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Texas Speech Therapy Continuing Education

How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?

Speech-language pathologists licensed in Texas must complete twenty (20) clock hours (two CEUs) every two (2) years, with two (2) clock hours in ethics.

Individuals with a dual license in speech-language pathology and audiology must complete thirty (30) clock hours (three CEUs), with two (2) clock hours in ethics.

Interns in speech-language pathology license must complete ten (10) clock hours with one (1) clock hour in ethics in their first year.

Speech-language pathology assistants license in Texas must complete twenty (20) clock hours (two CEUs) every two (2) years, with two (2) clock hours in ethics.

How is credit hour defined?

A continuing education unit (CEU) is the basic unit of measurement used to credit individuals with continuing education activities for licensure. One (1) CEU is defined as ten (10) clock hours of participation in an approved continuing education experience.

A continuing education hour (clock hour) shall be fifty (50) minutes of attendance in an approved continuing education course.

Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?

Earned continuing education hours exceeding the minimum requirement in a previous renewal period shall first be applied to the continuing education requirement for the current renewal period.

    • A maximum of ten (10) additional clock hours may be accrued during a license period to be applied to the next consecutive renewal period. Two (2) of the ten (10) additional clock hours of the rollover hours may be in ethics.
    • A maximum of fifteen (15) additional clock hours may be accrued by dual speech-language pathology and audiology licensees during a license period to be applied to the next consecutive renewal period.

Are there any specific courses that must be taken?

Completion of the Jurisprudence Examination shall count as one (1) hour of the continuing education requirement for professional ethics per renewal period.

Two (2) hours of ethics.

What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?

Continuing professional education shall be earned in one of the following areas:

    • Basic communication processes;
    • Speech-language pathology;
    • Audiology;
    • Ethics; or
    • An area of study related to the areas listed above.

University or college course work completed with a grade of at least a "C" or for credit from an accredited college or university in the areas listed above shall be approved for ten (10) continuing education hours per semester hour, with a maximum of twenty (20) continuing education hours per course.

Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?


What type of courses or activities are not allowed?


What type of approval is needed for the courses?

All continuing education courses must be provided by a TDLR approved CE Sponsor.

    • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
    • Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association (TSHA)
    • American Academy of Audiology (AAA)
    • Texas Academy of Audiology (TAA)

What are the reporting requirements?

Proof of completion of a valid continuing education experience shall include the name of the licensee, the provider of the event, the title and date of the event, and the number of continuing education hours earned. Acceptable verification shall be:

    • A letter, Continuing Education (CE) registry, or form bearing a valid signature or verification as designated by the department approved provider;
    • In the event verification cannot be obtained, the department may accept verification from the presenter of an approved event if the presenter can also provide proof that the event was acceptable to an approved provider; or
    • An original or certified copy of the university or college transcript.

The documentation, certificates, diplomas, or other documentation verifying earning of continuing education hours shall not be forwarded to the department at the time of renewal unless the department selected the licensee for audit.

How long must continuing education records be retained?

The licensee shall be responsible for maintaining a record of his or her continuing education experiences for at least three (3) years.




The audit process shall be as follows.

    • The department shall select for audit a random sample of license holders for each renewal month. License holders will be notified of the continuing education audit when they receive their renewal documentation.
    • If selected for an audit, the licensee shall submit copies of certificates, transcripts or other documentation satisfactory to the department, verifying the licensee's attendance, participation and completion of the continuing education. All documentation must be provided at the time of renewal.
    • Failure to timely furnish this information or providing false information during the audit process or the renewal process are grounds for disciplinary action against the license holder.
    • A licensee who is selected for continuing education audit may renew through the online renewal process. However, the license will not be considered renewed until required continuing education documents are received, accepted and approved by the department.
    • Licenses will not be renewed until Continuing Education requirements have been met.


16 Tex. Admin. Code § 111.130

16 Tex. Admin. Code § 111.131

16 Tex. Admin. Code § 111.132

About Us

Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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