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Hawaii Physical Therapy Definitions

Accredited Physical Therapist Assistant Program - A post-secondary physical therapist assistant program that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education, its predecessor organization, or its successor organization.

Accredited Physical Therapy Program - A post-secondary physical therapy program that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education, its predecessor organization, or its successor organization.

APTA - The American Physical Therapy Association, which is the primary, voluntary, national professional organization of PTs and PTAs.

Board - The Hawaii Board of Physical Therapy.

Competence - The application of knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively, safely, ethically, and legally within the context of the individual's role and environment.

Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education or CAPTE - An independent accrediting body that is recognized by the United States Department of Education and by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation, or their successor organizations as the entity in the United States that is responsible for accrediting education programs for the preparation of PTs and PTAs.

Continuing Competence - The lifelong process of maintaining and documenting competence through ongoing self-assessment, development, and implementation of a personal learning plan, and subsequent reassessment.

Department - The department of commerce and consumer affairs, unless otherwise identified.

Director - The director of the department of commerce and consumer affairs or the director's departmental representative.

Educational Institution - Public and private schools, and colleges, the University of Hawaii, and other universities.

Encumbered - A license issued by any state or territory of the United States for the practice of physical therapy that is revoked, suspended, made probationary or conditional, or otherwise disciplined by the licensing or registering authority in that state or territory.

Evaluation - The process in which the PT makes clinical judgments based on data gathered during the physical therapy examination. Findings from the physical therapy examination are integrated to establish a diagnostic classification, prognosis, and plan of care. This process may identify problems that require consultation with or referral to another provider.

Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy or FSBPT- The not-for-profit organization established on February 12, 1987, under the laws of the State of Alabama. The FSBPT develops and administers the National Physical Therapy Examination and also works towards reasonable uniformity in regulation and standards through ongoing communications between it and the states and territories of the United States.

Foreign-Trained Person - A person who has completed an educational program or course of study in physical therapy in an institution located outside the United States.

Licensure Examination - A national physical therapy exam approved by the board for the licensure of a PT or PTA.

Patient - An individual who is the recipient of physical therapy examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, and intervention and who has a disease, disorder, condition, impairment, functional limitation, or disability and also includes a person who may engage the services of a PT, who can benefit from the physical therapist's consultation, interventions, professional advice, prevention services, or services promoting health, wellness, and fitness.

Physical Therapist - A person who is licensed to practice physical therapy in Hawaii.

Physical Therapist Assistant - A person who is licensed as a PTA in the State and assists the PT in selected components of treatment or intervention.

Physical Therapy - The examination, treatment, and instruction of human beings to detect, assess, prevent, correct, alleviate, and limit physical disability, bodily malfunction, pain from injury, disease, and any other physical or mental condition as performed by a physical therapist appropriately licensed in Hawaii.

Physical Therapy Examination - The process of obtaining a history, a systems review, and selecting and administering tests and measures to gather data about the patient. The initial physical therapy examination is a comprehensive screening and specific testing process.

Student - An individual who is currently enrolled in an accredited physical therapist assistant program or in an accredited physical therapy program.

Support or Auxiliary Personnel - A temporary physical therapist licensee or a physical therapy student who performs duties delegated by a supervising PT.

Temporary Physical Therapist Licensee - A person who meets the applicable requirements set forth in section 16-110-40.

Treatment or Intervention - Purposeful and skilled interaction between the PT, PTA, temporary physical therapist licensee or student and the patient in the care of the patient using various physical therapy methods and techniques to produce changes in the patient's condition that are consistent with the diagnosis and treatment.

Unit - A relative value assigned to continuing competence activities in which one continuing competence unit is equivalent to at least fifty (50) minutes of classroom or hands on instruction.


HRS §461J-1

HAR §16-110-2

About Us

Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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