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New Hampshire Physical Therapy Misconduct

When am I obligated to report to the board?

Licensees shall report to the board:

    • Any criminal conviction of another licensee which is based on a finding that the licensee has violated RSA 328-A; or
    • Any determination by a regulatory agency that another licensee has violated RSA 328-A.

Incur no liability for such a report.

Conduct that considered unprofessional or unlawful

Misconduct shall be:

Knowingly or negligently providing inaccurate material information to the board or failing to provide complete and truthful material information upon inquiry by the board, including during the process of applying for a license, license renewal, or license reinstatement.

Conviction of any criminal offense other than a traffic violation.

Failure to report to the board a conviction described above within thirty (30) days.

Violation of the regulations.

Engaging in sexual misconduct.

Failure to provide care with reasonable skill, safety, and regard for client rights, whether or not the client has suffered injur

Disciplinary action by a regulatory authority in another domestic or foreign jurisdiction.

Failure to take appropriate action to safeguard individuals from incompetent counselors and health care practitioners, whether or not they are licensed in this state.

Failure to exercise appropriate supervision over persons who are authorized to practice only under supervision.

Practice without a currently valid license.

Violation of:

    • Any provision of RSA 328-F;
    • Any provision of RSA 328-A;
    • Any rule adopted by the board; or
    • Any state or federal law reasonably related to the licensee's authority to practice or the licensee's ability to practice safely.


N.H. Code Admin. R. Phy 410.03

N.H. Code Admin. R. Phy 405.01

About Us

Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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