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New York Physical Therapy Continuing Education Requirements

Updated 8/20/2024

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Physical therapists licensed in New York are required to complete thirty-six (36) hours of continuing education every three (3) years.

Physical therapy assistants licensed in New York are required to complete thirty-six (36) hours of continuing education every three (3) years.

New Licensees

During the initial phase-in period, the number of hours necessary is pro-rated at one-half hour per month.

When are the CE requirements due?

Expiration date listed on the license.

How is credit hour defined?

One (1) contact hour is at least fifty (50) minutes.

Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?


Are there any specific courses that must be taken?


What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?


Credit Hours

Courses of Learning

Acceptable continuing education shall be courses of learning offered by a sponsor approved by the department, which may include, among others, courses offered by an approved sponsor, university and college credit and non-credit courses, and professional development and technical sessions related to the practice of physical therapy.

One (1) contact hour is at least fifty (50) minutes.

Teaching Approved Courses

Preparing and teaching a course offered by a sponsor of continuing education to PTs or PTAs, approved, provided that such teaching shall not be acceptable where the licensee has taught the course on more than one occasion without presenting new or revised material.

Continuing education hours that may be credited for this activity may include actual instructional time plus preparation time which may be up to two (2) additional hours for each hour of presentation.

Teaching Higher Education

Preparing and teaching a course, acceptable to the department, at a higher education institution relating to the practice of physical therapy, provided that such teaching shall not be acceptable where the licensee has taught the course on more than one occasion without presenting new or revised material.

Continuing education hours that may be credited for this activity may include actual instructional time plus preparation time which may be up to two (2) additional hours for each hour of presentation.

Technical Presentations

Making a technical presentation at a professional conference sponsored by an organization that is a sponsor of continuing education to PTs and PTAs and that is approved, provided that such presentation shall not be acceptable where the licensee has presented on the topic on more than one occasion without presenting new or revised material.

Continuing education hours that may be credited for this activity shall include actual presentation time, plus preparation time which may be up to two (2) additional hours for each hour of presentation.

Specialty Certification

Achieving a specialty certification or recertification from an entity acceptable to the department.

The amount of continuing education credit awarded for such certification or recertification shall be an amount prescribed by the department.


Completing a self-study program, meaning structured study, provided by a sponsor approved, that is based on audio, audio-visual, written, on-line, and other media, and does not include live instruction, transmitted in person or otherwise, during which the student may communicate and interact with the instructor and other students.

One (1) contact hour is at least fifty (50) minutes.


Authoring an article published in a peer-reviewed journal or a published book.

The amount of continuing education credit awarded for such activity shall be an amount prescribed by the department.

Jurisprudence Exam

Completing and receiving a passing score on an examination approved by the department that demonstrates the licensee's knowledge of the laws, rules and regulations of New York relating to the practice of physical therapy.

Two (2) hours of continuing education credit shall be awarded for receiving a passing score on such examination.

Subject matter allowed

The subject matter must contribute to your professional and clinical skills and have as its focus:

    • Activities that enhance knowledge and skill in examination, evaluation, prognosis and planning, intervention, re-examination, prevention and outcomes in physical therapy;
    • Clinical interventions/evidence-based models, and philosophy and principles of physical therapy;
    • Patient communications, recordkeeping, and reimbursement issues;
    • General supervision and business practices;
    • Pedagogical methodologies or other topics which contribute to the professional practice of physical therapy; or
    • Matters relating to health care, law, and/or ethics which contribute to professional practice in physical therapy and the health, safety and/or welfare of the public.

What type of approval is needed for the courses?

The department shall deem approved as a sponsor of continuing education to licensed PTs or PTAs in the form of courses of learning or self-study programs:

    • A national physical therapy organization or other professional organization, acceptable to the department, that fosters good practice in the physical therapy professions, in the nation as a whole and/or a region of the nation;
    • A New York State physical therapy organization, acceptable to the department, that is incorporated or otherwise organized in New York State that fosters good practice in the physical therapy professions in the State of New York as a whole and/or a region of the State of New York;
    • A national organization of jurisdictional boards of physical therapy that promotes and protects the health, safety and welfare of the public and fosters good practice in the physical therapy professions;
    • An entity, hospital or health facility defined in section 2801 of the Public Health Law; and
    • A higher education institution.

What type of courses or activities are not allowed?

Courses not approved by a Board approved sponsor.

Any continuing education designed for the sole purpose of maximizing profits for the practice of a PT or a PTA shall not be considered by the department as acceptable continuing education.

What are the reporting requirements?

PTs and PTAs will be required to attest on your Registration Renewal Document that you completed the required continuing education hours.

How long must continuing education records be retained?

Each licensee shall maintain, or ensure access by the department to, a record of completed continuing education, which includes:

    • The title of the course if a course,
    • The type of educational activity if an educational activity,
    • The subject of the continuing education, the number of hours of continuing education completed,
    • The sponsor's name and any identifying number (if applicable),
    • Attendance verification if a course, participation verification if another educational activity,
    • A copy of any article or book for which continuing education credit is claimed with proof of publication, and
    • The date and location of the continuing education.

Records shall be retained for at least six (6) years from the date of completion of the continuing education and shall be made available for review by the department in the administration of the requirements of this section.


An adjustment to the continuing education requirement may be made by the department, provided that the licensee documents good cause that prevents compliance or the department determines otherwise that there is good cause that prevents compliance, which shall include, but not be limited to, any of the following reasons:

    • Poor health or a specific physical or mental disability certified by an appropriate health care professional; or
    • Extended active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States; or
    • Other good cause beyond the licensee's control which in the judgment of the department, makes it impossible for the licensee to comply with the continuing education requirements in a timely manner.

What happens if I am audited?

If audited, licensees must provide records of completion for each approved continuing education course or activity.


NYCCR §77.10

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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