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Arizona Physical Therapy FAQs

10 May 2019 3:08 PM | Zachary Edgar (Administrator)

Arizona Physical Therapy

Welcome to our Arizona Physical Therapy FAQs.  We've combined the state laws, board rules, and statements to create a clear guide on the rules that must be followed by PTs and PTAs in Arizona.

Arizona Medicaid Coverage of Physical and Occupational Therapy 

Arizona Physical Therapy Forum


Arizona PT Continuing Education Requirements 

  • How many continuing education hours are required during a reporting period?
  • How is credit hour defined?
  • How long is the reporting period?
  • Due Date
  • Can CE credits be carried over into the next reporting period?
  • Are there any specific requirements for continuing education?
  • What types of activities can be used for the continuing education requirements?
  • Are there limitations on the types of courses that can be taken?
  • What type of approval is needed for the courses?
  • What type of courses or activities are not allowed?
  • What are the reporting requirements?
  • How long must continuing education records be retained?
  • Request to waive CE requirements
  • What happens if I am audited?

      Arizona PT Scope of Practice 

      • How is the practice of Physical Therapy defined in Arizona?
      • Services specifically excluded from the scope of practice
      • Are PTs allowed to practice dry needling?
      • Are PTs allowed to practice electromyography?
      • Are PTs allowed to practice wound care/sharp debridement?

      Arizona PT Telehealth

      • Can PTs practice through telehealth?
      • Informed consent
      • Confidentiality requirements

      Arizona PT Dry Needling

      • Proof of compliance
      • Dry needling course requirements
      • Standard of care when practicing dry needling

      Arizona PT Referrals and Direct Access  

      • Is a referral required to provide PT services?
      • Does the physical therapist need to be in communication with the referring provider?
      • When does a PT have to refer a patient to a physician?

      Arizona PT Supervision and Delegation

      • Supervision Definitions
      • Which services can only be performed by a licensed physical therapist?
      • What are the therapist’s obligations to the patient’s rights?
      • What are the responsibilities of the PT when delegating?

      Arizona PT Assistants

      • Which services are PTAs allowed to practice?
      • Are there specific services that PTAs are prohibited from practicing?
      • What type of supervision is required?
      • Responsibilities of the physical therapist before delegating to an assistant?
      • What are the assistant’s documentation responsibilities?
      • Does the supervising physical therapist need to co-sign documentation created by the PTA?
      • What is the ratio between supervising PTs and PTAs?
      • Required designation for assistants

      Arizona PT Aides

      • What can an aide do?
      • What is an aide expressly prohibited from doing?
      • What are the responsibilities of the PT when delegating to an aide?
      • What type of supervision is required?
      • Co-signature requirements for assistive personnel
      • What is the ratio between supervising PTs and aides?
      • Required designation for aides

      Arizona PT/PTA Students

      • Can students practice in a clinical setting?
      • What kind of supervision is required for student PTs and PTAs?
      • How must students identify themselves?

      Arizona PT New Graduates

      • What can new graduates do in practice?
      • How are new graduates categorized?
      • Which tasks can be delegated to a new graduate?
      • What kind of supervision is required?
      • Documentation and co-signatures

      Arizona PT Interim Permits

      • Who is eligible for an interim permit?
      • Does an applicant need to pass the national exam before receiving an interim permit?
      • What needs to be submitted to the board?
      • How long does an interim permit last?
      • Clinical practice requirements for an interim permit holder
      • How is “on-site” supervision defined?
      • What are the responsibilities of the clinical supervisor?
      • What happens after the board receive the mid-point rating?
      • What happens after the completion rating?

      Arizona PT Patient Records

      • What must be included in the patient record?
      • What are the physical therapist’s documentation responsibilities?
      • What is required for an initial evaluation?
      • What is required on each treatment note?
      • When is a reevaluation/reassessment required?
      • What is required in the discharge summary?
      • Unprofessional conduct related to documentation

      Arizona Medical Record Retention and Release

      • How long must I retain patient records?
      • How much can I charge a patient for copies of their records?
      • If a patient requests their records how long do I have to respond?
      • Can I deny a patient’s request for their records?
      • What do I need to document if I deny my patient their records?

      Arizona PT Identification, Notification, and Disclosure

      • How can I use “Dr” in my title?
      • Designation of a physical therapist
      • Are there any specific requirements for posting notifications or licenses?
      • Physician financial interest disclosure to the patient
      • When does a PT have to notify the board of any information changes?

      Practice by PTs Licensed outside of Arizona

      • Can I practice in Arizona if I am licensed in another state?
      • Federal Employees and Military Personnel
      • Temporary Practice
      • Athletic Teams and Performing Arts Companies
      • National Disasters and Emergencies

      Arizona PT Retired Status

      • What can I perform while on “retired status”?
      • Does “retired status” need to be renewed?
      • How can I reinstate my license to “active status”?
      • Designation of PTs and PTAs on “retired status”

      Arizona PT Inactive Status

      • What can I perform while on “inactive status”?
      • Does “inactive status” need to be renewed?
      • How can I change “inactive status” to “active”?

      Arizona PT Unprofessional Conduct

      • When am I obligated to report to the board?
      • Documentation
      • Supervision
      • Incapacity
      • License
      • Patient Interaction
      • Arrests, convictions, lawsuits

      About Us

      Zachary Edgar JD, LLM is the managing partner for Therapy Comply.  Zachary is a healthcare attorney that specializes in federal and state healthcare regulatory issues particularly for physical, occupational, and speech therapy practices.  

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