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Washington Physical Therapy Continuing Education Requirements

Updated 8/20/2024

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Physical therapists licensed in Washington are required to complete thirty-two (32) hours of continuing education and two hundred (200) hours of clinical practice every two (2) years.

Physical therapy assistants licensed in Washington are required to complete twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education and two hundred (200) hours of clinical practice every two (2) years.

New Licensees


Additional Clinical Practice Hours

In addition to the required continuing education hours, PTs and PTAs must complete 200 hours involving the application of physical therapy knowledge and skills, which may be obtained as follows:

  • In the clinical practice of physical therapy; or
  • In nonclinical activities that involve the direct application of physical therapy skills and knowledge, examples of which include, but are not limited to:
    • Active service on boards or in physical therapy school or education program accrediting bodies;
    • Physical therapy teaching or presentations on:
      • Patient/client management, prevention and wellness;
      • Physical therapy ethics and standards of practice;
      • Professional advocacy/involvement;
    • Developing course work in physical therapy schools or education programs or physical therapy continuing education courses;
    • Physical therapy research as a principal or associate researcher; and
    • Physical therapy consulting.

Certified copies of employment records or proof acceptable to the board of physical therapy employment for the hours being reported.

How is credit hour defined?

Not defined.

Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?

No.  Continuing education hours in excess of the required hours earned in a reporting period cannot be carried forward to the next reporting cycle.

Are there any specific requirements for continuing education?

Suicide Assessment Course

PTs and PTAs are required to complete a one-time training in suicide assessment that includes screening and referral elements appropriate for this profession. The training must be at least three (3) hours in length and must meet the requirements for training per WAC 246-915-086.

The course must be completed during the first full continued competency reporting period after initial licensure, whichever is later. 

Spinal Manipulation Endorsement

A PT with a spinal manipulation endorsement must complete at least ten (10) hours of continuing education per continuing competency reporting period directly related to spinal manipulation. At least five (5) hours of the training must be related to procedural technique and application of spinal manipulation.

Health Equity Training

Every two (2) years, each PT and PTA shall complete two (2) hours of health equity continuing competency training as described in WAC 246-12-800 through 246-12-830. For documentation, refer to the documentation required for the particular type of continuing education chosen. The hours spent completing health equity training continuing education count toward meeting any applicable continuing competency requirements.

What types of activities can be used for PT continuing education requirements?


Documentation Required

Maximum Hours

Live Course

Participation in a course, live or online.

Keep certificates of completion for each course, and, if not contained in the certificate of completion, information describing the course sponsors, the goals and objectives of the course, the credentials of the presenter as a recognized authority on the subject presented, dates of attendance, and total hours for all continuing education courses being reported.

No Limit.

Course w/out Goals or Objectives

Live or recorded instructional electronic media that does not include specific goals and objectives relating to the practice of physical therapy.

Instead of course goals, objectives and certificate of completion, the PT/PTA shall write and submit to the department a one-page synopsis in twelve-point font for each hour of running time.

Four (4) Hours.

Book/Article Review

The PT/PTA shall write and submit to the department a one-page synopsis in twelve-point font for each hour of reading time. The time spent writing a synopsis is not reportable.

Eight (8) hours (reading time only).

Course Preparation

Preparation and presentation of professional physical therapy courses or lectures.

The PT/PTA shall submit to the department an outline of presentation materials, date, and location of presentation.

Sixteen (16) hours.


Written publication of original scholarly research or work published in a peer-review journal.

The PT/PTA shall submit to the department proof of publication which may include poster presentations.

Ten (10) hours.

Clinical Instruction

Clinical instruction of physical therapist students enrolled in a physical therapy program accredited by the American Physical Therapy Association's Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) or clinical instruction in a postgraduate residency or fellowship through the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE).

The PT/PTA shall obtain and submit to the department a letter or certificate from the student's academic institution verifying that the student has completed the course of clinical instruction. Each thirty-two hours of student mentorship equals one hour for purposes of CE credit.

Ten (10) hours.

Professional Certification

Courses required for professional certification such as to work in public schools.

The PT/PTA shall submit a copy of the completion certificate to the department.

Fifteen (15) hours.

College Courses

Courses provided by an accredited institution of higher education which may include, but are not limited to, courses leading to an advanced degree in physical therapy or other courses that advance the PT's competence.

The PT/PTA shall submit a transcript to the department verifying courses taken. One quarter credit is equal to ten (10) hours; one trimester is equal to twelve (12) hours; and one semester credit is equal to fifteen (15) hours.

No limit.

Science Based Courses

Attendance at science-based conferences.

Certificate of attendance.

No limit.

Certification Exams

Preparing for and successfully taking and passing board certification exams through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties.

Certificate of certification.

No limit.

Clinical practice of physical therapy

Every two (2) years, each PT and PTA shall complete two hundred (200) hours involving the application of physical therapy knowledge and skills which may be obtained in the clinical practice of physical therapy or in the nonclinical activities.


Hours Allowed


Physical therapy clinical practice.

No limit

Documentation of physical therapy employment, the PT or PTA shall provide copies of employment records or other proof acceptable to the board of employment for the hours being reported.

Physical therapy teaching of:

  • Patient/client management, prevention and wellness.
  • Physical therapy ethics and standards of practice.
  • Professional advocacy/involvement.

No limit

The PT or PTA shall provide documentation of such activities as acceptable to the board.

Active service on boards or participation in professional or government organizations, or attendance at professional or government organizations meetings specifically related to the practice of physical therapy.

No limit

The PT or PTA shall provide documentation of such activities as acceptable to the board.

Developing course work in physical therapy schools or education programs or physical therapy continuing education courses.

No limit

The PT or PTA shall provide documentation of such activities as acceptable to the board.

Physical therapy research as a principal or associate researcher.

No limit

The PT or PTA shall provide documentation of such activities as acceptable to the board.

Physical therapy consulting.

No limit

The PT or PTA shall provide documentation of such activities as acceptable to the board.

Management of physical therapy services.

No limit

The PT or PTA shall provide documentation of such activities as acceptable to the board.

Physical therapy volunteer hours or observation in physical therapy practice.

No limit

The PT or PTA shall provide documentation verifying volunteer or observation hours.

What type of approval is needed for the courses?


What type of courses or activities are not allowed?

Not specified.

What are the reporting requirements?

The PT/PTA must verify compliance by submitting a signed declaration of compliance.

How long must continuing education records be retained?

Four (4) years.

Is there a waiver process if I cannot complete my hours?

A PT/PTA may be excused from or granted an extension of continuing education requirements due to illness or other extenuating circumstances. The profession's regulatory entity determines when the requirements may be waived or may grant an extension.

What happens if I am audited?

Up to twenty-five (25) percent of the practitioners are randomly audited for continuing education compliance after the credential is renewed. It is the practitioner's responsibility to submit documentation of completed continuing education activities at the time of the audit. Failure to comply with the audit documentation request or failure to supply acceptable documentation within sixty (60) days may result in disciplinary action.


WAC 246-915-085

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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