical opinion.

Early On or Early On Michigan - The early intervention services system for infants and toddlers and their families in Michigan under Part C of IDEA.

Early On Service Area (or local service area) - A designated local area committed to a coordinated effort, by mutual agreement, of agencies and organizations that contribute to meeting the identified outcomes for children and their families eligible for, and enrolled in, Part C of IDEA.  The geographical boundaries are that of an ISD.

Early On Service Provider- In addition to the federal definition for an early intervention service (EIS) provider, Michigan includes the following requirements:

    • Meets the provider qualifications defined in Federal law and in Michigan’s procedures for Part C of IDEA.
    • Meets provider qualifications defined in other funding streams if those funds will be used to provide Early On services.
    • Is trained in Early On procedural safeguards.
    • Provides services for a family enrolled in Early On in compliance with Part C of IDEA and Michigan’s State Plan for Part C of IDEA.

Early On Services -

    • Are designed to meet the developmental needs of each child eligible under Part C and the needs of the family related to enhancing the child’s development.
    • Are designated as Early On services per signed, written agreement (state or local) pertaining to Early On service provision.
    • Are selected in collaboration with the parents.
    • Are provided:
      • Under public supervision.
      • By qualified personnel, as defined in the State Plan and including the types of personnel listed in the personnel standards.
      • In conformity with an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
      • At no cost to the family.
      • Specific to the individual child’s and family’s needs throughout the entire calendar year. E. Meet the standards of the State, including the requirements of Part C of IDEA.

Early On System - The coordinated state effort, by mutual agreement, of agencies and organizations that contribute to meeting the identified outcomes for children and their families eligible and enrolled in Part C of IDEA.

Established Condition - A diagnosed physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in developmental delay.

Evaluation Instrument - A criterion-referenced or norm-referenced instrument used to determine a child’s eligibility for Early On based on qualifying developmental delay in one or more of the following areas:  cognitive development; physical development (including vision and hearing); communication development; social emotional development; or adaptive development.

Exceptional Family Circumstances - Documented circumstances based upon unavailability of the parent or child that do not allow a timeline to be met.

Health Status Report - Documentation of the child’s health status, including vision and hearing, by qualified personnel completed within the 45 day timeline.  This should include medical information that documents any diagnoses that may make a child eligible for Early On.  Health status report should include current status from a physical examination conducted within the past three months for a child under 18 months of age or within the past six months for a child over 18 months of age.

Informed Clinical Opinion (ICO) - An independent methodology used by qualified personnel during evaluation and assessment processes in order to make a recommendation as to initial and continuing eligibility for services under Part C and as a basis for planning services to meet child and family needs.  ICO makes use of qualitative and quantitative information to assist in forming a determination regarding difficult-to-measure aspects of current developmental status and the potential need for early intervention.

Initial IFSP Meeting - A meeting held by a team defined in 34 CFR 303.343 to develop the child’s first IFSP, following procedures that are outlined in 34 CFR 303.342, attending to all elements of content required under 34 CFR 303.344.

Intermediate School District (ISD) - The intermediate educational units in Michigan established by State law which provide special education and related services to children with disabilities in the state.

Local Lead Agency - The public agency with whom MDE contracts to implement Part C of IDEA and is the entity responsible for assuring early intervention services for a geographical area.  At this time, Michigan contracts solely with ISDs.

Local Interagency Coordinating Council (LICC) - The interagency coordinating councils, established through local lead agencies in Michigan, which advise and assist the local lead agencies and participating agencies in the coordination of early intervention services for infants and toddlers with special needs.  Local lead agency requirements for an LICC are detailed in the local lead agency contract with MDE.

Medical Information - Information from a qualified health care professional documenting any diagnoses that may make the child eligible for Early On.

Michigan Interagency Coordinating Council (MICC) - The state interagency coordinating council (also referred to as the Council) which advises and assists MDE in matters related to Early On.

Michigan Mandatory Special Education Act (MMSEA) - A Michigan state law passed in 1971, ensuring special education to resident children with disabilities from birth to age 26.  Services provided under this act are known as Michigan Mandatory Special Education (MMSE).

Observational Assessment - A component of the child assessment process that includes observing the infant or toddler with parent(s) and/or primary caregiver(s) within the context of his or her caregiving environment, during caretaking or play activities, as well as during other natural interactions.

Other’ Services - Services that do not meet the definition of Early On services (see definition for Early On Services).

Part C - The “Early Intervention System for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities” presently codified as Part C of IDEA (known in Michigan as Early On).

Partner Agencies - The parties who have signed partnering certifications and assurances related to provision of Part C, including MDE and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (including public health, mental health, human services, and Medicaid) (MDHHS).

Potentially Eligible - For Part B, section 619 services, for purposes of data collection, means children participating in Part C who have been determined eligible for, and are receiving, Michigan Mandatory Special Education services prior to two years, nine months of age.

Referral - The process by which the local lead agency is notified of a suspected developmental delay or established condition for an infant or toddler, birth to age three.  Receipt of this notification denotes the beginning of the post-referral timeline under § 303.310. 

Screening - An optional implementation of procedures found in § 303.320(3)(b) by personnel trained to administer appropriate instruments.

Service Coordination - The activities carried out by qualified personnel to:

    • Assist and enable an eligible child and the child’s family to receive Early On and other services identified in the IFSP.
    • Facilitate compliance with the family’s rights and procedural safeguards.
    • Facilitate the timely delivery of services.
    • Continuously seek the appropriate services and situations necessary to benefit the development of each child being served for the duration of the child’s eligibility.

State - Refers to the State of Michigan.

State Board of Education (SBE) - The Michigan State Board of Education, the constitutionally-designated, elected policy-making body for the lead agency in Michigan.

Timely Service - The provision of each service as soon as possible, but no later than 30 calendar days from when a parent/guardian provides written consent to the provision of that early intervention service.

Transition Conference - A meeting to discuss the toddler’s exit from Early On to preschool or other appropriate services.

Transition Notification - The action taken, as required in § 303.209(b), on the part of the local lead agency to notify both the state and local education agency that a child is potentially eligible for Part B services. 

Transition Plan - The part of the IFSP that addresses the end of Early On services and the toddler’s transition to other programs or services.


Michigan Early On State Plan

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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