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Medicare Provider Participation and Non-Participation |
June 14, 2023
Physical, occupational, and speech therapists can be participation or non-participating providers in Medicare. PTs, OTs, and SLPs can also not enroll in Medicare at all but cannot be “opt-out providers” so the current rules are a little grey, more on this below.
Participating Providers
A participating provider is one who voluntarily and in advance enters into an agreement in writing to provide all covered services for all Medicare Part B beneficiaries on an assigned basis:
Non-Participating Providers
A non-participating provider has not entered into an agreement to accept assignment on all Medicare claims:
Opt-Out Providers
Physician/Practitioners can choose to be opt-out providers which means they are not enrolled in Medicare, cannot bill Medicare, and instead must enter into a private contract with Medicare beneficiaries in order to collect payment directly from the beneficiary. The physician/practitioner cannot choose to opt-out of Medicare for some Medicare beneficiaries but not others; or for some services but not others. The physician/practitioner who chooses to opt-out of Medicare may provide covered care to Medicare beneficiaries only through private contracts.
Physical therapists in independent practice, occupational therapists and speech therapists in independent practice cannot opt out because they are not within the opt out law’s definition of either a “physician” or “practitioner”.
Unfortunately, Medicare has not been clear on the obligations of therapists who are not enrolled in Medicare as either participating or non-participating providers.
Medicare does provide us with this language:
The language above indicates that non-opt-out therapists should use an ABN form to inform their clients that they are not enrolled in Medicare and that the client will be responsible for payment. This is especially important when Medicare would otherwise cover the therapy services.
For services that Medicare never covers such as wellness or general exercise, an ABN is voluntary, however, it is still a good idea to use one because it puts the client on notice that they are responsible for payment and why.
See our Medicare ABN section for detailed instructions on how to use an ABN form.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare Benefit Manual Ch. 15 § 40
Novitas Solutions - Participating Provider Versus Non-Participating Provider
Therapy Comply LLC Copyright 2025
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About Us Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply. Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices. | Join Us Join today as a yearly or monthly member and enjoy full access to the site and a significant discount to our live and recorded webinars. Members also have access to compliance and billing support. |