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Indiana Physical Therapy Definitions

Agency - The Indiana professional licensing agency.

Board - The Indiana Board of Physical Therapy.

Bureau - The health professions bureau.

Competence - The application of knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively, safely, ethically, and legally within the context of the patient's role and environment.

Committee - The Indiana physical therapy committee.

Conduct Testing - Standard methods and techniques used to gather data about a patient, including electrodiagnostic and electrophysiologic tests and measures. The term does not include x-rays.

Contact Hour - A unit of measure for a continuing competency activity. One (1) contact hour equals at least fifty (50) minutes in a learning activity.

Continuing Competence - The process of maintaining and documenting competence through ongoing self-assessment, development, and implementation of a personal learning plan and subsequent reassessment.

Direct Supervision - That the supervising PT or physician at all times shall be available and under all circumstances shall be absolutely responsible for the direction and the actions of the person supervised when services are performed by the PTA or holder of a temporary permit.

General Supervision - Supervision provided by a PT who is available by telecommunication.

Onsite Supervision - Supervision provided by a PT who is continuously onsite and present in the department or facility where services are provided. The supervising PT must be immediately available to the person being supervised and maintain continued involvement in the necessary aspects of patient care.

Physical Therapy - The care and services provided by or under the direction and supervision of a PT.

Physical Therapy - Includes, but is not limited to, such measures as the following:

  • Performing and interpreting tests and measurements of neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, cardiac, and pulmonary functions as a part of treatment, interpretation of physician referrals, initial patient evaluation, initial and ongoing treatment planning, periodic reevaluation of the patient, and adjustment of the treatment plan.
  • Planning initial and subsequent treatment programs on the basis of test findings and within the orders of a referring practitioner who is licensed to practice medicine, osteopathic medicine, dentistry, podiatry, or chiropractic.
  • Administering treatment through the use of physical, chemical, or other properties of heat or cold, light, water, electricity, massage, mechanical devices, and therapeutic exercise, which includes all types of physical rehabilitative techniques and

Physical Therapist - A person who is licensed under this chapter to practice physical therapy.

Physical Therapy Diagnosis - A systematic examination, evaluation, and testing process that culminates in identifying the dysfunction toward which physical therapy treatment will be directed. The term does not include a medical diagnosis.

Physical Therapist's Assistant - A person who is registered by the committee to assist in the practice of physical therapy under the direct supervision of a licensed PT or under the direct supervision of a physician by performing those assigned physical therapy procedures.

Physical Therapy Aide - Support personnel who perform designated tasks related to the operation of physical therapy services.

Person - An individual.

Sharp Debridement - The removal of foreign material or dead tissue from or around a wound, without anesthesia and with generally no bleeding, through the use of:

  • A sterile scalpel;
  • Scissors;
  • Forceps;
  • Tweezers; or
  • Other sharp medical instruments;
  • In order to expose healthy tissue, prevent infection, and promote healing.

Spinal Manipulation - A method of skillful and beneficial treatment by which a PT uses direct thrust to move a joint of the patient's spine beyond its normal range of motion, but without exceeding the limits of anatomical integrity.

State - A state, territory, or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

Tasks - Activities that do not require the clinical decision making of a PT or the clinical problem solving of a physical therapist assistant.


IC 25-27-1-1

842 IAC 1-1-1

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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