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Alabama Speech Continuing Education

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Speech-language pathologists licensed in Alabama are required to complete twelve (12) hours of continuing education every year.

Dual License: Individuals with dual licenses in Alabama in both speech‐language pathology and audiology shall complete at least twenty‐four (24) hours of continuing education on an annual basis as a condition of licensure renewal.  The required hours must be equally distributed between the two areas of speech-language pathology and audiology.

A single continuing education activity shall not apply to both areas of dual licensure.

New Licensees

During the first cycle of licensure renewal, the graduated scale for the collection of continuing education hours is based on the date an applicant receives his/her initial license. One (1) clock hour CEU is required for every month a new licensee is licensed in the state.

How long is the reporting period?

One (1) year.

Due Date – Period of Completion

The period for completion of the continuing education requirements shall be the period beginning January 1st and ending December 31st of each renewal period.

How is credit hour defined?

One (1) hour of continuing education credit shall be given for each clock hour of attendance.

Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?


Are there any specific courses that must be taken?

A minimum of ten (10) shall be in the area of licensure – Content Area I.

One (1) of the ten (10) hours should be in the area of ethics.

A maximum of (2) may be in areas related to the profession of speech‐language pathology or audiology – Content Area II, all which must contribute to professional competency of licensee.

Content Areas


  • Anatomic and physiologic bases for the normal development and use of speech, language and hearing and balance.
  • Physical bases and processes of the production and perception of speech, language and hearing.
  • Linguistic and psycho-linguistic variables related to normal development and use of speech, language and hearing.
  • Technological, biomedical, engineering and instrumentation information which would enable expansion of knowledge in the basic communication processes.
  • Various types of disorders of communication, their manifestations, classification and cause
  • Evaluation skills, including procedures, techniques, and instrumentation for assessment.
  • Principles in habilitation and rehabilitation of communication disorders.
  • Principles in diagnosis and rehabilitation of balance and vestibular disorders.
  • Ethical Practices.
  • Any other professional competency area that is relevant to treatment and diagnosis.

CONTENT AREA II: (Must relate to the professional competency of Speech-Language Pathology and/or Audiology)

  • Regulations and implementation of federal and/or state regulated programs.
  • Service delivery models.
  • Administration for supervision issues.
  • Related areas which interface with delivery of speech-language pathology and audiology services.

What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?

Workshops in the area of licensure approved by the American Speech‐Language‐Hearing Association (ASHA) or the American Academy of Audiology (AAA).

Academic coursework at a regionally accredited college or university in the area of licensure taken for credit or official audit (three (3) semester hours or five (5) quarter hours = twelve (12) hours of continuing education).

Distance learning and self-study provided the activity is approved by ABESPA (i.e. continuing education lending library (CELL), video conferences, telephone seminars and Internet courses sponsored by individual private practitioners, universities, schools, clinics, state agencies, hospitals, professional organizations, or related professional organizations).

Workshops and in‐services that are university, school, clinic, hospital or state agency sponsored provided they are approved by ABESPA.

Publication of articles in a peer‐reviewed journal for the year in which they are published (maximum of two (2) hours.

Scientific or educational lectures to include presentations such as poster sessions given by the licensee; the presenting licensee may count 1 ½ times the value of a workshop the first time it is presented to allow for preparation time (Example: a three (3) hour workshop = 4 ½ hours.) No credit will be allowed for subsequent presentations of the same workshop.

Related areas of study pertain to the understanding of human behavior, both normal and abnormal, as well as services available from related professions which apply to the contemporary practice of speech‐language pathology/audiology, e.g., theories of learning and behavior; services available from related professions that also deal with persons who have disorders of communication; information from these professions about the sensory, physical, emotional, social or intellectual states of child or adult; and other areas such as, clinical supervision, counseling and interviewing.

Teaching at the college level in the area of communication disorders is not acceptable.

Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?

A maximum of two (2) of the required twelve (12) hours can be in an area related to the area of licensure but must improve the professional competency of the licensee – Content Area II.

What type of courses or activities are not allowed?


What type of approval is needed for the courses?

Pre‐approval is required for continuing education events that do not meet the requirements above.

What are the reporting requirements?

It is the responsibility of each speech‐language pathologist or audiologist to maintain and compile accurate records relating to all continuing education courses or activities attended and completed.

This information shall be submitted on a form provided by the Board or online.

How long must continuing education records be retained?

Five (5) years.

Documentation of continuing education compliance, as required during an auditing period, shall be evidenced by:

    • A Continuing Education Registry Form from the American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association (ASHA) and/or the American Academy of Audiology (AAA) , specifically listing the continuing education obtained by the licensee and the dates of obtainment; or 
    • A certificate of attendance provided by a sponsor which contains the date of program, the program title and presenter(s), program site, number of clock hours attended, name of sponsor and name of licensee; or 
    • A personal letter to the licensee which contains the date of the program, the program title and presenter(s), program site, number of clock hours attended, name of sponsor, name of licensee and is signed by a program official; or
    • An official transcript, from a regionally accredited college or university, indicating successful completion of academic coursework in appropriate subject matter as specified of this rule. 




An extension to the Continuing Education submission/completion timelines may, at its sole discretion, be granted by the Board under the following:

    • A written request including documentation and justification for the request per the conditions set forth herein, shall be submitted to the Board, by January 31. The speech‐language pathologist or audiologist who seeks such an extension shall submit to the Board any additional documentation required by the Board to make a decision concerning the extension.
    • Extensions shall be granted by the Board only when in their judgment some extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the licensee could reasonably have prohibited, with a good faith effort on the part of said licensee, compliance with this requirement (e.g. extended illness; force majeure).
    • When an extension is approved by the Board, a new date for compliance shall be specified by Board.
    • All late renewal penalties apply until deficiencies are remedied.


The Board requires documentation of continuing education for audit purposes.  If a licensee fails to renew his/her license on time, this will result in an automatic audit. Each year 10% of all licensees will be randomly selected for audit of their continuing education hours.  If it is determined that the speech-language pathologist or audiologist submitted false or misleading documentation to ABESPA, such person may be subject to penalties outlined in Code of Ala., 1975, §34-28A-26.


Ala. Admin. Code § 870‐X‐4‐.08

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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