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Mississippi Physical Therapy Definitions

Act - The "Mississippi Physical Therapy Practice Law" sections 73-23-31 etseq. of Mississippi Code of 1972, annotated.

Board - The Mississippi Board of Physical Therapy.

Direct, On-site Supervision - Face-to-face oversight by a licensed PT or PT who holds the privilege to practice at regular intervals, as prescribed in regulations adopted by the board, of the services provided to a patient by a licensed PTA or PTA who holds the privilege to practice.

Direct Supervision - Face-to-face oversight at regular intervals of a PT issued a temporary license by a licensed PT.  Such direct supervision shall be in accordance with the regulations adopted by the board; however, a licensed PT shall be authorized to have direct supervision over not more than four (4) PTAs at one time.

Examination - A national examination approved by the board for the licensure of a PT or a PTA.

Face-to-Face - Within each other’s sight or presence at regular intervals.

Licensee - A person who has been issued a license to practice physical therapy or work as a PTA in the state or who holds the privilege to practice physical therapy or work as a PTA in the state.

Physical Therapy - The art and science of a health specialty concerned with the prevention of disability, and the physical rehabilitation for congenital or acquired physical or mental disabilities, resulting from or secondary to injury or disease.

Physical Therapist - A person licensed in Mississippi to practice physical therapy and whose license is in good standing, or a person who holds the privilege to practice.

Physical Therapist Assistant - A health care worker who assists a PT in the provision of physical therapy under the direct, on-site supervision of the PT. The PTA may perform physical therapy procedures and related tasks that have been selected and delegated by the supervising PT, but shall not perform the following physical therapy activities: interpretation of referrals; physical therapy initial evaluation and reevaluation; identification, determination or modification of plans of care (including goals and treatment programs); final discharge assessment/evaluation or establishment of the discharge plan; or therapeutic techniques beyond the skill and knowledge of the PTA.

Privilege to Practice - The authorization to practice as a PT in Mississippi or work as a PTA in this Mississippi under the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact.

Referral - The written or oral designation of physical therapy services by a doctor of medicine, dentistry, osteopathy, podiatry, or chiropractic, physician assistant, or by a nurse practitioner, holding a license in good standing under the laws of the state of Mississippi, another state, a territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia. The instruction may be as detailed or as general as the doctor, physician assistant or nurse practitioner in his or her sound discretion deems necessary in the particular case.

Regular Intervals - Every sixth (6th) treatment day or fourteenth calendar day, whichever comes first.


Miss. Code Ann. § 73-23-33

Miss. Code R. § 30-3101-1.3

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Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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