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Maine Occupational Therapy Continuing Education Requirements

Updated 8/22/2024

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Occupational therapists licensed in Maine must complete ten (10) hours of continuing education every year.

Occupational therapy assistants licensed in Maine must complete six (6) hours of continuing education every year.

New Licensees

Licensees who renew for the first time must complete one (1) hour of ethics and one half of the required continuing education credit hours.

How is credit hour defined?

“Hour” means sixty (60) minutes.

How long is the reporting period?

Licenses of all occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants expire annually on March 31.

Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?

No.  Hours completed during the reporting period cannot be carried forward into a subsequent renewal period.

Are there any specific requirements for continuing education?

During each reporting period, one (1) hour of the total required ten (10) hours for OTs and one (1) hour of the total required six (6) hours for OTAs must be on ethics in the practice of occupational therapy.

At least four (4) of the total required hours shall include participation as required at a sponsored presentation offered by any recognized sponsor.

What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?

  • Participation as required at a presentation such as a workshop, seminar, conference, or in-service educational program.
  • Academic coursework related to the practice of occupational therapy, which includes participation in on-site or distance learning academic courses from a university, college, or vocational technical adult education course.
  • Publications of books, articles, films, or web-based resources related to practice, management, or education of occupational therapy.
  • Preparation for teaching a course in occupational therapy in an accredited program.
  • Preparation for and presenting at a workshop, seminar, conference, or in-service educational program.
  • Pursuit of evidence-based practice by reviewing critically appraised topics for evidence-based literature on practice-related subjects.
  • Research, which includes development or participation in a research project as a primary or assistant investigator in the research project.
  • Level I fieldwork direct supervision. This qualifying activity may be submitted for one (1) hour per student. Letter(s) of verification or certification from the educational institution that includes the dates of fieldwork supervision completed satisfies the documentation requirement of this activity.
  • Level II fieldwork direct supervision. This qualifying activity may be submitted for two (2) hours per student. Letter(s) of verification or certification from the educational institution that includes the dates of fieldwork supervision completed satisfies the documentation requirement of this activity.

In person attendance; live, remote interaction?

Continuing education activities are not required to be held in- person nor required to include live, remote interaction with presenters.

What type of approval is needed for the courses?

Licensees may satisfy the requirements by completing activities:

    • Sponsored or approved by the Maine Occupational Therapy Association (MEOTA), its successor organization or a comparable organization;
    • Sponsored or approved by NBCOT, its successor organization or a comparable organization;
    • Sponsored or approved by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), its successor organization or a comparable organization; or
    • Sponsored by AOTA approved providers.

What type of courses or activities are not allowed?


What are the reporting requirements?

OTs and OTAs certify continuing education completion on the renewal application.

How long must continuing education records be retained?



Upon receipt of a written request prior to license expiration, the Board may, in its discretion, grant a continuing education deferment to an individual licensed by the Board who, because of prolonged illness or other extenuating circumstances, has been unable to meet the educational requirements under this chapter.


A licensee’s certification of completion of continuing professional education is subject to audit and documentation retention requirements as set forth in the rules of the Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation, 02-041 C.M.R. ch. 13.

If a continuing education audit shows that the licensee did not fulfill the requirements of this chapter, then the licensee shall be notified of the failed audit. A failed audit may require further investigation and may result in disciplinary action.

Active to Inactive License Status

To place an active license on inactive status, the licensee must submit a written request to the Board attesting that services will not be rendered during the remainder of the license term. Licensees with an inactive status are required to renew their licenses to maintain inactive license status but are not required to complete continuing education credit hours.

Inactive to Active License Status

To place an inactive license on active status, the licensee must submit a written request to the Board, documenting evidence of completing continuing education credit hours as outlined below.

    •  Licensees who hold an inactive license status for a period fewer than five (5) years must meet the continuing education requirements for the license they hold under this chapter, to return the license to active status.
    • Licensees who hold an inactive license status for a period exceeding five (5) years must meet the continuing education requirements for the license they hold to return the license to active status.


02 477 Me. Code R. Ch. 4

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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