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Arizona Speech Therapy Legal Definitions

Accredited Program - A program leading to the award of a degree in audiology that is accredited by an organization recognized for that purpose by the United States department of education.

Accredited - Approved by the:

    • New England Commission of Higher Education,
    • Middle States Commission on Higher Education,
    • Higher Learning Commission,
    • Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, e. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, or
    • WASC Senior College and University Commission.

Approved Training Program - A postsecondary speech-language pathology assistant training program that is approved by the director.

Applicant - An individual who submits an application and required documentation for approval to practice as an audiologist or a SLP.

ASHA - The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, a national professional, scientific, and credentialing association for audiologists; speech-language pathologists; speech, language, and hearing scientists; audiology and speech-language pathology support personnel; and students.

Calendar Day - Each day, not including the day of the act, event, or default, from which a designated period of time begins to run, but including the last day of the period unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, statewide furlough day, or legal holiday, in which case the period runs until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, statewide furlough day, or legal holiday.

CCC - Certificate of Clinical Competence, an award issued by ASHA to an individual who:

    • Completes a degree in audiology or speech-language pathology from an accredited college or university that includes a clinical practicum,
    • Passes the ETSNEA or ETSNESLP, and
    • Completes a clinical fellowship.

Clinical Fellow - An individual engaged in a clinical fellowship.

Clinical Fellowship - An individual's postgraduate professional experience assessing, diagnosing, screening, treating, writing reports, and counseling individuals exhibiting speech, language, hearing, or communication disorders, obtained:

    • After completion of graduate level academic course work and a clinical practicum;
    • Under the supervision of a clinical fellowship supervisor; and
    • While employed on a full-time or part-time equivalent basis.

Clinical Fellowship Agreement - The document submitted to the Department by a clinical fellow to register the initiation of a clinical fellowship.

Clinical Fellowship Report - A document completed by a clinical fellowship supervisor containing:

    • A summary of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed by the clinical fellow,
    • A verification by the clinical fellowship supervisor of the clinical fellow's performance of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and
    • An evaluation of the clinical fellow's ability to perform the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Clinical Fellowship Supervisor - A licensed SLP who:

    • Is or has been a sponsor of a temporary licensee,
    • Had a CCC while supervising a clinical fellow before October 28, 1999, or
    • Has a CCC while supervising a clinical fellow in another state.

Clinical Interaction - A fieldwork practicum in speech-language pathology that is supervised by a licensed speech-language pathologist.

Clinical Practicum - The experience acquired by an individual who is completing course work in audiology or speech-language pathology, while supervised by a licensed audiologist, a licensed SLP, or an individual holding a CCC, by assessing, diagnosing, evaluating, screening, treating, and counseling individuals exhibiting speech, language, cognitive, hearing, or communication disorders.

Continuing Education - A course that provides instruction and training that is designed to develop or improve a licensee’s professional competence in disciplines directly related to the licensee’s scope of practice.

Course - A workshop, seminar, lecture, conference, or class.

Department - The Arizona Department of Health Services.

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures - The principles and methods used by an audiologist in the practice of audiology or a SLP in the practice of speech-language pathology.

Direct Supervision - The on-site, in-view observation and guidance of a SLPA by a licensed SLP while the SLPA performs an assigned clinical activity.

Director - The director of the department.

Disciplinary Action - A proceeding that is brought against a licensee by the Department under A.R.S. § 36-1934 or a state licensing entity.

Disorders of Communication - An organic or nonorganic condition that impedes the normal process of human communication and includes disorders of speech, articulation, fluency, voice, verbal and written language, auditory comprehension, cognition and communications and oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal sensorimotor competencies.

Disorders of Hearing - An organic or nonorganic condition, whether peripheral or central, that impedes the normal process of human communication and includes disorders of auditory sensitivity, acuity, function or processing.

ETSNEA - Educational Testing Service National Examination in Audiology, the specialty area test of the Praxis Series given by the Education Testing Service, Princeton, N.J.

ETSNESLP - Educational Testing Service National Examination in Speech Language Pathology, the specialty area test of the Praxis Series given by the Education Testing Service, Princeton, N.J.

Full-Time - Thirty (30) clock hours or more per week.

Indirect Supervision - Supervisory activities, other than direct supervision that are performed by a licensed SLP and that may include consultation, record review and review and evaluation of audiotaped or videotaped sessions.

Letter of Concern - An advisory letter to notify a licensee that, while there is insufficient evidence to support disciplinary action, the director believes the licensee should modify or eliminate certain practices and that continuation of the activities that led to the information being submitted to the director may result in action against the licensee.

License - A license issued by the director under this chapter and includes a temporary license.

Local Education Agency - A school district governing board established by A.R.S. § 15-101 or A.R.S. Title 15, Chapter 3, Article 3.

Monitoring - Being responsible for and providing direction to a clinical fellow without directly observing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Nonmedical Diagnosing - The art or act of identifying a communication disorder from its signs and symptoms. Nonmedical diagnosing does not include diagnosing a medical disease.

On-Site - The presence of a clinical fellowship supervisor who is watching a clinical fellow perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Part-Time Equivalent:

    • 25-29 clock hours per week for 48 weeks,
    • 20-24 clock hours per week for 60 weeks, or
    • 15-19 clock hours per week for 72 weeks.

Practice of Speech-Language Pathology:

    • Rendering or offering to render to an individual or groups of individuals who have or are suspected of having disorders of communication service in speech-language pathology including prevention, identification, evaluation, consultation, habilitation, rehabilitation, instruction and research.
    • Screening, identifying, assessing, interpreting, nonmedical diagnosing and rehabilitating disorders of speech and language.
    • Screening, identifying, assessing, interpreting, nonmedical diagnosing and rehabilitating disorders of oral-pharyngeal functions and related disorders.
    • Screening, identifying, assessing, interpreting, nonmedical diagnosing and rehabilitating cognitive and communication disorders.
    • Assessing, selecting and developing augmentative and alternative communication systems and providing training in the use of these systems and assistive listening devices.
    • Providing aural rehabilitation and related counseling services to hearing impaired persons and their families.
    • Enhancing speech-language proficiency and communication effectiveness.
    • Screening hearing and other factors for speech-language evaluation and initially identifying persons with other communication disorders and making the appropriate referral.

Regular License - Each type of license issued by the director, except a temporary license.

Semester Credit Hour - One (1) earned academic unit of study based on completing, at an accredited college or university, a 50 to 60 minute class session per calendar week for 15 to 18 weeks.

Semester Credit Hour Equivalent - One quarter credit, which is equal in value to 2/3 of a semester credit hour.

Speech-Language Pathology - The nonmedical and nonsurgical application of principles, methods and procedures of assessment, testing, evaluation and prediction related to speech and language and its disorders and related communication impairments for the nonmedical diagnosis, prevention, amelioration or modification of these disorders and conditions.

Speech-Language Pathology Assistant - A person who provides services prescribed in section 36-1940.04 and under the direction and supervision of a licensed SLP.

Sponsor - A person who is licensed and who agrees to train or directly supervise a temporary licensee in the same field of practice.

State-Supported Institution - A school, a charter school, a private school, or an accommodation school as defined in A.R.S. § 15-101.

Student - A child attending a school, a charter school, a private school, or an accommodation school as defined in A.R.S. § 15-101.

 Supervision - Being responsible for and providing direction to:

    • A clinical fellow during on-site observations or monitoring of the clinical fellow's performance of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures; or
    • An individual completing a clinical practicum.

Supervisory Activities - Evaluating and assessing a clinical fellow's performance of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in assessing, diagnosing, evaluating, screening, treating, and counseling individuals exhibiting speech, language, cognitive, hearing, or communication disorders.

Temporary Licensee - A person who is licensed for a specified period of time under the sponsorship of a person licensed pursuant to this chapter.


A.R.S. §36-1901

9 A.C.C. §16-201

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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