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California PT Board Position Statements and Forms

Updated 9/10/2024

Position Statements

AG Opinion No. 65-21 - Diagnosis

AG Opinion No. 04-103 - Limited Liability Company

AG Opinion No. 75-282 - Manipulation

Practice by Electroneuromyography Certified Physical Therapists


Scope of Practice for Physical Therapists with an Electroneuromyography Certification

Staple & Suture Removal

Wound Debridement

Physical Therapist Assistants Serving in Leadership Roles

Physical Therapist Assistants Performing Functional Capacity Evaluations

Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants Receiving and Documenting Verbal Orders from a Physician

Acceptable Roles and Corresponding Limitations of the Physical Therapy Aide in Adult Day Health Care Setting

Clarification of Supervisory Responsibilities of the Physical Therapist when Supervising a Physical Therapy Aide and Section 1399 Requirements for Use of Aides

What are the Supervision Requirements for Physical Therapist Assistants?

Physical Therapists Providing Wellness within their Scope of Practice – Progress Notes Article

Use of Prefix, Affix, and Suffix - Board's Position on the Use of "Dr."

Legal vs. Competence - Are you Legal? What is Competence? Can You Demonstrate Your Competence?

Athletic Trainers in the Realm of Physical Therapy

Health Care Practitioner's Disclosure of Name and License Status

Clarification of a PT's Responsibility while Providing Supervised Training of an OT Obtaining Advanced Practice Certification in Hand Therapy or Physical Agent Modalities within the State of Calif.

Clarification of a PT's and OT's Scope of Practice within the State of Calif.


Applicant Forms

Licensee Forms

Continuing Competency

Mandatory Reporting

California Physical Therapy Board Fees

Physical Therapist


Application fee


Application fee foreign graduates


Initial license fee


Biennial renewal fee


Delinquency fee


Electromyography application fee


Electromyography renewal fee


Physical Therapy Assistant


Application and initial license fee


Foreign graduates


Biennial renewal fee


Delinquency fee



16 CCR § 1399.50

16 CCR § 1399.52

16 CCR § 1399.54

About Us

Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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