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Connecticut OT Scope of Practice

How is occupational therapy defined in Connecticut?

"Occupational therapy" means the evaluation, planning, and implementation of a program of purposeful activities to develop or maintain adaptive skills necessary to achieve the maximal physical and mental functioning of the individual in his daily pursuits.

What is included in the practice of occupational therapy?

The practice of occupational therapy in Connecticut includes, but is not limited to:

Evaluation and treatment of individuals whose abilities to cope with the tasks of living are threatened or impaired by developmental deficits, the aging process, learning disabilities, poverty and cultural differences, physical injury or disease, psychological and social disabilities, or anticipated dysfunction, using:

    • Treatment techniques as task-oriented activities to prevent or correct physical or emotional deficits or to minimize the disabling effect of these deficits in the life of the individual,
    • Evaluation techniques as assessment of sensory motor abilities, assessment of the development of self-care activities and capacity for independence, assessment of the physical capacity for prevocational and work tasks, assessment of play and leisure performance, and appraisal of living areas for the handicapped.

Specific occupational therapy techniques such as:

    • Activities of daily living skills,
    • The fabrication and application of splinting devices,
    • Sensory motor activities,
    • The use of specifically designed manual and creative activities,
    • Guidance in the selection and use of adaptive equipment,
    • Specific exercises to enhance functional performance, and
    • Treatment techniques for physical capabilities for work activities.

Such techniques are applied in the treatment of individual patients or clients, in groups, or through social systems.

What is specifically excluded from the practice?


Are there any special trainings or requirements?



Conn. Gen. Stat. §376a-20-74a

About Us

Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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