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New Hampshire Physical Therapy Continuing Education

Updated 8/18/2024

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Physical therapists licensed in New Hampshire must complete twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.

Physical therapy assistants licensed in New Hampshire must complete twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.

New Licensees

Individuals who have been licensed within the past two (2) years as a PT or PTA in another state and wish to renew an initial NH license that expires in less than the usual two (2) years may use continuing education earned outside of the NH license period of validity but not outside the two (2) year renewal cycle towards the requirement.

When is the deadline to complete the continuing education requirements?

Beginning on February 22, 2023, PT and PTA licenses issued will expire two (2) years from the date of issuance, on the last day of the month in the month the license was issued.

How is contact hour defined?

“Contact hour” means a unit of continuing professional education equal to one tenth of a continuing education unit when continuing education is reported in terms of continuing education units.

Can credits be carried over into the next reporting period?


Are there any specific courses that must be taken?

At least one half of the hours (12) required shall relate directly and primarily to the clinical application of physical therapy.

What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?




Receipt of Academic Instruction in Physical Therapy

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence a licensee's successful completion of academic course work in physical therapy, provided that:

    • The course work is not that required for initial licensure; and
    • The course work is sponsored and assigned credit by a college or university.

The board shall credit the licensee with fifteen (15) hours for each credit hour of academic course work.

A photocopy of an official transcript showing successful completion of the course, the date of the course, and the credits earned; and

One of the following descriptions of the course:

    • The description of the course copied from the college or university catalogue; or
    • A photocopy of the course syllabus or outline that includes a description of the course and the course competencies.

Non-Academic Courses, Seminars, Conferences and Workshops

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence the successful completion of non-academic courses, seminars, conferences and workshops on the following topics:

    • Physical therapy theory or practice or both; or
    • Any conditions for which physical therapy is often or usually recommended.

For each clock hour of attendance at such courses, seminars, conferences, and workshops, the board shall credit the licensee with one hour.

Documentation of successful completion of non-academic courses, seminars, conferences, and workshops shall be a photocopy of an official certificate showing:

    • The licensee’s name;
    • The name and location of the course, seminar, conference, or workshop;
    • The name of the provider or sponsoring entity;
    • The beginning and ending date(s) of the program, course, seminar, conference, or workshop;
    • The number of hours credited by the provider or sponsoring entity or the brochure showing the scheduled hours; and
    • The signature or stamp of the speaker, the instructor or a representative of the provider or sponsoring entity.

Facility-Based Physical Therapy In-Service Training

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence a licensee's participation in, or attendance at, a facility-based physical therapy training consisting of continuing education lasting less than two (2) hours.

The board shall credit the licensee with one contact hour for each clock hour of participation or attendance, to a maximum of eight (8) hours per renewal cycle.

Documentation of participation in, or attendance at, a facility-based physical therapy in-service training shall be a photocopy of a memo from the physical therapy supervisor of the facility stating:

    • The licensee's name;
    • The name of the facility and the topic of the in-service training;
    • The date of the in-service training; and
    • The licensee's hours of attendance.

Formal Mentored Independent Study

The board shall recognize formal mentored independent study in physical therapy as maintenance of continuing competence so long as the study is performed under a written and signed mentorship agreement setting forth:

    • The name of the mentor; and
    • The goals and objectives to be met by the mentored licensee during the course of his or her study.

The board shall credit the licensee with one contact hour for every two (2) clock hours of formal mentored independent study, to a maximum of eight (8) hours per renewal cycle.

Documentation of formal mentored independent study in physical therapy shall be:

    • A photocopy of the signed mentorship agreement; and
    • The licensee's signed written statement describing the independent study showing:
      • The dates of the study;
      • The hours spent on the study; and
    • The focus and outcome of the study.

Direct Supervision of Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant Students During Their Clinical Education

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence a licensee's direct supervision of PT or PTA students during their clinical education when the licensee acts as the primary clinical instructor.

The board shall credit the licensee with two (2) hours per student for clinical education supervision.  The clinical education supervision must exceed forty-eight (48) hours in duration.  A maximum of eight (8) hours per renewal cycle will be credited.

Documentation of direct supervision of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant student during his or her clinical education shall be a photocopy of a memo complying below:

    • The name of the licensee;
    • The fact that the licensee was the student's primary clinical instructor;
    • The clinical education student's school; and
    • The beginning and ending dates of the licensee's supervision of the student's clinical education including the total number of hours of supervision.

 The memo shall be signed by:

    • The supervisor of the facility where the clinical education was supervised;
    • The clinical coordinator of clinical education; or
    • The academic coordinator of clinical education.

Supervision of Licensees Holding Conditional Initial Licenses, Conditionally Renewed Licenses, or Conditionally Reinstated Licenses

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence a licensee's supervision of a licensee holding a conditional initial license, a conditionally renewed license or a conditionally reinstated license.

The board shall credit the licensee with two (2) hours per licensee supervised, to a maximum of eight (8) hours per renewal cycle.

Documentation of supervision of a conditional licensee shall be the completed supervision form furnished by the board from its own files.

Publication of Writing Related to Physical Therapy

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence the publication of a licensee's writing related to physical therapy, including the publication of:

    • A book;
    • A peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed chapter of a book; or
    • A peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed article.

The board shall credit the licensee as follows for no more than two (2) published writings:

    • For a book, twelve (12) hours per renewal cycle;
    • For a peer-reviewed chapter of a book or a peer-reviewed article, six (6) hours per renewal cycle; and
    • For a non-peer reviewed chapter or article, four (4) hours per renewal cycle.

Documentation of the publication of a licensee's writing related to physical therapy shall be:

Any item showing:

  • ·       The title of the writing;
  • ·       The date of publication; and
  • ·       The licensee's part or full authorship of the published writing; and

 A photocopy of:

    • The cover or the dust jacket of the licensee's published book; or
    • The licensee's published chapter or article.

Professional Presentations Relating to Physical Therapy Made to Other Professionals or the Public

The board shall recognize professional presentations relating to physical therapy, including workshops, lectures, and in-service trainings made to other professionals or to the public, as maintenance of continuing competence.

The board shall credit the licensee with two (2) hours for each clock hour of a presentation, to a maximum of eight (8) hours per renewal cycle, provided that, if the licensee gives substantially the same public presentation more than once, the board shall credit the licensee for only a single presentation.

Documentation of a professional presentation relating to physical therapy made to other professionals or to the public shall be:

    • A photocopy of the official program of the presentation;
    • A photocopy of a written statement signed by a representative of the program's sponsor including:
      • The title of the presentation;
      • The name of the licensee as presenter;
      • The date of the presentation;
      • The hours during which the presentation took place; and
      • The type of audience attending the presentation; or
    • A photocopy of the program brochure showing the information described above.

Participation in a Physical Therapy Research Project

The board shall recognize participation in a physical therapy research project as maintenance of continuing competence.

 The board shall credit the licensee with one hour for every four (4) clock hours spent on a research project, to a maximum of eight (8) hours per renewal cycle.

Documentation of participation in a physical therapy research project shall be a photocopy of a statement signed by either the principal investigator or a representative of the grant sponsor showing:

  • The name of the research project;
  • The beginning and ending dates of the licensee's participation; and
  • The licensee's role in the research project.

Participation in the Work of Professional Boards, Committees and Agencies

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence the participation by a licensee in the work of a board or committee of a professional physical therapy organization or government agency related to the practice of physical therapy.

The board shall credit the licensee with two (2) hours for each board, committee, or agency served, to a maximum of four (4) hours per renewal cycle.

Documentation of participation in the work of a professional board, committee, or agency shall be a photocopy of a letter conforming and issued by:

    • The authority appointing the licensee to the board, committee, or agency; or
    • The board, committee, or agency served by the licensee.

The letter shall state:

    • The appointment of the licensee to the board, committee, or agency; or
    • The fact of the licensee's participation and the beginning and ending dates of the licensee's service.

Completion of Distance Learning Courses

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence a licensee's completion of courses taken through distance learning, including self-study courses and self-paced clinical courses, provided that the course sponsor or provider issues the documentation.

The board shall credit the licensee with the hours attributed by the course sponsor or provider.

Documentation of completion of a course through distance learning shall be:

A photocopy of an official transcript showing successful completion of the course, the date of the course and the credits earned; or

A photocopy of the official certificate of completion issued to the licensee by the course sponsor or provider showing:

    • The licensee’s name;
    • The name of the course;
    • The name of the provider or sponsor;
    • The beginning and ending date(s) of the course, if applicable;
    • The number of contact hours credited by the provider or sponsor; and
    • The signature or stamp of the instructor or a representative of the provider or sponsor.

Teaching Physical Therapy

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence a licensee's teaching a college or university course in physical therapy.

The board shall credit the licensee with two (2) hours for each clock hour of teaching, to a maximum of eight (8) hours per renewal cycle, provided that:

    • If the licensee gives substantially the same course more than once during the renewal cycle, the board shall credit the licensee for only a single presentation of the course; and
    • If the licensee gives a course that includes a lab component, the board shall credit the licensee for only a single presentation of the course.

Documentation of physical therapy teaching shall be:

    • A list of courses taught; and
    • A photocopy of a letter of confirmation signed by an official of the institution sponsoring the courses.

Receipt of Infection Control Education

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence a licensee's receipt of infection control education.

The board shall credit the licensee with one contact hour for each clock hour spent in receipt of infection control education, to a maximum of two (2) hours per renewal cycle.

Documentation of a licensee's receipt of infection control education shall be a photocopy of:

A photocopy of a certificate showing:

    • The title or subject matter of the education; and
    • The receipt of the education by the licensee; or

A statement signed by the supervisor of the facility where the course took place providing the information described above.

Successful Completion of a Practice Review Tool

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence the successful completion by a licensee of a practice review tool.

 The board shall credit the licensee with a maximum of three (3) hours per renewal cycle for successful completion of a single practice review tool.

Documentation of a licensee's successful completion of a practice review tool shall be a photocopy of a feedback report of "sufficiently qualified" on the practice review tool.

Journal Study

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence a licensee's study of a journal article dated within the preceding five (5) years, including answering the questions provided with and related to the article, so long as the article is related to:

    • Physical therapy theory or practice or both;
    • The running of a physical therapy business; or
    • Any conditions for which the services of a physical therapist are often or usually recommended.

The board shall credit the licensee with a maximum of four (4) hours per renewal cycle for studying such a journal article and successful completion of the related questions.

Documentation of journal study shall be a photocopy of a certificate of completion showing:

    • The name of the licensee;
    • The title and date of the journal article;
    • The name of the publisher or provider of the journal article and the related questions; and
    • The date of the licensee's completion of the journal study, including answering the questions related to the article.

Basic Life Support Course

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence a licensee’s successful completion of a basic life support course provided by the American Red Cross or another nationally recognized provider.

The board shall credit the licensee with a maximum of one (1) hour per renewal cycle.

Documentation of successful completion of a basic life support course shall be a copy of:

    • The certification card showing that the licensee has taken and passed the course; or
    • A certificate of course completion signed and dated by the course provided.

New Hampshire Jurisprudence Assessment Module

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence a licensee’s successful completion of the New Hampshire Jurisprudence Assessment Module administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy.

The board shall credit the licensee with a maximum of two (2) hours per renewal cycle.

Documentation of passing the Jurisprudence Assessment Module shall be a copy of the score report sent electronically from the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy directly to the board.

Specialty Certification Examination

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence the successful completion of a specialty certification examination sponsored by the APTA or another nationally recognized association related to physical therapy.

The board shall credit the licensee with twenty-four (24) hours per renewal cycle for successful completion during the two (2) year renewal cycle of each different specialty certification examination.

Documentation of a licensee's successful completion of a specialty examination shall be a photocopy of the specialty certification or letter from the certifying agency stating successful completion of the specialty certification examination.

Clinical Residency Program

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence for PTs the successful participation in a clinical residency program credentialed through the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE).

The board shall credit the licensee with one contact hour for each clock hour of participation or attendance which took place during the two (2) year renewal cycle, to a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours per renewal cycle.

Documentation of a licensee's participation in a clinical residency program shall be:

    • A photocopy of a certificate of completion or a letter from the host institution stating successful completion of the clinical residency; or
    • A letter from the host institution stating the number of hours completed to date in the clinical residency program.

Clinical Fellowship Program

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence for physical therapists the successful participation in a clinical fellowship program credentialed through the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE).

 The board shall credit the licensee with one contact hour for each clock hour of participation or attendance which took place during the two (2) year renewal cycle, to a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours per renewal cycle.

Documentation of a licensee's participation in a clinical fellowship program shall be:

    • A photocopy of a certificate of completion or a letter from the host institution stating successful completion of the clinical fellowship; or
    • A letter from the host institution stating the number of hours completed to date in the clinical fellowship program.

Clinical Mentor of a Physical Therapist in an Accredited Residency or Fellowship Program

The board shall recognize as maintenance of continuing competence, a licensee’s clinical mentorship of a PT during that PT’s participation in a clinical fellowship or residency program, credentialed through the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE), when the licensee acts as the primary clinical mentor.

The board shall credit the licensee with two (2) hours per resident or fellow for the clinical mentorship.  The mentorship must exceed 48 hours in duration.  A maximum of eight (8) hours per renewal cycle will be credited.

 Documentation of clinical mentorship of a PT during his or her residency or fellowship program shall be a photocopy of documentation containing information described below:

    • The name of the mentor;
    • The fact that the licensee was the resident or fellow’s primary mentor;
    • The name of the accredited residency or fellowship program;
    • The physical address of the accredited residency or fellowship program;
    • The beginning and ending dates of the licensee's mentorship of the resident or fellow; and
    • The total number of hours the licensee mentored the resident or fellow.

The documentation shall be signed by:

    • The supervisor of the facility where the residency or fellowship was supervised; or
    • The clinical coordinator of clinical education.

Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?

At least one half of the hours (twelve (12) hours) shall relate directly and primarily to the clinical application of physical therapy.

Which type of courses or activities are not allowed?


Is board approval necessary for continuing education?


What are the reporting requirements?

The renewal applicant shall furnish the copies of documentation of continuing competence activities only when requested to do so by the board in connection with an audit.

How long must continuing education records be retained?

Licensees shall retain documentation of their continuing professional education and professional activities for at least three (3) years.

Can the continuing education requirements be waived?

Renewal applicants who reported on their renewal application form that they anticipated completing continuing professional education between November 1 and December 31 of the renewal year and did not complete the professional education shall:

    • Report the cancelation to the board no later than fifteen (15) days from the date of the cancelation or January 15 of the year following the renewal year which ever comes first;
    • Give a detailed written explanation of why the renewal applicant could not complete the continuing education as reported on the renewal form; and
  • If the opportunity to complete continuing professional education was prevented by cancellation, provide proof of the cancelation.

Does the board audit therapist’s continuing education?

The board shall select on a random basis 10% of the renewal applications submitted in each renewal year for an audit of completion of the maintenance of continuing competence.

Audited renewal applicants who reported on the renewal application form that they completed maintenance of continuing competence before December thirty-first of the renewal year shall:

    • Submit proof in the form of the documentation; and
    • Do so no later than February 28 of the year following the renewal year.

If the board observes that the documents submitted above do not support the renewal applicant's claim of maintenance of continuing competence, the board shall review the possibility that the renewal applicant made an error on the renewal application form or in submitting documents.

In making the review called for by the board shall seek further information from the renewal applicant if doing so will aid in the review.

If, having completed the review required, the board believes that the renewal applicant made an error in reporting or in submitting documents and did not intentionally falsely report maintenance of continuing competence, the board shall:

    • Require correction of the error; or
    • If the error cannot be corrected issue a notice of hearing to determine if the renewed license should be suspended pursuant to Phy 405.01.

If, having completed the review required, the board believes that the renewal applicant has intentionally falsely reported maintenance of continuing competence, the board shall commence a disciplinary adjudicative proceeding in the manner required.


N.H. Admin. R. Phy 406

N.H. Admin. R. Phy 402.06

N.H. Admin. R. Phy 402.11

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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