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Massachusetts Occupational Therapy Continuing Education 

Updated 8/22/2024

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Occupational therapists licensed in Massachusetts must complete twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.

Occupational therapy assistants licensed in Massachusetts must complete twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.

New Licensees

For new occupational therapy professionals licensed by examination, this continuing competence requirement commences following their first renewal period after initial licensure.

When is the deadline to complete the continuing education requirements?

On renewal. A license shall expire every two (2) years on the birth anniversary of the licensee.

How is contact hour defined?


Can credits be carried over into the next reporting period?

No. Only those continuing competence activities which are completed during the required continuing competence period, twenty-four (24) months prior to each renewal date, will be acceptable as qualifying continuing competence activities for that period.

Are there any specific courses that must be taken?

For each renewal period, each occupational therapy professional's continuing competency points must include two (2) points in ethics, laws and regulations governing practice in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?


Awarded Credits



Published books, chapters of published books and/or articles in peer reviewed journals authored by the occupational therapy professional may be submitted for Board approval.

A maximum of twenty-two (22) of the total twenty-four (24) points for activities to maintain continuing competence may be credited per book. A maximum of two (2) points may be credited per book chapter or article published in a peer-reviewed journal.

For each continuing competence activity point earned from publication of books, chapters of books and/or articles in refereed journals, an occupational therapy professional must be able to provide documentation of the following information:

  • The title of the book, chapter or article and, in the case of a chapter or article, the title of the book or name of the journal in which it appears;
  • The date of publication; and
  • The names of any co-authors. The Board may require the physical therapy professional to provide a copy of the book, chapter or article submitted in fulfillment of the continuing competence activity requirements.

Presentation and Instruction

Presenters and instructors of academic courses, workshops, or seminars.

Academic Courses. Faculty may be credited with four (4) points per academic credit awarded by the accredited degree-granting institution of higher education for a course.

Instructors may be credited one (1) point for activities to maintain continuing competence for each contact hour of the activity taught by the instructor.

No more than ten (10) of the required twenty-four (24) points for activities to maintain continuing competence per renewal period and points will be awarded only for first time instruction and presentation.

Subsequent instruction and presentation of courses, workshops or seminars will be awarded ½ the respective value of points.

For each continuing competence activity point earned by the teaching of courses, workshops or seminars or participation in other activities, the occupational therapy professional must be able to document the following information:

  • The title of the course or other activity;
  • Date(s) the course or other activity was presented or participated in and, in the case of a course, all previous dates the course was presented and if revised, the nature and extent of such revisions;
  • Institution or sponsoring agency;
  • The number of hours the physical therapy or occupational therapy professional spent teaching or participating in the other activity; and
  • Such other documentation as the Board may require.

Academic Coursework

Fully completed academic coursework, by the licensee, from an accredited, degree-granting institution of higher education may be submitted for no more than six (6) of the required twenty-four (24) points for activities to maintain continuing competence per renewal period, with one (1) point per academic credit awarded by the accredited degree-granting institution of higher education.

For each continuing competence point earned by participation in a continuing competence program or academic coursework, an occupational therapy professional must be able to provide documentation of the following:

  • The title of the program or course, course outline/objectives and faculty with qualifications;
  •  The number of hours spent in the program or course;
  • The date(s) and location that the program or course was given; and
  • The name of the Board-recognized entity that reviewed and approved the program or course. Board recognized entities include, but are not limited to, APTA, FSBPT, AOTA and such other entities.

Continuing Competence Programs

Fully completed continuing competence programs may be submitted for up to twenty-four (24) points, one (1) point per contact hour or equivalent as awarded by the provider.

Other continuing competence activities approved by the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. or the American Physical Therapy Association may be submitted for no more than six (6) of the required twenty-four (24) points for activities to maintain continuing competence per renewal period.

For each continuing competence point earned by participation in a continuing competence program or academic coursework, a physical therapy or occupational therapy professional must be able to provide documentation of the following:

  • The title of the program or course, course outline/objectives and faculty with qualifications;
  • The number of hours spent in the program or course;
  • The date(s) and location that the program or course was given; and
  • The name of the Board-recognized entity that reviewed and approved the program or course.  Board recognized entities include, but are not limited to, APTA, FSBPT, AOTA and such other entities identified in 259 CMR 7.03(2).

Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?


Which type of courses or activities are not allowed?


Is board approval necessary for continuing education?

All continuing competence activities other than Board approved continuing competence programs set forth below are subject to approval by the Board.

Programs or activities content shall directly relate to the practice of occupational therapy in the Commonwealth and the educational objectives shall exceed a basic level of knowledge as it relates to occupational therapy professional practice. and endorsed or sponsored by the following organizations shall be deemed approved for continuing competence points:

    • The activity or program is presented or conducted by a graduate or undergraduate physical therapy or occupational therapy school, program or department accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education or the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education;
    • The activity or program has been reviewed and approved for continuing competence credit by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy, the American Physical Therapy Association, the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc., the Board of Certification, Inc., or a state, regional or professional society or association in the field of physical or occupational therapy;
    • The activity or program has been approved for continuing competence credit by a governmental agency in any other state, province, territory or political subdivision of the United States or Canada which is responsible for the licensure, certification or registration of physical therapists or occupational therapists; or
    • The activity or program has been reviewed and approved by a local, state or federal governmental health agency, health institution or an accredited community or teaching hospital.

What are the reporting requirements?

At the time of license renewal, each physical therapy professional is required to submit to the Board a signed statement on a form provided by the Board attesting under the pains and penalty of perjury to satisfaction of the continuing competence requirements.

How long must continuing education records be retained?

Two (2) years.

Can the continuing education requirements be waived?

The Board may waive the continuing competence requirement for any occupational therapy professional who, for reasons of health, disability, out of state military service, or undue hardship, cannot meet the requirements.

An application for a waiver, containing all supporting documentation, shall be submitted to the Board on a form provided by the Board at least 45 days before the end of the licensee's renewal cycle.

Waivers of continuing competence requirements shall be effective for no more than one renewal period.

After expiration of a waiver, an occupational therapy professional may apply for a waiver for up to an additional renewal period.

If a temporary waiver is granted, the occupational therapy professional shall comply with all continuing competence requirements for all subsequent renewal periods, after such time that the waiver expires unless a subsequent waiver is granted.

Does the board audit therapist’s continuing education?

The Board may review and/or randomly audit the documentation of any occupational therapy professional's continuing competence requirements and may request the documentation described above or additional documentation for two (2) prior licensure renewal/periods. The Board shall determine whether the activity/program documentation submitted meets all criteria for continuing competence as specified above.


259 CMR 7.00 et. al.

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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