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Nebraska Physical Therapy Continuing Education Requirements 

Updated 8/19/2024

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Physical therapists licensed in Nebraska must complete twenty (20) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.

Physical therapy assistants licensed in Nebraska must complete ten (10) hours of continuing education every two (2) years.

New Licensees

Not required during the first license cycle.

Military Service

Credential holders actively engaged in military service are not required to pay the renewal fee or meet the continuing competency requirements.   The department may conduct an audit of military status. Each credential holder selected for audit must produce documentation of active military services within thirty (30) days.

Due Date

On or before November 1 of each odd-numbered year.

How is continuing education hour defined?

As it relates to continuing education, an hour is at least 60 minutes of participation in an organized learning experience otherwise known as a “contact hour.”

One (1) academic semester hour is equal to fifteen (15) contact hours. An approved three (3) credit hour course provides forty-five (45) contact hours of continuing education credit; and

One (1) academic quarter hour is equal to ten (10) contact hours. An approved three (3) credit hour course provides thirty (30) contact hours of continuing education credit.

Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?


Are there any specific courses that must be taken?


What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?

State and National Meetings

Programs at State and National meetings which relate to the theory or clinical application of theory pertaining to the practice of physical therapy.

Formal Education Courses

The courses or presentations must be formally organized and planned instructional experiences in which the instructor has specialized experience or training to meet the objectives of the course and which have:

    •  A date;
    • Location;
    • Course title;
    • Number of contact hours;
    • A signed certificate of attendance; and
    • Are open to all licensees and certificate holders.

Home Study

The home study program must have a testing mechanism. A licensee or certificate holder may complete a maximum of ten (10) hours of continuing education by home study each two (2) year period.

Management Courses

A licensee or certificate holder may complete a maximum of four (4) hours of continuing education utilizing management courses each twenty-four (24) month renewal period.


A licensee or certificate holder may complete a maximum of ten (10) hours of continuing education utilizing webinars each two (2) year renewal period. Webinars are continuing education activities that meet the following criteria:

    • There is a sponsoring group or agency; and
    • Attendance is not self-monitored.

Scientific Review or Research Papers

Completion and publication of a scientific review of a research paper for a professionally recognized database as approved by the Board. One (1) contact hour will be awarded for each article published. A licensee or certificate holder will be awarded a maximum of five (5) hours each two (2) year period. Documentation must include a certificate of completion or a copy of the published review.


Participation in research or other scholarly activities that result in professional publication or acceptance for publication that relates to physical therapy and is intended for an audience of health care professionals.

Licensees or certificate holders will be awarded a maximum of ten (10) hours each two (2) year period. This includes:

    • Authoring an article in a non-refereed journal. Earn five (5) hours per article: Documentation required – a copy of the article;
    • Authoring an article in a refereed journal. Earn ten (10) hours per article: Documentation required – a copy of the article;
    • Authoring or being a contributing author of a published textbook. Earn ten (10) hours per book: Documentation required – A copy of the title page;
    • Authoring a poster presentation. Five (5) hours per presentation: Documentation required – Letter of acknowledgement; and
    • Authoring a home study course. Earn five (5) hours per course: Documentation - Letter of approval.

Jurisprudence (NE Law) Examination

Five (5) hours of continuing education will be awarded for passing the Jurisprudence (NE LAW) Examination with a scaled score that is greater than or equal to 600.

Nebraska Law Tutorial

One (1) hour of continuing education will be awarded for passing the Nebraska Law Tutorial with a score of 100%.

Residency or Fellowship Program

A licensee or certificate holder will be awarded one (1) hour for each month of participation for the completion of a residency or fellowship program approved by the American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education. A letter verifying participation from the agency providing the program must be submitted. The dates of participation must be included in the letter.

Specialty Certification

Obtaining the initial Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) certificate issued by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).

Four (4) hours of continuing education will be awarded for the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) certificate during the two (2) years prior to the reinstatement application or license expiration date.


Direct supervision of students for clinical education:

The PT or PTA who is supervising the student must be an American Physical Therapy Association Credentialed Clinical Instructor of record at the Basic Level.

The student being supervised must be from an accredited physical therapist or physical therapist assistant program and participating in a full-time clinical experience of varying length.

Full-time is defined as clinical experiences with durations of approximately forty (40) hours per week ranging from 1-18 weeks.

One (1) hour will be awarded for every 160 contact hours of supervision of full-time physical therapist student or physical therapist assistant student.

A maximum of eight (8) hours for PT and four (4) hours for PTA per two (2) year period may be awarded to each individual for supervision of a s/PT or s/PTA.

The PT or PTA must have documentation from the accredited educational program indicating the number of hours spent supervising a student.

CPR Certification

Two (2) hours of credit will be awarded for a current Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for the Healthcare Provider (CPR) certificate.


One (1) hour credit will be awarded for each hour of scientific presentation by a licensee or certificate holder acting as an essayist or lecturer to licensed physical therapists and physical therapist assistants if the program relates to the theory or clinical application of theory pertaining to physical therapy.

A licensee or certificate holder may receive continuing education credit for only the initial presentation during a renewal period, with a maximum of four (4) hours of continuing education for presentations in a two (2) year renewal period.

Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?


What type of courses or activities are not allowed?

Continuing education credit will not be awarded for programs where the subject matter does not relate to the theory or clinical application of theory pertaining to the practice of physical therapy, including but not limited to:

    • Business communications and operations;
    • Medical terminology;
    • Courses which deal with personal self-improvement, financial gain, or career options;
    • Courses designed for lay persons;
    • Teaching unlicensed or uncertified persons;
    • Courses less than 60 minutes in duration;
    • Physical therapy on-the-job training;
    • Physical therapy orientation programs or staff meetings, including:
      • Orientation to new policies;
      • Procedures;
      • Equipment;
      • Forms;
      • Responsibilities; and
      • Services; and
    • Presentations made by students.

What type of approval is needed for the courses?

The Board does not approve continuing education programs or activities. In order for a continuing education activity or program to be accepted for renewal or reinstatement of a license, the activity or program must relate to physical therapy and may focus on research, treatment, documentation, management, or education.

What are the reporting requirements?


How long must continuing education records be retained?



Credential holders actively engaged in military service are not required to pay the renewal fee or meet the continuing competency requirements. The department may conduct an audit of military status. Each credential holder selected for audit must produce documentation of active military services within 30 days.




172 NAC 137.002.06

172 NAC 137.011

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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