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Missouri Occupational Therapy Continuing Education |
Updated 8/22/2024
How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?
Occupational Therapists licensed in Missouri must complete twenty-four (24) credits every two (2) years.
Occupational Therapy Assistants licensed in Missouri must complete twenty-four (24) credits every two (2) years.
New Licensees
A licensee who is or becomes licensed during a renewal cycle shall obtain CCCs at the rate computed by the following formula:
Number of months licensed during the renewal cycle divided by the total number of months in the reporting cycle then multiplied by the number of CCCs required for renewal during the reporting cycle resulting in a total number of CCCs required to complete for renewal this reporting cycle. When applicable, this total will then be rounded to the nearest whole number by applying the following rounding rule: round down to the nearest whole number if the digit to the right of the decimal is four (4) or less, round up to the nearest whole number if five (5) or more.
How is credit hour defined?
Conversion of Continuing Education Units (CEU) to Continuing Competency Credits (CCC):
What activities qualify for CE credit?
Attending Workshops/Course/Independent Learning |
Activity |
Conversion to CCC |
Maximum |
Documentation |
Attending workshops, seminars, lectures, on-line courses, and professional conferences related to occupational therapy services. |
1 Hour equals 1 CCC |
24 CCC |
CEU, contact hours, certificates of attendance, letter from sponsor. |
Attending employer-provided continuing education. Does not include new staff orientation and/or annual mandatory workplace trainings (e.g., annual policy review and corporate compliance, CPR). |
1 Hour equals 1 CCC |
24 CCC |
Attendance records, certificates which should include title of offering, date given, and length of presentation. |
Reading a peer-reviewed, role-related professional article and writing a report describing the implications for improving skills in one’s specific role. |
1 Article equals .5 CCC |
12 CCC |
Annotated bibliography and analysis of how articles impacted improving skills in one’s role. |
Successful completion of formal academic coursework. Courses indirectly or directly related to occupational therapy services. |
1 Credit Hour equals 10 CCC |
24 CCC |
Official transcript from accredited college, course description, and statement how it’s related to OT services. |
Professional study group, minimum of 3 participants. |
3 Hours equals 1 CCC |
24 CCC |
Group attendance records which should include the date and times the group met; study group goals, analysis of goal attainment, and learning. |
Independent learning with assessment element (online courses, CE articles, self-study series, etc.). |
1 Hour equals 2 CCC |
12 CCC |
CEUs, contact hours, completion certificate which should include the date course was completed. |
Independent learning without assessment element (audited coursework, multimedia course, etc.). |
1 Hour equals 1 CCC |
12 CCC |
Certificate of completion which should include the date course was completed. |
Completion of competency assessment tools (i.e., NBCOT Navigator, AOTA assessment tools, etc.). |
1 Unit equals 1 CCC |
12 CCC |
Certificate of completion. |
Presenting |
Activity |
Conversion to CCC |
Maximum |
Documentation |
Making presentations for local organizations/associations/groups on OT related topics (e.g., energy conservation, back care, and prevention of injury). 1-time presentation per topic. Time spent on preparation cannot be included. |
1 Hour equals 1 CCC |
12 CCC |
Certificate verifying presentation or verification letter from organization on their letterhead to include date, time, and length of presentation. |
Making professional presentations at state or national workshops, seminars, and conferences. 1-time presentation per topic. Time spent on preparation cannot be included. |
1 Hour equals 2 CCC |
24 CCC |
Certificate verifying presentation or letter from organization on their letterhead to include date, time, and length of presentation. |
Teaching OT related academic course per semester (must not be one’s primary role). Time spent on preparation cannot be included. |
1 Credit Hour equals 3 CCC |
24 CCC |
Syllabus of course, course outline verification from program, or certificate verifying teaching. |
Guest lecturer as a primary or co-presenter for students enrolled in occupational therapy programs or related professionals. |
1 Hour equals 1 CCC |
24 CCC |
Syllabus of course, course outline Verification from program or certificate verifying teaching. |
Providing professional in-service training and/or instruction for occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, or related professionals. 1-time presentation per topic. Time spent on preparation cannot be included. |
1 Hour equals 1 CCC |
12 CCC |
Attendance records, goals, and objectives of in-service training. Verification letter from supervisor on their letterhead verifying presenter’s name and the date, time, and length of the presentation. |
Publishing |
Activity |
Conversion to CCC |
Maximum |
Documentation |
Publication of article in non-peer-reviewed publication (e.g., OT Practice, SIS Quarterly, Advance, etc.). |
1 Article equals 5 CCC |
24 CCC |
Copy of publication. |
Publication of chapter(s) in occupational or related professional textbook. |
1 Chapter equals 10 CCC |
24 CCC |
Copy of chapter(s) and table of contents, letter from editor. |
Publication of article in peer-reviewed professional publication (e.g., journals, book chapter, research paper). |
1 Article equals 10 CCC |
24 CCC |
Copy of published article, letter from editor. |
Professional Services |
Activity |
Conversion to CCC |
Maximum |
Documentation |
Mentoring a colleague to improve the skills of the protégé (mentor). |
20 Hours equals 3 CCC |
12 CCC |
Goals and objectives, analysis of mentee performance which should include the dates and hours mentored. |
Reflective occupational therapy practice in collaboration with an advanced colleague to improve one’s skill level. |
20 Hours equals 3 CCC |
12 CCC |
Mentor verification of skills, evaluation of mentor, and experience analysis of learning. |
Volunteer services to organizations, populations, individuals that advance the reliance on the use of one’s OT skills and experiences. |
10 Hours equals 2 CCC |
12 CCC |
Verification letter from organization which should include the dates and hours volunteered. Report describing outcomes of volunteer service provided. |
Extensive scholarly research activities or extensive outcome studies. |
10 CCC |
24 CCC |
Grant funding number, abstract/executive summary, and/or copies of the completed research/studies. |
Fieldwork Supervision |
Activity |
Conversion to CCC |
Maximum |
Documentation |
Level II fieldwork day-to-day direct supervision OT or OTA. Must not be one’s primary role. |
1 unit per week of supervision per student supervised |
18 CCC |
Documentation required, name of student(s), letter of verification or certificate from school, dates of fieldwork. |
Level I fieldwork direct supervision. Must not be one’s primary role. |
1 unit per student for a complete field work rotation per student as defined by OT/OTA program |
12 CCC |
Documentation required, name of student(s), letter of verification or certificate from school, dates of fieldwork. |
Entry-level or post–doctoral advanced experience direct supervision. Must not be one’s primary role. |
1 unit per week of supervision per student supervised |
18 CCC |
Documentation required, name of student(s), letter or certificate of verification from school, dates of fieldwork. |
What type of approval is needed for the courses?
Workshops, seminars, lectures, and professional conferences accepted by the certifying entity approved by the board shall automatically be accepted for license renewal.
What are the reporting requirements?
At the time of license renewal, the licensee shall verify completion of twenty-four (24) Continuing Competency Credits (CCC) on the renewal form. Failure to note verification of completion shall result in the license not being renewed. Falsification of verification may result in disciplinary action.
How long must continuing education records be retained?
Each licensee shall retain documentation of the CCCs verified on the renewal form for two (2) years following license renewal.
Can I have CE requirements waived?
Upon application and for good cause shown, the board may excuse or extend the time for completion of some or all of the required continuing competency credits.
An application shall be in writing and delivered to the board’s office.
If an extension of time is granted, the continuing competency credits earned during the extension shall not be counted in the subsequent renewal period.
What do I need to do if I am audited?
Upon request, the licensee shall submit to the board for review the continuing competency credit documentation verifying successful completion of continuing competency requirements. Licensees shall assist the board in its audits by providing timely and complete responses to the board’s inquiries.
Failure to submit requested information to the board by the date requested or submission of inadequate or falsified records may result in disciplinary action.
20 CSR 2205-5.010
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About Us Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply. Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices. | Join Us Join today as a yearly or monthly member and enjoy full access to the site and a significant discount to our live and recorded webinars. Members also have access to compliance and billing support. |