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Ohio Physical and Occupational Therapy Law Updates

1 Jan 2023 8:48 AM | Zachary Edgar (Administrator)

Ohio Revised Code 4755.01

• Allows a member of the OTPTAT Board to serve as a voting member for up to 90 days after their term expires (instead of 60 days). 

Ohio Revised Code 4755.42/4755.421/4755.48

• Updates the educational requirements to receive a license as a physical therapist to having graduated from an accredited PT program.

• Updates the educational requirements to receive a license as a physical therapist assistant to having graduated from an accredited PTA program.

• Removes the requirement of submission of a photograph for licensure. 

Ohio Revised Code 4755.47

• Cross references the definitions for both sexual conduct and sexual contact across all parts of the statute to ensure the Board has sufficient authority for discipline for egregious offenses of a sexual nature.

• Defines and prohibits sexual conduct, sexual contact, and sexually demeaning verbal behavior as prohibited with a patient.

Ohio Revised Code ORC 4755.47/4755.70

• Implements House Bill 263, which limits the criminal offenses for which the OTPTAT Board may deny an initial license application. 

Ohio Revised Code 4755.48/4755.57/4755.571 Physical therapy licensure compact.

• Enacts the PT Compact. The Physical Therapy Licensure Compact (PT Compact) is an interstate compact, or a formal agreement among states, to facilitate interstate practice of physical therapy.

• Under the PT Compact, Physical Therapists (PTs) and Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs) who are licensed in good standing in a Compact member state may practice in other Compact member states via a “compact privilege,” which is equivalent to a license.

• The PT Compact establishes a licensure data system allowing for instantaneous verification of licensure information. The Compact also establishes an interstate commission, an instrumentality of the states composed of member state officials, to carry out the purposes of the Compact. 

Ohio Revised Code 4755.90 and 4743.09 Telehealth services.

• Defines the provision of telehealth services in Ohio.

About Us

Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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