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Iowa Physical Therapy Definitions |
Active License - A license that is current and has not expired.
Assistive Personnel - Any person who carries out physical therapy and is not licensed as a PT or PTA. This definition does not include students.
Audit - The selection of licensees for verification of satisfactory completion of continuing education requirements during a specified time period.
Board - The Iowa Board of Physical and Occupational Therapy.
Continuing Education - Planned, organized learning acts designed to maintain, improve, or expand a licensee’s knowledge and skills in order for the licensee to develop new knowledge and skills relevant to the enhancement of practice, education, or theory development to improve the safety and welfare of the public.
Department - The Iowa Department of Public Health.
Grace Period - The thirty (30) day period following expiration of a license when the license is still considered to be active. In order to renew a license during the grace period, a licensee is required to pay a late fee.
Hour of Continuing Education - At least fifty (50) minutes spent by a licensee in actual attendance at and completion of an approved continuing education activity.
Impairment - A mechanical, physiological or developmental loss or abnormality, a functional limitation, or a disability or other health- or movement-related condition.
Inactive License - A license that has expired because it was not renewed by the end of the grace period. The category of “inactive license” may include licenses formerly known as lapsed, inactive, delinquent, closed, or retired.
Independent Study - A subject/program/activity that a person pursues autonomously and that meets standards for approval criteria in the rules and includes a posttest.
Licensee - Any person licensed to practice as a PT or PTA in the state of Iowa.
License Expiration Date - The fifteenth (15th) day of the birth month every two (2) years after initial licensure.
Licensure by Endorsement - The issuance of an Iowa license to practice physical therapy to an applicant who is or has been licensed in another state.
Mandatory Training - Training on identifying and reporting child abuse or dependent adult abuse required of PTs or PTAs who are mandatory reporters.
On Site Supervision:
Physical Therapist - A person licensed to practice physical therapy.
Physical Therapist Assistant - A person licensed to assist in the practice of physical therapy.
Physical Therapy - Branch of science that deals with the evaluation and treatment of human capabilities and impairments. Physical therapy uses the effective properties of physical agents including, but not limited to, mechanical devices, heat, cold, air, light, water, electricity, and sound, and therapeutic exercises, and rehabilitative procedures to prevent, correct, minimize, or alleviate a physical impairment.
PT - Physical therapist.
PTA - Physical therapist assistant.
Reactivate or Reactivation - The process by which an inactive license is restored to active status.
Reciprocal License - The issuance of an Iowa license to practice physical therapy to an applicant who is currently licensed in another state which has a mutual agreement with the Iowa board of physical and occupational therapy to license persons who have the same or similar qualifications to those required in Iowa.
Reinstatement - The process by which a licensee who has had a license suspended or revoked or who has voluntarily surrendered a license may apply to have the license reinstated, with or without conditions. Once the license is reinstated, the licensee may apply for active status.
Iowa Code 148A.1
Iowa Admin. Code r. 645—200.1
Iowa Admin. Code r. 645—202.1
Iowa Admin. Code r. 645—203.1
Therapy Comply LLC Copyright 2025
Therapy Comply does not claim copyright over US Federal and State materials
CPT codes are copyright 1995-2025 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
About Us Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply. Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices. | Join Us Join today as a yearly or monthly member and enjoy full access to the site and a significant discount to our live and recorded webinars. Members also have access to compliance and billing support. |