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Iowa SLP Continuing Education

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Speech-Language Pathologists: SLPs licensed in Iowa need to complete thirty (30) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.

Duel Licensees: A person holding licensure in both speech pathology and audiology must meet the requirements for each profession.

New Licensees: Persons licensed for the first time shall not be required to complete continuing education as a prerequisite for the first renewal of their licenses. Continuing education hours acquired anytime from the initial licensing until the second license renewal may be used.

SLP Assistants: N/A

How long is the reporting period?

The biennial continuing education compliance period shall extend for a two (2) year period between January 1st of each even-numbered year and December 31st of each odd-numbered year

How is continuing education hour defined?

“Hour of continuing education” means at least 50 minutes spent by a licensee in actual attendance at and completion of an approved continuing education activity.

Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?

No hours of continuing education shall be carried over into the next biennium except as stated for second renewal.

General criteria for continuing education courses

“Continuing education” means an approved program/activity that is directly related to the sciences or contemporary clinical practice of audiology, speech-language pathology and speech-language-hearing science and whose content and focus are beyond the basic preparation required for entry into the professions. These activities result in improving, adding to, or positively changing the knowledge and skills of the licensee to improve the safety and welfare of the public.

A continuing education program or activity that meets all of the following criteria is appropriate for continuing education credit if the continuing education program or activity:

    • Meets the definition of continuing education
    • Is conducted by individuals who have specialized education, training and experience by reason of which said individuals should be considered qualified concerning the subject matter of the program. At the time of audit, the board may request the qualifications of presenters;
    • Fulfills state program goals, objectives, or both; and
    • Provides proof of attendance to licensees in attendance including:
      • Date(s), location, course title, presenter(s);
      • Number of program contact hours; and
      • Certificate of completion or evidence of successful completion of the course provided by the course sponsor.

What types of subjects can be used for the continuing education requirements?

Basic Communication Processes

Information (beyond the basic licensure requirements) applicable to the normal development and use of speech, language, and hearing, i.e., anatomic and physiologic bases for the normal development and use of speech, language, and hearing; physical bases and processes of the production and perception of speech, language, and hearing; linguistic and psycholinguistic variables related to normal development and use of speech, language, and hearing; and technological, biomedical, engineering, and instrumentation information which would enable expansion of knowledge in the basic communication processes.

Professional Areas

Information pertaining to disorders of speech, language, and hearing, i.e., various types of disorders of communication, their manifestations, classification and causes; evaluation skills, including procedures, techniques, and instrumentation for assessment; and management procedures and principles in habilitation and rehabilitation of communication disorders. The board shall accept dysphagia courses provided by qualified instructors.

Related Areas

Study pertaining to the understanding of human behavior, both normal and abnormal, as well asservices available from related professions which apply to the contemporary practice of speech-language pathology/audiology, e.g., theories of learning and behavior; services available from related professions that also deal with persons who have disorders of communication; information from these professions about the sensory, physical, emotional, social or intellectual states of child or adult; professional ethics; clinical supervision; counseling; and interviewing.

Are there additional activities that can be used for CE?

Praxis Examination

A licensee may elect to take the Praxis Examination in speech pathology or audiology in lieu of earning continuing education credits. The licensee shall have the results of the examination sent to the board by the agency administering the examination.

Presentation of Professional Programs

A licensee may present professional programs which meet the criteria in this rule. Two hours of credit will be allowed for each hour of newly developed presentation material. A maximum of sixteen (16) hours may be obtained per biennium. A course schedule or brochure must be maintained for audit.

Academic Courses

An applicant shall provide official transcripts indicating successful completion of academic courses which apply to the field of speech pathology and audiology in order to receive the following continuing education credits:

    • One (1) academic semester hour = Fifteen (15) continuing education hours of credit
    • One (1) academic trimester hour = Twelve (12) continuing education hours of credit
    • One (1) academic quarter hour = Ten (10) continuing education hours of credit

Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?

A combined total of six (6) hours per biennium may be used for the following activities:

    • Government regulations;
    • CPR, child abuse and dependent adult abuse; and
    • A maximum of two (2) hours may be used for business-related topics.

What type of courses or activities are not allowed?

Unacceptable subject matter includes personal development, human relations, collective bargaining, and tours.

What type of approval is needed for the courses?

Continuing education shall be obtained by attending a program that meets the criteria including but not limited to continuing education programs offered by AAA and ASHA.

Other individuals or groups may offer continuing education programs that meet the criteria through one of the following organizations:

    • National, state or local associations of speech pathology and audiology; (
    • Schools and institutes of speech pathology and audiology;
    • Universities, colleges or community colleges.

Continuing education must be offered by or approved in advance of delivery by the organizations.


Iowa Admin. Code r. 645—303.2

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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