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Missouri Physical Therapy Continuing Education Requirements |
Updated 8/17/2024
How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?
Physical therapists licensed in Missouri must complete thirty (30) hours every two (2) years.
Physical therapy assistants licensed in Missouri must complete thirty (30) hours every two (2) years.
New Licensees
PTs and/or PTAs are exempt from one-half (1/2) of the total continuing education hours (thirty (30) hours required, one-half (1/2) is defined as fifteen (15) hours) for the year in which the licensee graduated from a program of physical therapy and/or physical therapist assistant education.
How long is the reporting period?
The period for completion of the continuing education requirements shall be the twenty-four (24)-month period beginning January 1 and ending December 31 of each reporting period.
Due Date
Each applicant shall renew the registration with the board upon a form furnished by the board before January 31 of the year the license is due for renewal.
How is continuing education hour defined?
Hour of continuing education—means a minimum of fifty (50) minutes and up to a maximum of sixty (60) minutes spent in actual attendance at and completion of an approved continuing education activity.
Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?
No. Continuing education hours cannot be carried over into another or the next reporting period.
Are there any specific courses that must be taken?
What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?
Courses Courses and activities sponsored/approved by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) or any of its components including state chapters and specialty sections/boards (i.e., the Missouri Physical Therapy Association (MPTA) or any other professional physical therapy state association); the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), or the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) which at least in part relate to practice of physical therapy. |
A continuing education document from the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), or any of its components including state chapters and specialty sections/boards; (Missouri Physical Therapy Association (MPTA) or any other professional physical therapy state association); the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT), specifically listing the continuing education course completed by the specified licensee, the date, time, and place of the course, and the actual number of continuing education clock hours accumulated and/or total possible continuing education (CE) clock hours that could be accumulated for the program shall be the document(s) necessary as proof of compliance if audited by the board to submit proof. |
No maximum Hour of continuing education—means a minimum of fifty (50) minutes and up to a maximum of sixty (60) minutes spent in actual attendance at and completion of an approved continuing education activity. |
Academic Coursework Academic coursework completed at a regionally accredited college or university in subject matter directly related to the practice of physical therapy in which the licensee earns a grade of a “C” or above. |
An official transcript, from a regionally-accredited college or university, indicating successful completion of academic coursework in appropriate subject matter related to practice of physical therapy, specifically reporting that the licensee earned a grade of at least a “C” for that course, and the number of credit hours awarded for the course shall be the document(s) necessary as proof of compliance if audited by the board to submit proof. |
Each semester credit hour shall be acceptable as ten (10) hours of continuing education, each trimester credit hour shall be acceptable as eight (8) hours of continuing education, and one-quarter credit hour shall be acceptable as seven (7) hours of continuing education. |
Post-Graduate Clinical Residency Program |
A certificate of completion bearing the original signature of the appropriate program director, identifying the specific licensee as a participant in a specified clinical residency program, and specifically detailing the actual hours of licensee participation in such program shall be the document(s) necessary as proof of compliance if audited by the board to submit proof. |
One (1) continuing education hour for each hour of participation. |
Specialty Certifications A licensee who has obtained APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) or other nationally-recognized physical therapy association specialty certification or specialty recertification. |
Official documentation confirming the specific licensee as successfully passing an APTA specialty certification or recertification examination; or other nationally-recognized physical therapy association specialty certification or recertification shall be the document(s) necessary as proof of compliance if audited by the board to submit proof. |
Thirty (30) hours of continuing education hours for the reporting period in which the specialty certification or recertification was awarded. |
Presentations Professional program presentations presented by the licensee in subject matter directly related to the practice of physical therapy delivered in a lecture and/or demonstration format other than academic curricula. |
A written announcement of a presentation schedule and/or brochure specifically identifying the licensee as the presenter of a course/seminar/program shall be the document(s) necessary as proof of compliance if audited by the board to submit proof. |
The maximum continuing education hours for presentation activities per licensee shall not exceed fifteen (15) hours during any two (2) year reporting period. The delivering of a presentation, workshop, or course for a second time shall be creditable for one (1) hour of continuing education for each hour of actual presentation time (this ratio reflects the lesser degree of preparation time required for the second presentation of a workshop or course). The delivering of a presentation, workshop, or course more than two (2) times, in any two (2) year reporting period, is not acceptable for continuing education hours (this reflects the minimal preparation time necessary for multiple presentations of the same workshop or course). |
Research Participation in research activities which result in the publication of such research activity (manuscripts) in a professional peer-reviewed physical therapy or medical publication. |
A copy of the publication or manuscript, specifically identifying the licensee as a participant in the research activities necessary consistent with the topic presented, along with a copy of the cover of the professional publication, shall be the document(s) necessary as proof of compliance if audited by the board to submit proof. |
Five (5) hours of continuing education credit. |
Publications Presentation at a professional physical therapy conference, or for publication in a peer-reviewed physical therapy or medical publication. |
A copy of the abstract publication or presentation as accepted for presentation at a professional physical therapy conference, or for publication in a peer-reviewed physical therapy or medical publication specifically identifying the licensee as the author shall be the document(s) necessary as proof of compliance if audited by the board to submit proof. |
Two (2) hours of continuing education provided such abstract. |
Publication of a Chapter Publication of a chapter in a peer-reviewed physical therapy or medical publication. |
A copy of the chapter as published in a peer-reviewed physical therapy or medical publication specifically identifying the licensee as the author of such chapter, as well as a copy of the cover of the publication, shall be the document(s) necessary as proof of compliance if audited by the board to submit proof. |
Five (5) hours of continuing education. |
Recorded Presentations Videotaped presentation reviews which identify a specific sponsor, sponsoring group or agency, provided that the videotaped presentation. |
A certificate of completion of a videotaped presentation review specifically identifying the licensee as well as the specific sponsor, along with the name of the facilitator or program official present during the review, as well as all others in attendance during the review, provided that such presentation shall be the document(s) necessary as proof of compliance if audited by the board to submit proof. |
Hour of continuing education—means a minimum of fifty (50) minutes and up to a maximum of sixty (60) minutes spent in actual attendance at and completion of an approved continuing education activity. |
Home Study Home study courses which result in the awarding of a certificate of completion. |
A certificate of completion verifying the completion of a home study course specifically identifying the licensee and the continuing education hours such course is creditable for, shall be the document(s) necessary as proof of compliance if audited by the board to submit proof. |
Hour of continuing education—means a minimum of fifty (50) minutes and up to a maximum of sixty (60) minutes spent in actual attendance at and completion of an approved continuing education activity. |
Grand Rounds Continuing education hours shall also be acceptable and creditable for licensee attendance at Grand Rounds. |
A certificate identifying the specific licensee’s attendance and the subject matter presented during Grand Rounds, to include the number of hours the licensee was present for the specific Grand Round, bearing the signature of the facility administrator or other facility official or medical/health related professional who conducted or presented the Grand Round, shall be the document(s) necessary as proof of compliance if audited by the board to submit proof. |
This credit for continuing education shall be creditable for each hour of actual attendance at Grand Rounds. |
CPR Training Initial CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) certification or recertification |
A copy of a CPR certification or recertification certificate, specifically identifying the licensee as the person awarded such certification or recertification, as well as documentation as to the date and number of hours in actual attendance, shall be the document(s) necessary as proof of compliance if audited by the board to submit proof. This credit for continuing education hours shall only be applicable once during each two (2) year reporting period. |
Each hour of actual attendance in certification or recertification training. |
Clinical Instructorship All licensed PTs who act as a clinical instructor for a student enrolled in a Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) accredited physical therapist or physical therapist assistant program or who supervise an American Physical Therapy Association approved physical therapist resident or fellow. All licensed PTAs who act as a clinical instructor for a student enrolled in a CAPTE-accredited physical therapist assistant program. |
A certificate of completion of these hours from the academic institution or residency or fellowship program shall be the necessary documentation to submit proof. |
One (1) contact hour for every one hundred twenty (120) total hours of supervision. The maximum total of contact hours per reporting period shall be five (5). |
Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?
What type of courses or activities are not allowed?
What type of approval is needed for the courses?
The Missouri State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts and/or the Missouri Advisory Commission for Physical Therapists will not preapprove continuing educational courses and/or activities.
The burden is upon the licensee to make certain that any courses or activities completed for the purpose of satisfying the continuing educational requirements specified in this chapter meet the criteria specified in this rule as acceptable continuing education.
What are the reporting requirements?
All licensees shall certify by attestation, on the licensure registration renewal form, under oath and penalty of perjury, that the licensee completed the required thirty (30) hours of continuing education, and that the continuing education obtained meets the acceptable continuing education criteria.
How long must continuing education records be retained?
Four (4) years. The records shall document the titles of the continuing education activity completed including the date, location and course sponsors and number of hours earned.
Licensees in the military will be granted an extension of time to complete the continuing education requirements if they are called to active duty under competent orders for any period of thirty (30) days or more during the reporting period. If the licensee is called to active duty for a majority of the reporting period, they will be exempt from obtaining continuing education. The licensee must submit written documentation from the appropriate military authorities verifying the licensee’s military service commitment.
Illness extensions may be granted only to a licensee who has or is suffering from a personal illness and/or personal disability of a nature which prevents or prevented the licensee from engaging in active practice as a PT and/or PTA for at least a majority of the reporting period. At a minimum, the licensee shall instruct their treating physician(s) to provide written documentation to the board specifying the nature of the illness or disability, the duration of the illness and/or disability and any limitations on the licensee’s activities which resulted or will result from this illness and/or disability. The licensee shall also submit written documentation and evidence as to the number of continuing education hours earned during the reporting period as well as the licensee’s plan for completing the balance of the required continuing education hours.
The board may conduct an audit of licenses to verify compliance with the continuing education requirement. Licensees shall assist in this audit by providing timely and complete responses upon board request for such information and documentation.
20 CSR 2150-3.200
20 CSR 2150-3.201
20 CSR 2150-3.202
20 CSR 2150-3.203
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