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Delaware Physical Therapy Continuing Education |
Updated 8/17/2024
How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?
Physical therapists licensed in Delaware are required to complete three (3) CEUs (30 hours) every two (2) years.
Physical therapy assistants licensed in Delaware are required to complete three (3) CEUs (30 hours) every two (2) years.
New Licensees
CEU requirements shall be prorated for new licensees. If the license is granted during the six (6) month period shown below, the following will be required for renewal:
How long is the reporting period?
Two (2) years.
Due Date
The required CEU's shall be completed no later than January 31 of every odd-numbered year and every two (2) years after such date.
How is CEU defined?
One (1) CEU will be given for every ten (10) hours of an approved continuing education course. (1 contact hour = .1 CEU).
Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?
CEU's shall not be carried over from one biennial period to the next.
Are there any specific courses that must be taken?
The required hours shall include 0.2 units (2 hours) of Ethics and proof of current CPR certification by the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, National Safety Council or other agency approved by the Board and posted on the Division of Professional Regulation's website. Proof of current CPR certification will count for 0.1 CEU.
What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?
The following are examples of acceptable continuing education which the Board may approve. The Board will determine the appropriate number of contact hours for these categories of continuing education, subject to any limitation shown below.
The following are also examples of acceptable continuing education in the amount of CEU's shown.
Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?
What type of courses or activities are not allowed?
What type of approval is needed for the courses?
Continuing education units that have been previously approved during the current licensing period by another agency such as a national governing body, for example, APTA and BOC, or a fellow state licensing board shall be acceptable to the Examining Board for the State of Delaware as appropriate CEU's.
What are the reporting requirements?
Proof of continuing education is satisfied with an attestation by the licensee that he or she has satisfied the requirements.
Continuing Education (CE) is tracked in DELPROS, the Delaware Professional Regulation Online Service.
How long must continuing education records be retained?
Hardship. An applicant for license renewal may be granted an extension of time in which to complete CEU hours or a total or partial waiver of CEU requirements upon a showing of hardship. Hardship may include, but is not limited to, disability, illness, extended absence from the country and exceptional family responsibilities. No extension of time or waiver shall be granted unless the licensee submits a written request to the Board prior to the expiration of the license.
Random audits will be performed by the Board to ensure compliance with the CEU requirements.
The Board will notify licensees within sixty (60) days after January 31 that they have been selected for audit.
Licensees selected for random audit shall be required to submit verification within twenty (20) days of receipt of notification of selection for audit.
Verification shall include, but is not limited to, the following information:
24-2600 Del. Admin. Code § 13
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About Us Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply. Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices. | Join Us Join today as a yearly or monthly member and enjoy full access to the site and a significant discount to our live and recorded webinars. Members also have access to compliance and billing support. |