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California Physical Therapy Definitions

Adequate Supervision of a Physical Therapist Assistant - A PT shall at all times be responsible for all physical therapy services provided by the PTA and shall ensure that the PTA does not function autonomously. The PT has a continuing responsibility to follow the progress of each patient and is responsible for determining which elements of a treatment plan may be assigned to a PTA.

Board - The Physical Therapy Board of California.

Code - The Business and Professions Code.

Electroneuromyography - The performance of tissue penetration for the purpose of evaluating neuromuscular performance, and includes the evaluation of specific abnormal potentials and evoked responses.

Kinesiological Electromyography - The study, including tissue penetration, of the phasic activity of individual or multiple muscles in relation to another physical or physiological event or exercise and does not include the evaluation of specific abnormal potentials or evoked responses.

License - A license issued by the Board.

Non-Patient Related Task - A task related to observation of the patient, transport of patients, physical support only during gait or transfer, housekeeping duties, clerical duties and similar functions.

Patient Related Task - A physical therapy service rendered directly to the patient by an aide, excluding non-patient related tasks as defined below.

Physical Therapist - A person who is licensed to practice physical therapy in California.

Physical Therapist Assistant - A person who is licensed in California to assist in the provision of physical therapy under the supervision of a licensed PT. “Physical therapy assistant” and “physical therapist assistant” shall be deemed identical and interchangeable terms.

Physical Therapy Practice Act - Consists of Chapter 5.7, of Division 2, of the Business and Professions Code.

Physiotherapy - Synonymous with “physical therapy.”

Topical Medications - Medications applied locally to the skin or underlying tissue where there is a break in or absence of the skin where such medications require a prescription or order under federal or state law.


Cal. Bus. and Prof. Code 2601

16 CCR § 1398.3

16 CCR § 1398.44

16 CCR § 1399

16 CCR § 1399.60

16 CCR § 1399.76

About Us

Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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