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Maryland Occupational Therapy Continuing Education

Updated 8/22/2024

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Occupational therapists licensed in Maryland must complete twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.

Occupational therapy assistants licensed in Maryland must complete twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.

NBCOT Certification

Maintenance of Current Certification with the National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT).

    • The Board recognizes the maintenance of current NBCOT certification as fulfilling the CE requirements.
    • Documentation. The licensee shall provide verification of maintenance of current NBCOT certification.

New Licensees

An OT or OTA who has had a license less than one (1) year before renewal is exempt from continuing competency requirements for the first renewal period.

How is contact hour defined?

"Contact hour" means one (1) hour spent in a continuing competency activity that meets the requirements of the Board and is approved.

 "Contact hour" does not include orientations, introductions, refreshment breaks, receptions, other social gatherings, and meals which do not include an acceptable educational activity.

How long is the reporting period?

A license is valid for a two (2) year term and expires as follows:

    • Licensees originally licensed in even-numbered years are issued a license that expires on June 30 of even-numbered years; and
    • Licensees originally licensed in odd-numbered years are issued a license that expires on June 30 of odd-numbered years.

Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?

The licensee may not carry over contact hours from one continuing competency time frame to another without written consent from the Board.

Are there any specific requirements for continuing education?

The twenty-four (24) contact hours shall consist of:

    • A minimum of sixteen (16) contact hours related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
    • A maximum of eight (8) contact hours through occupational therapy role-related activities.

What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?





Workshops, Seminars, Conferences

A licensee may attend workshops, seminars, lectures, or professional conferences and receive one (1) contact hour per one (1) hour of attendance.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Twenty-four (24) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report; and
  • A certificate of completion.

A licensee shall include the following additional documentation:

  • The date, location, and hour-by-hour agenda of the course;
  • A course description;
  • A description of the presenter's qualifications; and
  • A certificate of completion.

University, College, Adult Education Courses

A licensee may attend formal academic courses in occupational therapy or related topics at a university or college and receive eight (8) contact hours per credit hour earned.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Twenty-four (24) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report;
  • ·An original, official transcript indicating successful completion of the course; and
  • A description of the course from the school catalogue or course syllabus.

Fellowship Training

A licensee may attend fellowship training in a specific area and receive twenty-four (24) contact hours (a minimum of twelve (12) full-time weeks).

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Twenty-four (24) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report;
  •  A certificate awarded from the accredited organization;
  • The dates of attendance; and
  • A description of the training.

Specialty Certification

A licensee may attain a specialty certification (for example, certified hand therapist) and receive one (1) contact hour per one (1) hour of education.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Twenty (20) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report; and
  • A certificate of completion.

Physical Agent Modalities (PAMS)

A licensee may participate by following the requirements for applying PAMS as set forth in COMAR 10.46.06.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Twenty-four (24) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report;
  • A certificate of completion;
  • An official grade report or transcript;
  • A course syllabus; and
  • Written verification from the educator of five (5) patient treatments.


A licensee may audit formal occupational therapy academic course work and receive four (4) contact hours per credit hour.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Twelve (12) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report;
  • A letter from the instructor regarding the time spent in the classroom/lab from an accredited college/university; and
  • A report by the licensee on the learning objectives accomplished.

Internet Learning

 A licensee may participate in on-line courses and receive one (1) contact hour per one (1) hour of education.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Sixteen (16) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report;
  • An abstract of the content; and
  • Verification of course completion from the course provider.

Informal Self-Study

A licensee may participate through journal articles, or other reading opportunities with assessment, text books, video and audio tape, television, electronic media, seminars, workshops, and presentations and receive one (1) contact hour per one (1) hour of education.

 Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Twelve (12) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report;
  • An abstract of content from the provider; or
  • Verification of completion from the course provider.

In-Service Training

A licensee may attend an employer-provided occupational therapy in-service training program on principles, procedures, or occupational therapy related continuing education and receive one (1) contact hour per one (1) hour of education.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Twelve (12) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  •  Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report;
  • The date, location, and hour-by-hour outline or abstract of content from the in-service provider;
  • The course description;
  • The presenter's qualifications; and
  • Verification of participation from the in-service provider.


A licensee may receive one (1) contact hour per four (4) hours of:

  • Mentoring an occupational therapy colleague to improve the skills of the protege, including the role as disciplinary monitor;
  • Mentoring licensed occupational therapy professionals to improve their clinical skills;
  • Mentoring other health care professionals to improve staff clinical skills;
  • Mentoring management/administrative/academic skills as an occupational therapy professional; or
  • Being mentored in a formally structured independent, concentrated, didactic or applied learning experience overseen by a mentor.

 Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report; and
  • The goals, objectives, and analysis of performance.

Presentations by Licensee of Occupational Therapy Education Programs, Workshops, Seminars, and In-Services

A licensee may:

  • Make presentations for local organizations, associations, or groups on an occupational therapy related topic;
  • Make professional presentations at state, national, or international workshops, seminars, or conferences; or
  • Provide professional in-service training or instruction for occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, or related professionals.

Contact hours are earned at twice the amount of the actual presentation time.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report;
  • An hour-by-hour schedule of the presentation; and
  • An announcement of the meeting, or letter of acknowledgement from the professional sponsoring the event, or both.

Development of Instructional Materials

A licensee may develop instructional materials using alternative media such as video, audio, or software programs to advance professional skills of others (not for proprietary use) and receive one (1) contact hour per three (3) hours of work.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Twelve (12) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report;
  • A description of the program; and
  • Media or software materials.

Poster Presentations

A licensee may present posters for state, national, or international workshops, seminars, or conferences and receive contact hours at twice the amount of the actual presentation time.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Twelve (12) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report; and
  • A copy of the presentation or program listing.
  • Presentations of the content are credited only once per renewal cycle.

Academic Guest Lecturer

If it is not a licensee's primary role, a licensee may teach one occupational therapy related academic course per semester and receive twice the contact hours per credit hour taught.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Sixteen (16) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report;
  • The date and lecture or academic course title;
  • The name of the institution;
  • A letter from the instructor regarding the time spent in the classroom;
  • Course or lecture goals and objectives; and
  • Number of hours actually taught.

Fieldwork Supervision

If it is not a licensee's primary role, a licensee may directly supervise the fieldwork of Level I or Level II occupational therapy students and receive two (2) contact hours per Level I occupational therapy student or eight (8) contact hours per Level II occupational therapy student.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Sixteen (16) hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report; and
  • Verification from each student's college.

Text Book or Articles Published or Accepted for Publication

A licensee may participate through:

  • Publication of an occupational therapy or related professional textbook;
  • Professional manuscript published or reviewed (edited) for textbooks;
  • Publication of chapter or chapters in an occupational therapy or related professional textbook;
  • Publication of an occupational therapy article in a peer-reviewed publication; or
  • Publication of an occupational therapy article in a nonpeer-reviewed publication.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Twenty (20) contact hours from authorship, editorship, co-authorship, co-editorship, or all of these, of a book for occupational therapists or relating to occupational therapy;
  • Ten (10) contact hours for authorship or editorship of a chapter of a publication;
  • Eight (8) contact hours for authorship or editorship of an occupational therapy article or abstract in a peer-reviewed publication; or
  • Four (4) contact hours for authorship or editorship of an occupational therapy-related article or abstract in a nonpeer-reviewed publication.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report; and
  • A copy of the published work.

Research Projects

A licensee may participate through extensive scholarly research activities or extensive outcome studies (defined as research associated with, for example, grants, postgraduate studies, or peer-reviewed journals).

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Ten (10) contact hours per research project as approved by the Board toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report; and
  • Copies of research proposals and final results of the research to the continuing competency committee for approval and determination of the number of contact hours earned.


A licensee may participate through quality assurance or program evaluation studies completed and published in a journal or newsletter.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Four (4) contact hours per study for quality assurance or program evaluation studies completed and published toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report; and
  • A copy of the evaluation study to the continuing competency committee for approval and determination of the number of contact hours earned.


A licensee may review professional journal articles, papers, textbook chapters, or professional association conference presentations and receive 1/2 contact hour for each paper or proposal reviewed.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Sixteen (16) contact hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

A continuing competency requirement compliance report; and

 Confirmation from the sponsoring journal, publisher, or organization, including the number of reviews completed.

Professional Study Group

A licensee may participate through professional study groups or online study groups designed to advance knowledge through active participation and receive one (1) contact hour per three (3) hours of study.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Twelve (12) contact hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report;
  • Group attendance records;
  • Study group goals; and
  • Analysis of goal attainment and learning.

Jurisprudence Examination

A licensee may participate by successfully completing the Board's Jurisprudence Examination and receive one (1) contact hour.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of one (1) contact hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report; and
  • A certificate of completion.

Volunteer Services

A licensee may volunteer occupational therapy services in areas of the licensee's expertise to community organizations, individuals, and populations, or volunteer on occupational therapy professional and related boards, associations, and committees for setting standards and the promotion of occupational therapy, and receive one (1) contact hour per one (1) hour of volunteering.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Eight (8) contact hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report;
  • A verification letter from the organization to which services were volunteered; and
  • A letter describing outcomes of the volunteer service provided.

Formal Self-Study

A licensee may participate in formal self-study activities through an independent, concentrated didactic, or applied learning experience, or both. The copyright on the materials used for study may not precede the submission date by more than five (5) years.

Every two (2) years, a licensee may apply a maximum of:

  • Sixteen (16) contact hours toward the continuing competency requirement related to occupational therapy principles and procedures; and
  • Eight (8) hours toward the continuing competency option for role-related activities.

Documentation. The licensee shall provide:

  • A continuing competency requirement compliance report; and
  • A certificate of completion or provider-signed summary to include subject area, credentials of supervisor, didactic resources, clinical experience, time frame, and relevance to licensee's professional practice.

Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?

A maximum of eight (8) contact hours through occupational therapy role-related activities.

What type of approval is needed for the courses?

The Board preapproves contact hours provided by:

    • The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA);
    • The Maryland Occupational Therapy Association (MOTA);
    • AOTA-approved providers; and
    • The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT).

A licensee participating in a program related to occupational therapy principles and procedures who wishes to obtain Board approval of contact hours not previously reviewed shall submit to the Board the following materials:

    • A contact hour approval request;
    • An hour-by-hour agenda of the course;
    • A course description;
    • A description of the presenter's qualifications; and
    • A sample of the certificate of completion that will be provided to course participants.

What type of courses or activities are not allowed?


What are the reporting requirements?

At the time of licensure, renewal, reactivation, or reinstatement, a licensee shall attest to completion of the required contact hours during the specified time frame.

How long must continuing education records be retained?

A licensee shall retain supporting documents relative to continuing competency requirements for a period of four (4) years after the date of renewal for inspection by the Board. These documents may be audited by the Board at any time.




At the Board's discretion, the Board shall audit the continuing competency documentation of a number of randomly selected licensees.

    • The Board shall send notification of audit to audited licensees.
    • A licensee is subject to an audit of the licensee’s continuing competency documentation by the Board as a condition of renewal of licensure.
    • An audited licensee shall successfully complete the requirement of the audit by the specified deadline.
    • The Board may take formal disciplinary action against the licensee if a licensee:
      • Fails to cooperate with an audit or a request from the Board regarding continuing competency documentation; or
      • Submits a false statement regarding continuing competency.








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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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