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Arizona Physical Therapy Continuing Education |
Updated 8/17/2024
How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?
Physical therapists licensed in Arizona must earn twenty (20) contact hours of continuing competence activities every two (2) years.
Physical therapy assistants certified in Arizona must earn ten (10) contact hours of continuing competence activities every two (2) years.
New Licensees
PT: If the licensee’s initial license is for one (1) year or less, the licensee shall earn ten (10) contact hours from Category A continuing competence activities during the initial compliance period. No more than five (5) of the required contact hours from Category A may be obtained from nonclinical course work.
PTA: If the certificate holder’s initial certificate is for one (1) year or less, the certificate holder shall earn six (6) contact hours from Category A continuing competence activities during the initial compliance period. No more than three (3) of the required contact hours from Category A may be obtained from nonclinical course work.
How is contact hour defined?
Sixty (60) minutes not including any breaks or meals.
How long is the reporting period?
The continuing competence compliance period for a licensee begins on September 1st following the issuance of an initial license or a license renewal and ends on August 31st of even-numbered years.
Due Date
August 31st of every even-numbered year.
Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?
No. A licensee cannot carry over contact hours from one compliance period to another.
Are there any specific requirements for continuing education?
A PT needs at least ten (10) contact hours from Category A continuing competence activities. No more than five (5) of the required contact hours from Category A shall be obtained from nonclinical course work.
No more than ten (10) contact hours may be earned by the PT during any compliance period from Categories B and C continuing competence activities. No more than five (5) contact hours from categories B and C may be obtained from nonclinical course work.
A PTA needs at least six (6) contact hours must be from Category A, up to the entire ten (10) contact hour requirement. No more than four (4) hours may be utilized from a combination of Category B and/or Category C activities.
What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?
Category A
Description |
Hour Calculation |
Maximum |
A physical therapy continuing education course designed to provide necessary understanding of current research, clinical skills, administration, or education related to the practice of physical therapy. |
Each sixty (60) minutes of instruction equals one contact hour. |
No Limit |
Coursework towards granting or renewal of a physical therapy clinical specialty certification approved by the Board. |
Each sixty (60) minutes of instruction equals one (1) contact hour. |
No Limit |
Coursework in a physical therapy clinical residency program. |
Each sixty (60) minutes of instruction equals one (1) contact hour. |
No Limit |
Coursework in a postgraduate physical therapy education from an accredited college or university. |
Each sixty (60) minutes of instruction equals one (1) contact hour. |
No Limit |
Category B
Activity |
Description |
Hour Calculation |
Maximum |
Study Group |
A study group is a structured meeting designed for the study of a clinical physical therapy topic dealing with current research, clinical skills, procedures or treatment related to the practice of physical therapy. |
A study group shall have a minimum of three (3) participants and two (2) hours of participation to equal one (1) contact hour. |
PT: Five (5) Hours PTA: Two (2) Hours |
Self-Instruction |
Self-instruction is a structured course of study relating to one clinical physical therapy topic dealing with current research, clinical skills, procedures, or treatment related to the practice of physical therapy. Self-instruction may be directed by a correspondence course, video, internet, or satellite program. |
Each sixty (60) minutes of self-instruction equals one (1) contact hour. |
PT: Five (5) Hour PTA: Two (2) Hours |
In-service Education |
In-service education is attendance at a presentation pertaining to current research, clinical skills, procedures, or treatment related to the practice of physical therapy or relating to patient welfare or safety, including CPR certification. |
Each sixty (60) minutes of in-service education equals one (1) contact hour. |
PT: Five (5) Hours PTA: Two (2) Hours |
Category C
Activity |
Description |
Hour Calculation |
Maximum |
Physical therapy practice management coursework |
Physical therapy practice management course work is course work concerning physical therapy administration, professional responsibility, ethical obligations, or legal requirements applicable to physical therapy practice settings. If the course is graded, a licensee shall receive a “pass” in a pass/fail course or a minimum of a C in a graded course to receive credit. |
Sixty (60) minutes of practice management coursework equals one (1) contact hour. |
PT: Five (5) Hours PTA: Two (2) Hours |
Teaching or Lecturing |
Teaching or lecturing is the presentation of an original educational program dealing with current research, clinical skills, procedures, treatment, or practice management related to the practice of physical therapy principally for health care professionals. Credit may be earned for teaching when the presentation is accompanied by written materials prepared, augmented, or updated by the presenter including course objectives and program content. |
One sixty (60) minute instructional period equals two and a half (2.5) contact hours. |
PT: Five (5) Hours PTA: Two (2) Hours Credit shall be given only once for a presentation within a compliance period. |
Publication |
Publication includes writing for professional publication, platform, or poster presentation abstracts that have direct application to the practice of physical therapy. Credit may be earned for publication of material that is a minimum of 1500 words in length and published by a recognized third-party publisher of physical therapy material. |
Each article published in a refereed journal, book chapter, or book equals five (5) contact hours for PTs and two (2) contact hours for PTAs. Articles published in non-refereed journals, magazines, newsletters, or periodicals equal two (2) contact hours for PTs and one (1) contact hour for PTAs. |
PT: Five (5) Hours PTA: Two (2) Hours |
Clinical Instruction |
Clinical instruction involves assisting a student PT or PTA or a PT resident or fellow acquire clinical skills required of a PT or PTA. An individual to whom clinical instruction is provided shall be enrolled in:
Each 120 hours of clinical instruction equals one (1) contact hour. |
PT: Five (5) Hours PTA: Two (2) Hours |
Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?
No more than ten (10) contact hours may be earned by the licensee during any compliance period from Categories B and C continuing competence activities. No more than five (5) contact hours from categories B and C may be obtained from nonclinical course work.
What type of approval is needed for the courses?
Category A continuing competence activities shall be approved by:
What type of courses or activities are not allowed?
A licensee shall not receive continuing competence credit for the following activities:
What are the reporting requirements?
An applicant for license renewal shall submit a signed statement to the Board with the renewal application stating whether continuing competence requirements have been fulfilled for the current compliance period.
How long must continuing education records be retained?
A licensed PT/PTA must retain evidence of participation in a continuing competence activity for the two (2) preceding compliance periods (four (4) years).
The Board may, at its discretion, waive continuing competence requirements on an individual basis for reasons of extreme hardship such as illness, disability, active service in the military, or other extraordinary circumstances as determined by the Board.
A PT/PTA who seeks a waiver of the continuing competence requirements shall provide to the Board, in writing, the specific reasons for requesting the waiver and additional information that the Board may request in support of the waiver.
A PT/PTA is subject to Board auditing for continuing competence compliance.
Selection for audit shall be random and notice of audit sent within sixty (60) calendar days following the license renewal deadline.
Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a notice of audit, the PT/PTA shall submit evidence to the Board that shows compliance with the requirements of continuing competence. Documentation of a continuing competence activity shall include:
4 A.A.C. 24-401
4 A.A.C. 24-402
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About Us Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply. Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices. | Join Us Join today as a yearly or monthly member and enjoy full access to the site and a significant discount to our live and recorded webinars. Members also have access to compliance and billing support. |