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Texas Occupational Therapy Continuing Education

Updated 10/24/2024

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Occupational therapists licensed in Texas must complete twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.  

Occupational therapy assistants licensed in Texas must complete twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.  

New Licensees


Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?

Each continuing education activity may be counted only one (1) time in two renewal cycles.

Licensees who submit their renewal with all required items prior to the month when their license expires may count CE completed during their license's expiration month for their next renewal period.

Are there any specific requirements for continuing education?

Passing score on the online jurisprudence exam.

Training on Human Trafficking

Licensees must complete a training course on human trafficking that is approved by the Health and Human Services Commission. Documentation of completion of a training course is a certificate of completion or letter of verification indicating credit awarded.

    • Pre-Approved Credit and Additional Credit. The completion of one (1) training course per renewal period to meet the training requirement is pre-approved for continuing education credit up to a maximum of two (2) contact hours. Additional continuing education credit may be earned for a training course exceeding two (2) hours if the additional hours meet the requirements.
    • Repeated Course. A specific training course completed during one renewal period to meet the training requirement may be completed again during the next renewal period to meet the training requirement for that next renewal. Up to a maximum of two (2) contact hours from the repeated course are exempt and may be applied toward license renewal.

What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?



Credits Earned/Maximum Allowed

Formal academic courses from an occupational therapy program.

Documentation of this type of CE credit shall include a transcript from the accredited college or university.

Completion of course work at or through an accredited college or university shall be counted as follows: Three (3) CE hours for each credit hour of a course with a grade of A, B, C, and/or P (Pass). A three (3) credit course counts for nine (9) contact hours of continuing education. 

No maximum.

Development of a new course or courses at or through an accredited college or university may be counted for ten (10) hours maximum.

In-service educational programs, training programs, institutes, seminars, workshops, facility-based courses, and conferences with specified learning objectives.

Home-study courses with specified learning objectives.

Documentation of this type of CE credit shall include a certificate of completion or letter of verification.

Hour for hour credit on program content only. 

No maximum.

Development of publications, media materials or research/grant activities.

Documentation of this type of CE credit shall include a copy of the actual publication or media material(s), or title page and receipt of grant proposal.  Applies to all the activities below.

Published scholarly work in a peer-review journal.

Documentation of this type of CE credit shall include a copy of the actual publication or media material(s), or title page and receipt of grant proposal.

Primary or second author, fifteen (15) hours maximum.

Other author, consultant, reviewer, or editor, five (5) hours maximum.

Grant or research proposals accepted for consideration.

Documentation of this type of CE credit shall include a copy of the actual publication or media material(s), or title page and receipt of grant proposal.

Principal investigator or co-principal investigator, ten (10) hours maximum.

Consultant or reviewer, four (4) hours maximum.

Published book.

Documentation of this type of CE credit shall include a copy of the actual publication or media material(s), or title page and receipt of grant proposal.

Primary author or book editor, fifteen (15) hours maximum.

Second or other author, seven (7) hours maximum.

Consultant or reviewer, five (5) hours maximum.

Published book chapter or monograph.

Documentation of this type of CE credit shall include a copy of the actual publication or media material(s), or title page and receipt of grant proposal.

Primary author, seven (7) hours maximum.

Second or other author, consultant, reviewer, or editor, two (2) hours maximum.

Author, consultant, reviewer, or editor of other practice related publications such as newsletters, blogs, and trade magazines.

Documentation of this type of CE credit shall include a copy of the actual publication or media material(s), or title page and receipt of grant proposal.

Two (2) hours maximum.

Developer of practice-related or instructional materials using alternative media such as video, audio, or software programs or applications to advance the professional skills of others (not for proprietary use).

Documentation of this type of CE credit shall include a copy of the actual publication or media material(s), or title page and receipt of grant proposal.

Fifteen (15) hours maximum.

Presentations by licensee.

Documentation of this type of CE credit shall include a letter of verification of presentation and number of hours for the presentation or copy of organization's brochure or conference guide noting the presentation, presenter(s), type of presentation.

Professional presentation, e.g. in-services, workshops, institutes: Any presentation counted only one time. Hour for hour credit. Ten (10) hours maximum.

Community/Service organization presentation: Any presentation counted once. Hour for hour credit. Ten (10) hours maximum.

Fieldwork supervision hours may be evenly divided between licensees, not to exceed two (2) fieldwork educators per student. Fieldwork supervision must be completed before the licensee's renewal date.

Documentation of this type of CE credit shall include verification provided by the school to the fieldwork educator(s) with the name of the student, level of fieldwork, school, and dates or hours of fieldwork or the signature page of the completed evaluation form. Evaluation scores and comments should be deleted or blocked out.

Ten (10) hours maximum.

Supervision of Level 1 Fieldwork Students: Up to a maximum of .025 contact hours may be earned for each hour of supervision provided to a student.

Examples: A licensee may earn up to a maximum of 1 contact hour for 40 hours or 2 contact hours for 80 hours of supervision provided to a student.

Supervision of Level 2 Fieldwork Students. 

  • Up to a maximum of .75 contact hours may be earned for each week of supervision provided to a student. Examples: A licensee may earn up to a maximum of 6 contact hours for 8 weeks or 9 contact hours for 12 weeks of supervision provided to a student.
  • Licensees may divide credit for a fieldwork rotation with another supervisor based on the supervision provided by each. 

Student Project Supervision

Documentation shall include the following:  

  • Verification provided by the school to the supervisor with the name of the student, school and academic program, and dates of the semester for which the project was completed; and  
  • An attestation signed by the licensee and the student or school attesting to the dates and hours of supervision and the activities completed. 

A licensee may earn .025 contact hours for each hour of supervision provided to a student completing a supervised project for the accredited educational program. 

A licensee may earn up to a maximum of one (1) contact hour for forty (40) hours or two (2) contact hours for eighty (80) hours of supervision provided to a student.

Supervision of a Re-Entry Student.

A licensee may earn CE for the supervision of a student completing a re-entry course through an accredited college or university.

Documentation shall include verification provided by the school to the supervisor(s) with the name of the student, school and re-entry program, and dates of the supervision rotation or the signature page of the completed evaluation form. Evaluation scores and comments should be deleted or blocked out. 

Up to a maximum of .75 contact hours may be earned for each week of supervision provided to a student.

Examples: A licensee may earn up to a maximum of three (3) contact hours for four (4) weeks or six (6) contact hours for eight (8) weeks of supervision provided to a student.


Participation as a mentor or mentee for the purpose of the development of occupational therapy skills by a mentee under the guidance of a mentor skilled in a particular occupational therapy area. Both the mentor and mentee must hold a regular OT or OTA license in a state or territory of the U.S.

Documentation shall include a signed mentorship agreement between a mentor and mentee that outlines specific goals and objectives and designates the plan of activities that are to be met by the mentee; the names of both mentor and mentee and their license numbers and issuing states; an activity log that corresponds to the mentorship agreement and lists dates and hours spent on each objective-based activity; a final evaluation of the outcomes of the mentorship agreement completed by the mentor; and a final evaluation of the outcomes of the mentorship agreement completed by the mentee.

Participation as a Mentee: A licensee may earn one (1) hour of CE for each three (3) hours spent in activities as a mentee directly related to the achievement of goals and objectives up to a maximum of fifteen (15) CE hours.

Participation as Mentor: A licensee may earn one (1) hour of CE for each five (5) hours spent in activities as a mentor up to a maximum of ten (10) CE hours.

Participation in volunteer activities related to occupational therapy including service on a committee, board, or commission of a state occupational therapy association, AOTA, NBCOT, or TBOTE for the purpose of tangible outcomes such as official documents, publications, and official reports.

Documentation shall include an attestation by the licensee of the activities, including the date and duration of each, in addition to a copy of the actual publication or official document/report that reflects the licensee's name or verification from the entity attesting to the individual's contribution. A verification must include the name of the authorized signer and either the signature of the authorized signer or the official seal, letterhead, or logo of the authorized signer if an area designated for a signature is not included. 

Maximum of ten (10) contact hours.

NBCOT Navigator™ Activities.

Documentation is a certificate of completion or letter of verification. Documentation must identify the licensee by name and include the date and title of the activity; the name of the authorized signer; either the signature of the authorized signer or the official seal, letterhead, or logo of the authorized signer if an area designated for a signature is not included; and the number of hours, contact hours, or CAUs awarded for the activity. When the documentation lists a unit of credit other than hours, contact hours, or CAUs, such as continuing education units (CEUs), professional development units (PDUs), or other units or credits, it must be accompanied by documentation from NBCOT noting the equivalence of the units or credits in terms of hours or contact hours. Self-reflections and self-assessments, reading list and research portal activities, professional development plans, or similar activities are not eligible for CE credit. 

For such activities, one (1) NBCOT CAU is the equivalent of one (1) contact hour.

No maximum.

Independent Study.

Documentation shall include a study plan outlining the specific goals and objectives of the study and an activity log corresponding to such with the dates and hours spent on each objective based activity; the titles, publication dates, and media types (ex: journal article, book, video) of the materials; a synopsis of the materials and their implications for occupational therapy; and a final evaluation of the outcomes of the study. 

Licensees may earn up to a maximum of ten (10) contact hours for the completion of the independent study of published materials.

Any deviation from the continuing education categories will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Coordinator of Occupational Therapy or by the Continuing Education Committee.

A request for special consideration must be submitted in writing a minimum of sixty (60) days prior to expiration of the license.

What type of approval is needed for the courses?

Educational activities that meet the criteria for continuing education that are approved or offered by the American Occupational Therapy Association or the Texas Occupational Therapy Association are pre-approved by the Board.

What type of courses or activities are not allowed?

Unacceptable professional development activities not eligible for continuing education regardless of the provider or pre-approved status include but are not limited to:

    • Any non-instructional time frames such as breaks, meals, introductions, and pre/post testing.
    • Business meetings.
    • Exhibit hall attendance.
    • Courses that provide information about the work setting's philosophy, policies, or procedures or designed to educate employees about a specific work setting.
    • Courses in topics concerning professionalism or customer service.
    • Courses such as: social work; defensive driving; water safety; team building; GRE, GMAT, MCAT preparation; general foreign languages; disposal of hazardous waste; patient privacy; CPR; First Aid; HIPAA; and FERPA.

Course Approval

Activities approved or offered by the American Occupational Therapy Association or the Texas Occupational Therapy Association are pre-approved for CE credit for license renewal. 

What are the reporting requirements?

OT CE Submission Form

Continuing education documentation includes, but is not limited to:

    • An official transcript,
    • AOTA self-study completion certificates,
    • Copies of official sign-in or attendance sheets,
    • Course certificates of attendance, and
    • Certificates of completion.

Documentation must identify the licensee by name and must include the date and title of the course, the name and signature of the authorized signer, and the number of contact hours awarded for the course. When continuing education units (CEUs), professional development units (PDUs), or other units or credits are listed on the documentation, such must be accompanied by documentation from the continuing education provider noting the equivalence of the units or credits in terms of contact hours.

Those renewing a license more than 90 days late must submit proof of continuing education for the renewal.

How long must continuing education records be retained?

Continuing education documentation must be maintained for two (2) years from the date of the last renewal for auditing purposes.


The Board shall select for audit a random sample of licensees. The audit will cover a period for which the licensee has already completed the continuing education requirement.

Licensees randomly selected for the audit must provide to TBOTE appropriate documentation within thirty (30) days of notification.

The licensee is solely responsible for keeping accurate documentation of all continuing education requirements.


Tex. Admin. Code § 367.2

Tex. Admin. Code § 367.3

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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