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Tennessee PT Continuing Education

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Physical Therapists: PTs licensed in Tennessee must complete thirty (30) hours of CE within two (2) years.

New Licensees: For applicants approved for initial licensure by examination shall be considered proof of sufficient competence to constitute compliance with this rule for the initial period of licensure except for the ethics and jurisprudence education requirements.  Applicants approved for initial licensure by examination must successfully complete four (4) hours of ethics and jurisprudence education during their initial period of licensure.

Physical Therapy Assistants: PTAs licensed in Tennessee must complete thirty (30) hours of CE within two (2) years.

How long is the reporting period?

Two (2) years.

Due Date

The license renewal date.

Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?


Are there any specific courses that must be taken?

Applicants approved for initial licensure by examination must successfully complete four (4) hours of ethics and jurisprudence education during their initial period of licensure.

Ethics and Jurisprudence – The Tennessee Physical Therapy Association (TPTA) is the sole approval entity for ethics and jurisprudence courses. All ethics and jurisprudence courses approved by the TPTA shall be deemed approved by the Board. Any ethics and jurisprudence course not approved by the TPTA will fail to meet the requirements of this rule. The TPTA shall only approve courses that are a minimum of two (2) hours each in duration.

Course Limitations

At least twenty (20) hours of the thirty (30) hour requirement must be from Class I activities as and only ten (10) may be acquired online.

The word “online” generally refers to those courses or activities that can be accessed by means of using a computer, including the use of a smart phone, tablet, or other device capable of accessing the internet. However, “online” does not include those courses or activities that are taken in a live, real-time only format. The Board reserves the right to request proof of the interactive element of any continuing competence course submitted.

Class I Activities

External Peer Review

Review of practice with verification of acceptable practice by a recognized entity, e.g., American Physical Therapy Association. Continuing competence credit is twenty (20) hours per review with a maximum of one (1) review each twenty-four (24) month period.

Internal Peer Review

Review of practice with verification of acceptable practice. Continuing competence credit is two (2) hours per review with a maximum of two (2) reviews during each twenty-four (24) month period.

Courses, Seminars, Workshops, and Symposia

Attended by the licensee which have been pre-approved for continuing education units by appropriate CEU granting agencies.

Relevant and Appropriate Courses, Seminars, Workshops, and Symposia

Attended by the licensee and approved by other State Boards of Physical Therapy, accredited schools of physical therapy and physical therapy assistant schools, or health-related nonprofit organizations. The Board or its designee retains the right to determine whether any submitted course complies with the requirements of this rule.

Home Study Courses or Courses Offered through Electronic Media

Courses must be approved by recognized health-related organizations (e.g., American Physical Therapy Association, Tennessee Physical Therapy Association, Arthritis Foundation, etc.) or accredited physical therapy educational institutions (e.g., U.T. Center for the Health Sciences, Volunteer State Community College), and that include objectives and verification of satisfactory completion.

University Credit Courses

Continuing competence credit is twelve (12) hours per semester credit hour.

Participation as a Presenter

Presenting in continuing education courses, workshops, seminars or symposia which have been approved by recognized health-related organizations. Continuing competence credit is based on contact hours and may not exceed twenty (20) hours per topic.

Authorship of a Presented Scientific Poster, Scientific Platform Presentation or Published Article undergoing Peer Review

Continuing competence credit is ten (10) hours per event with a maximum of two (2) events each twenty-four (24) month period.

Teaching a Physical Therapy or Physical Therapist Assistant Credit Course

When that teaching is an adjunct responsibility and not the primary employment. Continuing competence credit is based on contact hours not to exceed twenty (20) hours. If the same course is taught more than once, contact hours may only be counted once.

Certification of clinical specialization by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS)

Continuing competence credit is twenty-six (26) hours and is recognized only in the twenty-four (24) month period in which certification or recertification is awarded.

Certification of Clinical Specialization by Organizations other than the ABPTS

(e.g. the McKenzie Institute, the Neuro Developmental Treatment Association, the Ola Grimsby Institute, etc.) may be recognized as continuing competence credit for up to twenty-six (26) hours, in the twenty-four (24) month period in which certification or recertification is awarded. The number of continuing competence credit hours awarded is determined by the Board.

Awarding of an Advanced Degree from an Accredited University

Continuing competence credit is twenty-six (26) hours and is recognized only in the twenty-four (24) month period in which the advanced degree is awarded.

Participating in a Clinical Residency Program

Continuing competence credit is five (5) hours credit for each week of residency with a maximum of twenty-six (26) hours per program.

Class II Activities

Self-Instruction from Reading Professional Literature

Continuing competence credit is limited to a maximum of one (1) hour each twenty-four (24) month period.

Attendance at a Scientific Poster Session, Lecture, Panel or Symposium that does not meet the Criteria for Class I

Continuing competence credit is one (1) hour per hour of activity with a maximum of two (2) hours credit each twenty-four (24) month period.

Serving as a Clinical Instructor for an Accredited Educational Program

Continuing competence credit is one (1) hour per sixteen (16) contact hours with the student(s).

Acting as a Clinical Instructor for Physical Therapist Participating in a Residency Program or as a Mentor for a Learner for a Formal, Nonacademic Mentorship

Continuing competence credit is one (1) hour per sixteen (16) contact hours.

Participating in a Physical Therapy Study Group

Continuing competence credit is limited to a maximum of one (1) hour credit each twenty-four (24) month period.

Attending and/or Presenting In-Service Programs

Continuing competence credit is one (1) hour per eight (8) contact hours with a maximum of four (4) hours credit each twenty-four (24) month period.

Serving the Physical Therapy Profession as a Delegate to the APTA House of Delegates, on a Professional Board, Committee, or Task Force

Continuing competence credit is limited to a maximum of one (1) hour credit each twenty-four (24) month period.

What type of courses or activities are not allowed?

Unacceptable activities for continuing competence include, but are not limited to:

    • Attending courses regarding:
      • Regulations of the United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA);
      • Regulations of the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (TOSHA);
      • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); and
      • Safety;
    • Meetings for purposes of policy decisions;
    • Non-educational meetings at annual association, chapter or organization meetings;
    • Entertainment or recreational meetings or activities; and
    • Visiting exhibits.

What type of approval is needed for the courses?

The Board does not pre-approve Class I and Class II continuing competence courses, programs, and activities. It is the licensee’s responsibility, using his/her professional judgment, to determine if the courses offered by other entities are applicable, appropriate, and meet the requirements of this rule. However, TPTA must seek the Board’s approval for offering ethics and jurisprudence courses by submitting the following information to the Board’s office at least thirty (30) days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board that precedes the course:

    • Course description or outline;
    • Names of all lecturers;
    • Brief resume of all lecturers; and
    • How certification of attendance is to be documented.

Each course approved by TPTA must be approved every twelve (12) months.

What are the reporting requirements?

The licensee must, within thirty (30) days of a request from the Board, provide evidence of continuing competence activities.

How long must continuing education records be retained?

Each licensee must retain completion documents, certificates, transcripts and syllabi of all continuing competence requirements of this rule for a period of five (5) years from when the requirements were completed. This documentation must be produced for inspection and verification, if requested in writing by the Board during its verification process.

Can I get a waiver for my CE requirements?

The Board, in cases of documented illness, disability, or other undue hardship, may waive the continuing competence requirements and/or extend the deadline to complete continuing competence requirements. To be considered for a waiver of continuing competence requirements, or for an extension of the deadline to complete the continuing competence requirements, a licensee must request such in writing with supporting documentation before the end of the twenty-four (24) month period in which the continuing competence requirements were not met.


Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1150-01-.12

Tennessee Board of Physical Therapy Policy Statement

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