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The analysis of any legal or medical billing is dependent on numerous specific facts — including the factual situations present related to the patients, the practice, the professionals and the medical services and advice. Additionally, laws and regulations and insurance and payer policies are subject to change. The information that has been accurate previously can be particularly dependent on changes in time or circumstances. The information contained in this web site is intended as general information only. It is not intended to serve as medical, health, legal or financial advice or as a substitute for professional advice of a medical coding professional, healthcare consultant, physician or medical professional, legal counsel, accountant or financial advisor. If you have a question about a specific matter, you should contact a professional advisor directly. CPT copyright American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.
Medicare Enrollment Definitions |
Accredited Provider/Supplier – A supplier that has been accredited by a CMS-designated accreditation organization.
Add– For purposes of completing the Form CMS-855 or Form CMS-20134 enrollment applications, you are adding enrollment information to your existing enrollment record (e.g., practice locations). When adding a practice location, an application fee may be required for applicable institutions.
Administrative Location – A physical location associated with a Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) supplier’s operations from where:
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Service – Any of the following diagnostic services:
Applicant – The individual (practitioner/supplier) or organization who is seeking enrollment into the Medicare program.
Approve/Approval – The enrolling provider or supplier has been determined to be eligible under Medicare rules and regulations to:
Authorized Official – An appointed official (for example, chief executive officer, chief financial officer, general partner, chairman of the board, or direct owner) to whom the organization has granted the legal authority to enroll it in the Medicare program, to make changes or updates to the organization's status in the Medicare program, and to commit the organization to fully abide by the statutes, regulations, and program instructions of the Medicare program.
Billing Agency – An entity that furnishes billing and collection services on behalf of a provider or supplier. A billing agency is not enrolled in the Medicare program. A billing agency submits claims to Medicare in the name and billing number of the provider or supplier that furnished the service or services. In order to receive payment directly from Medicare on behalf of a provider or supplier, a billing agency must meet the conditions described in § 1842(b)(6)(D) of the Social Security Act.
Change – For purposes of completing the Form CMS-855 or CMS-20134 enrollment applications, you are replacing existing information with new information (e.g. practice location, ownership) or updating existing information (e.g. change in suite #, telephone #). If you are changing a practice location an application fee is not required.
Change in Majority Ownership– When an individual or organization acquires more than a 50 percent direct ownership interest in a home health agency (HHA) during the 36 months following the HHA’s initial enrollment into the Medicare program or the 36 months following the HHA’s most recent change in majority ownership (including asset sales, stock transfers, mergers, or consolidations). This includes an individual or organization that acquires majority ownership in an HHA through the cumulative effect of asset sales, stock transfers, consolidations, or mergers during the 36-month period after Medicare billing privileges are conveyed or the 36-month period following the HHA’s most recent change in majority ownership.
Change of Ownership (CHOW) – In the case of a partnership, the removal, addition, or substitution of a partner, unless the partners expressly agree otherwise, as permitted by applicable State law. In the case of a corporation, the term generally means the merger of the provider corporation into another corporation, or the consolidation of two or more corporations, resulting in the creation of a new corporation. The transfer of corporate stock or the merger of another corporation into the provider corporation does not constitute a change of ownership.
CMS-Approved Accreditation Organization – An accreditation organization designated by CMS to perform the accreditation functions/deeming activities specified.
Coach – An individual who furnishes MDPP services on behalf of an MDPP supplier as an employee, contractor, or volunteer.
Community Setting – A location where the MDPP supplier furnishes MDPP services outside of its administrative locations in meeting locations open to the public. A community setting is a location not primarily associated with the supplier where many activities occur, including, but not limited to, MDPP services. Community settings may include, for example, church basements or multipurpose rooms in recreation centers.
Deactivate – That the provider or supplier’s billing privileges were stopped, but can be restored upon the submission of updated information.
Delegated Official – An individual who is delegated by the “Authorized Official” the authority to report changes and updates to the provider/supplier’s enrollment record. The delegated official must be an individual with an ownership or control interest in (as that term is defined in section 1124(a)(3) of the Social Security Act), or be a W-2 managing employee of, the provider or supplier.
Delete/Remove – For purposes of completing the Form CMS-855 enrollment and Form CMS20134 applications, you are removing existing enrollment information. If you are deleting or removing a practice location, an application fee is not required.
Deny/Denial – The enrolling provider or supplier has been determined to be ineligible to:
Effective Date – The date on which a provider’s or supplier’s eligibility was initially established for the purposes of submitting claims for Medicare-covered items and services and/or ordering or certifying Medicare-covered items and services.
Eligible Coach – An individual who CMS has screened and determined can provide MDPP services on behalf of an MDPP supplier.
Enroll/Enrollment – The process that Medicare uses to establish eligibility to submit claims for Medicare-covered items and services, and the process that Medicare uses to establish eligibility to order or certify Medicare-covered items and services.
Enrollment Application – A paper Form CMS-855 or Form CMS-20134 enrollment application or the equivalent electronic enrollment process approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Final Adverse Legal Action – For purposes of the definition of this term in § 424.502, final adverse action means one or more of the following:
Convictions within the preceding 10 years:
Exclusions, Revocations, or Suspensions:
Immediate family member or member of a physician's immediate family – A husband or wife; birth or adoptive parent, child, or sibling; stepparent, stepchild, stepbrother, or stepsister; father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law; grandparent or grandchild; and spouse of a grandparent or grandchild.
Ineligible Coach – An individual whom CMS has screened and determined cannot provide MDPP services on behalf of an MDPP supplier.
Institutional Provider – For purposes of the Medicare application fee only - any provider or supplier that submits a paper Medicare enrollment application using the Form CMS–855A, Form CMS–855B (not including physician and non-physician practitioner organizations), Form CMS–855S, Form CMS-20134, or associated Internet-based Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) enrollment application.
Legal Business Name – the name that is reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Managing Employee – A general manager, business manager, administrator, director, or other individual who exercises operational or managerial control over, or who directly or indirectly conducts, the day-to-day operation of the provider or supplier, either under contract or through some other arrangement, whether or not the individual is a W-2 employee of the provider or supplier.
Medicare Identification Number – For Part A providers, the Medicare identification number is the CMS Certification Number (CCN). For Part B suppliers the Medicare identification number is the Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN).
National Provider Identifier – The standard unique health identifier for health care providers (including Medicare suppliers) and is assigned by the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).
Operational – The provider or supplier has a qualified physical practice location; is open to the public for the purpose of providing health care related services; is prepared to submit valid Medicare claims; and is properly staffed, equipped, and stocked (as applicable, based on the type of facility or organization, provider or supplier specialty, or the services or items being rendered) to furnish these items or services.
Other Eligible Professional – Means: (i) a physician; (ii) a practitioner; (iii) a physical or occupational therapist or a qualified speech-language pathologist; or (iv) a qualified audiologist. “practitioner” is defined as a physician assistant, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified registered nurse anesthetist, certified nurse-midwife, clinical social worker, clinical psychologist, or registered dietitian or nutrition professional.)
Owner – Any individual or entity that has any partnership interest in, or that has 5 percent or more direct or indirect ownership of, the provider or supplier as defined in sections 1124 and 1124(A) of the Social Security Act.
Ownership or Investment Interest – An ownership or investment interest in the entity that may be through equity, debt, or other means, and includes an interest in an entity that holds an ownership or investment interest in any entity that furnishes designated health services.
Physician – A doctor of medicine or osteopathy, a doctor of dental surgery or dental medicine, a doctor of podiatric medicine, a doctor of optometry, or a chiropractor, as defined in section 1861(r) of the Social Security Act.
Physician-Owned Hospital – Any participating hospital in which a physician, or an immediate family member of a physician, has a direct or indirect ownership or investment interest, regardless of the percentage of that interest.
Physician Owner or Investor– A physician (or an immediate family member) with a direct or an indirect ownership or investment interest in the hospital.
Prospective Provider – Any entity specified in the definition of “provider” in 42 CFR § 498.2 that seeks to be approved for coverage of its services by Medicare. Prospective supplier means any entity specified in the definition of “supplier” in 42 CFR § 405.802 that seeks to be approved for coverage of its services under Medicare. Provider is defined at 42 CFR § 400.202 and generally means a hospital, critical access hospital, skilled nursing facility, comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility, home health agency or hospice, that has in effect an agreement to participate in Medicare; or a clinic, rehabilitation agency, or public health agency that has in effect a similar agreement but only to furnish outpatient physical therapy or speech pathology services; or a community mental health center that has in effect a similar agreement but only to furnish partial hospitalization services.
Reassignment – An individual physician, non-physician practitioner, or other supplier has granted a Medicare-enrolled provider or supplier the right to receive payment for the physician’s, non-physician practitioner’s or other supplier’s services.
Reject/Rejected – The provider or supplier’s enrollment application was not processed due to incomplete information or that additional information or corrected information was not received from the provider or supplier in a timely manner. (See 42 CFR § 424.525 for more information.)
Retrospective Billing Privileges – That certain Part B suppliers can bill retrospectively for up to 30 or 90 days prior to their enrollment effective date as described in 42 CFR §§ 424.520(d) and 424.521(a).
Revoke/Revocation – The provider’s or supplier’s billing privileges are terminated.
Supplier is defined in 42 CFR § 400.202 and means a physician or other practitioner, or an entity other than a provider that furnishes health care services under Medicare.
Tax identification number means the number (either the Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN) that the individual or organization uses to report tax information to the IRS.
Medicare Program Integrity Manual
Chapter 10 – Medicare Enrollment 10.1.1
Therapy Comply LLC Copyright 2025
Therapy Comply does not claim copyright over US Federal and State materials
CPT codes are copyright 1995-2025 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
About Us Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply. Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices. | Join Us Join today as a yearly or monthly member and enjoy full access to the site and a significant discount to our live and recorded webinars. Members also have access to compliance and billing support. |