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Kansas Physical Therapy Continuing Education Requirements |
Updated 8/18/2024
How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?
Physical therapists licensed in Kansas must complete forty (40) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.
Physical therapy assistants licensed in Kansas must complete twenty (20) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.
New Licensees
A PT initially licensed or holding a compact privilege or a PTA initially certified or holding a compact privilege within one (1) year of a renewal date in an odd numbered year shall not be required to submit evidence of satisfactory completion of a program of continuing education for that first renewal period.
Each PT or PTA initially licensed, holding a compact privilege, or certified or whose license, compact privilege, or certificate has been reinstated for more than one (1) year but less than two (2) years from a renewal date in an odd-numbered year shall be required to submit evidence of satisfactory completion of at least half of the contact hours of continuing education.
Due Date
December 31st every odd-numbered year.
How is contact hour defined?
A contact hour shall consist of sixty (60) minutes of activity pertaining to the practice of physical therapy.
Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?
Are there any specific courses that must be taken?
The physical therapy jurisprudence module.
What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?
All continuing education activities shall pertain to any of the following:
The following shall qualify as continuing education activities:
Activity |
Description |
Hours Awarded |
Lecture |
A live discourse for the purpose of instruction given before an audience. |
One (1) contact hour shall be awarded for each hour of instruction. |
Panel |
The presentation of multiple views by several professional individuals on a given subject, with none of the views considered a final solution. |
One (1) contact hour shall be awarded for each hour of presentation. |
Workshop |
A series of meetings designed for intensive study, work, or discussion in a specific field of interest. |
One (1) contact hour shall be awarded for each hour of the workshop. |
Seminar |
Directed advanced study or discussion in a specific field of interest. |
One contact hour shall be awarded for each hour of the seminar. |
Symposium |
A conference of more than a single session organized for the purpose of discussing a specific subject from various viewpoints and by various speakers. |
One (1) contact hour shall be awarded for each hour of the symposium. |
In-Service Training |
An educational presentation given to employees during the course of employment that pertains solely to the enhancement of physical therapy skills in the evaluation, assessment, or treatment of patients. |
One (1) contact hour shall be awarded for each hour of training. |
College or University Courses |
A course at the college or university level directly related to the practice of physical therapy. |
Ten (10) contact hours shall be given for each semester credit hour for which the student received a grade of at least C or its equivalent or a “pass” in a pass/fail course that is documented in an official transcript. |
Administrative Training |
A presentation that enhances the knowledge of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant on the topic of quality assurance, risk management, reimbursement, hospital and statutory requirements, or claim procedures. |
One (1) contact hour shall be awarded for each hour of training |
Self-Instruction |
Reading professional literature directly related to the practice of physical therapy. Completion of a correspondence, audio, video, or internet course for which a printed verification of successful completion is provided by the person or organization offering the course. Passage of a specialty certification examination approved by the board. |
A maximum of two (2) contact hours shall be awarded for reading professional literature. A maximum of ten (10) contact hours shall be awarded for each course. Forty (40) contact hours shall be awarded for passage of a specialty certification examination. |
Professional Publications |
Writing a professional publication. |
Original paper: Single author: Twenty (20) hours Senior author: Fifteen (15) hours Coauthor: Eight (8) hours Review paper or case report: Single author: Fifteen (15) hours Coauthor: Eight (8) hours Abstract or book review: Eight (8) hours Publication of a book: Twenty (20) hours |
Physical Therapy Residency or Fellowship Program |
A post-professional program that is directly related to the practice of physical therapy and requires at least 1,000 combined hours of instruction and clinical practice for completion. |
Forty (40) contact hours shall be awarded for successful completion of a physical therapy residency or fellowship program. |
Elected Delegate |
An elected delegate in a national assembly of delegates with the objective to create policy related to the practice of physical therapy. |
Ten (10) contact hours shall be awarded for serving one term as an elected delegate. |
Supervision of a Student |
Clinical instruction and evaluation of a physical therapist student or physical therapist assistant student in a clinical setting. |
One (1) contact hour shall be awarded for each documented forty (40) hours of providing supervision of a student. A maximum of three (3) contact hours shall be awarded in each two (2) year continuing education period. |
Continuing Education Program Presentation |
The preparation and presentation of a continuing education program that meets the requirements. |
Three (3) contact hours shall be awarded for each hour spent presenting. |
Physical therapy jurisprudence assessment module |
“Physical therapy jurisprudence assessment module” shall mean the Kansas jurisprudence examination developed by the board and the FSBPT and administered by the FSBPT. |
One (1) contact hour shall be awarded for successful completion of the physical therapy jurisprudence assessment module. |
Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?
What type of courses or activities are not allowed?
What type of approval is needed for the courses?
What are the reporting requirements?
To provide evidence of satisfactory completion of continuing education activities, each licensed PT and each certified PTA shall submit the following to the board:
How long must continuing education records be retained?
Any applicant for renewal who cannot meet the requirements may request an extension from the board to submit evidence of continuing education. The request shall include a plan for completion of the continuing education requirements within the requested extension period.
An extension of up to six (6) months may be granted by the board for a substantiated medical condition, natural disaster, death of a spouse or an immediate family member, or any other compelling reason that in the judgment of the board renders the licensee incapable of meeting the requirements.
K.A.R. 100-29-9
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Therapy Comply does not claim copyright over US Federal and State materials
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About Us Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply. Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices. | Join Us Join today as a yearly or monthly member and enjoy full access to the site and a significant discount to our live and recorded webinars. Members also have access to compliance and billing support. |